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Someone fairly prominent on the other (and first) BIG forum I refrequent, HCRealms, has just passed away.


Made worse by the fact one of the last threads he posted was about his leg being fractured, and being stranded in the snowy wilderness where he lived (cut off from everything), and the fact with no insurance, he couldn't pay for it. He said it he wished he'd just died rather than been so helpless.


He died from complications arising from surgery, and with no insurance, he couldn't do anything about it...



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well, what a day. i broke a bathtub in half with a hammer, smashed tiles off a wall and generaly acted like a man. then my friend appeared nude on facebook, and playing with her self. i told her it had happened, after saving the vids obv and turns out shes been hacked. creditcards the lot. sucks for her but she looks goooooood.

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well, what a day. i broke a bathtub in half with a hammer, smashed tiles off a wall and generaly acted like a man. then my friend appeared nude on facebook, and playing with her self. i told her it had happened, after saving the vids obv and turns out shes been hacked. creditcards the lot. sucks for her but she looks goooooood.

She saved the vids, she should be proud of her art being displayed.

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Raining has just proposed to me. Where going to get married next year in NI and you're all invited.


I bagsy being the one who bursts in dramatically and declares that I'm the one you really love.


Anyway, I'm now sat at my laptop totally refreshed, showered, toweled (with Egyptian cotton, no less) clear headed and caffeine free. Tonight is the night I finally finish my wretched assignment. Oh yes indeed.

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hum, got a message saying a thread i created was deleted...


i have no issue with this, but i dont remember making the thread. oh well, it sounds like what id do when drunk or somthing.


outher then that just now ready for a night out in newcastle. fun times ahead!



oh, and found all my old mighty max toys in the loft, one's still in its box. im trying to flog it off. hopefully get a bit for it.

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I went into university and met up with everyone. We headed of for the demo. Marched around for a bit.


Our banner:




Sadly I couldn't be there when it kicked off at Starbucks. I had to leave at about 2 to meet up with some friends and we headed off to the Emirates to see Arsenal play Bolton. A bit of a dull match but it was funny watching a football match from a neutral perspective. People do talk crap.


Went and had a few drinks with my friends. Was a lot of fun. A good Sunday.


Think I'm going to watch The Prestige on Blu Ray in a bit.

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Got back from the family reunion thing, where I spent about 4 hours just standing/sitting around, eating some stuff and barely talking to anyone, haha. Seriously, me and my sisters feel a bit left out from the rest of our family. There's two cousins who are a bit younger than us who we talked to for a bit (as they sat at our table), and later on two other cousins our age joined our table. But the other 40 something people are just... not interested in us or whatever.


But yeah, had food (Spanish stuff, so paella, tortilla, other stuff) and some alcohol. Am a tiny bit tipsy, which I needed so I wouldn't get deadly bored up there. Helped in preparing the dessert: apple strudel with ice cream (I helped prepare the apple strudel, putting the apple stuff in there and stuff, whoo).


Also, my favourite cousin set up a little stand where she sold food stuff from Palestine, and I think the money would go to help the cause there. Lots of our family bought stuff (including my parents), so I bet she's happy with that. ^_____^


Came home and spent about half an hour playing with my dog in the snow, haha. The snow is crappy though, it's the powdery and you can't make any snowballs with it. So I just kept throwing it in the air and on top of my dog. Was funny. =P


*returns to her studying, if she can even read the words*

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Went and had a few drinks with my friends. Was a lot of fun. A good Sunday.


It may be tomorrow...(yes I enjoy pointing out others faults...its a habbit)


Saw one of those protests in town too. Was interested but it was a right mess, people milling about everywhere and I had wasted enough time in town already.


Eenuh its like that whenever I go to any kind of family events. However I don't speak to my elder brother, my little brother is a short fused brat so he's normally in a mood, my one cousin is a right nerd, and my other cousins are young (11/5) so im on my todd. Oddly, the last family gather I spent most of the time talking to my mother's boyfriend/housemate thing.

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I had to leave at about 2 to meet up with some friends and we headed off to the Emirates to see Arsenal play Bolton. A bit of a dull match but it was funny watching a football match from a neutral perspective. People do talk crap.

You went to the Emirates as a neutral? But, I'm a bolton fan, I could have gone. Wellll, I'm ill and can't really go anywhere, but still! :heh: Nah apparently the man on the radio said the first half was the most dull he'd ever seen in his life, shame really. Good banner by the way!

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i agree. i mean i feel bad for her, but shes also a hottie. difficult morals were involved.


i'll probebly delete them in shame at some point in the next 3 years when i get a random "what am i doing with my life?" attack


You know the only thing to do is to upload them somewhere for all the internet to see.


Eenuh its like that whenever I go to any kind of family events. However I don't speak to my elder brother, my little brother is a short fused brat so he's normally in a mood, my one cousin is a right nerd, and my other cousins are young (11/5) so im on my todd. Oddly, the last family gather I spent most of the time talking to my mother's boyfriend/housemate thing.


Dude. You're an admin on a Nintendo fanforum. :p

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Dude. You're an admin on a Nintendo fanforum. :p


Geek and nerds are two different things :p


And I got admin due to process of elimination. Others left, I moved up the ladder. And at least I can keep up a conversation about something other than the trips my daddy takes me on (because...my dad doesn't do anything) and my schoolwork.


And you've got Rimmer(With a Holo Virus) as your Avy and sig...



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Someone fairly prominent on the other (and first) BIG forum I refrequent, HCRealms, has just passed away.


Made worse by the fact one of the last threads he posted was about his leg being fractured, and being stranded in the snowy wilderness where he lived (cut off from everything), and the fact with no insurance, he couldn't pay for it. He said it he wished he'd just died rather than been so helpless.


He died from complications arising from surgery, and with no insurance, he couldn't do anything about it...




So bad. Actually couldn't believe it. Was reading his thread, then all of a sudden one of the replies said "RIP" I was like....what? What the hell? So sad. :(




Am I weird for my fingers hurting a bit after bowling? Probably cos' I punish the pins so relentlessly.


Seeing my dad/cousin twice/three/ish/removed/attached/ god mother/sister/and other people tomorrow for a meal in a pub. Should be pretty nice. Have to tame my craziness a bit.


Crap can't remember what I was gonna say...thats annoying. Anyway, for anyone who cares the plans have been released for Alton Towers 2010 coaster. As I mentioned the other day it is indeed a Switch Back, and it is themed around a derelict part of Alton Towers as in run down old building. It looks like it has a LOT of potential. Hopefully it will be accompanied by a good storyline.


Hopefully planning a kick ass forum game for the playground, but it will need some heavy planning. It is an adaption of an existing game though...may not even work forum based. I need to think about it.


Seriously what was I gonna say? Damn.

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