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WFH! What type of business do people phone about at your call centre?


you would genuinely think it was a sex line sometimes, the way he behaves o_o



We actually work for the nhs. Yes the feckin nhs, lol. I mean for gods sake probably the first place you'd expect to be professional. And I know for certain the people encouraging his dickish behaviour are staff from the health centres, who should be professional too!


I just facepalm it all. :shakehead

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Plus its like russian roulette. You have no idea what they look like so you could end up having to shoot yourself.


Post in the wrong topic?


you would genuinely think it was a sex line sometimes, the way he behaves o_o



We actually work for the nhs. Yes the feckin nhs, lol. I mean for gods sake probably the first place you'd expect to be professional. And I know for certain the people encouraging his dickish behaviour are staff from the health centres, who should be professional too!


I just facepalm it all. :shakehead


Meh at his behaviour then for helping the sick.

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Post in the wrong topic?




This colleague of R_A(arrrgh!)'s is recieveing phone calls from people and then asking them for their phone numbers. How does he know he's not talking to this?


Ergo its like Russian Roulette. You take a shot and there's a chance...but its slim.

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This colleague of R_A(arrrgh!)'s is recieveing phone calls from people and then asking them for their phone numbers. How does he know he's not talking to this?


Ergo its like Russian Roulette. You take a shot and there's a chance...but its slim.


I thought it was aimed in my direction but didn't want to look like a dumbass if it wasn't. :heh: Thing is what these/this girl(s) don't know is that he behaves like this with ALL of them. Also he has a girlfriend - who is also a really nice person.


And yeah, god only knows what you could be talking to on the other end! >_>

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This colleague of R_A(arrrgh!)'s is recieveing phone calls from people and then asking them for their phone numbers. How does he know he's not talking to this?


Ergo its like Russian Roulette. You take a shot and there's a chance...but its slim.


Think about all the poor people calling up a call centre every day and end up talking to...this!

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I've been working since 3pm this afternoon non-stop, but I think I have finally completed both my AS and A2 psychology coursework. At this very moment, right now I am the happiest man on earth.


23 pages/19 pages of hell. *someone high five me*


Still haven't been in college since it started again. Effing chest infection won't go away.

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More france than english..? Surely.


My day has been a total waste of my time and it's only 11am. Got up at 1am, because somebody text me at 11pm and I just couldn't get back to sleep after that. Watched tv, played zelda for a long long time. Got out of bed at 6 and stayed up and waited til just now for the gas guy to turn up.


I have no idea what he's doing, but I reckon he hoovered up at some point. Bless.


Got cinema tonight, going to watch the spirit I think either that or yes man. Hmmf.

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One of our lecturers is Canadian. Always makes me laugh when he says 'out' or similar ('about' etc).


Think about all the poor people calling up a call centre every day and end up talking to...this!




I've been working since 3pm this afternoon non-stop, but I think I have finally completed both my AS and A2 psychology coursework. At this very moment, right now I am the happiest man on earth.


23 pages/19 pages of hell. *someone high five me*


Still haven't been in college since it started again. Effing chest infection won't go away.


*high five*


Been up for nearly two hours and spent the first hour trying to force myself to do something. Finally finished my script and seem to have been a lot more concise with the last part. Perhaps a bit too concise as the first act is 15 pages and the second is 7 now. Hmph. But still its a first draft. Im hoping my housemate's printer has ink because I don't fancy the 45 minute round walk to uni to print this off. Plus the £1.10 printing cost :p


Got some emails back so will deal with those. Apparently my postgrad applicaiton should be dealt with within a few weeks unless theres any problems as they don't get many at this time of year. I've just gotta hope my lecturers send off the references soon. They have had about a month. Holidays schmolidays :p


And the Zelda philosophy book should be with me in a few weeks apparently. :)

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Heh, I'm being horrible at studying.

I actually got up at 8 this morning, but then sat around on the internet until 9, before I actually started. Then I studied until about 10:45-11 I think. At which point I decided I was tired and would get a one hour nap, which ended up lasting two hours. X3


So yeah, now it's a bit past 1pm and I still haven't done that much, haha.

*goes back to her books*

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Is it as Terence and Phillip make it oot to be?


Not unless i've missed the episode in which they're sarcastic megalomaniacs no.


lols. Just starting printing out my work on my housemate's printer and a naked photo of her printed out first.

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Last exam at two! At Headingley Campus now doing some last minute preparation. Exam is on highway Engineering and is definately my worst module of the year so any marks in this are a bonus :) Im just thinking about it in the form that its one module of 8 this year and the year is worth 25% of my degree so the module is an 8th of 25% so not that much really. Plus i aced all my other exams :D so they are dragging this mark-to-be up kicking and screaming :)

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Guest Jordan

About to start playing Killzone 2 :awesome:


You're a bastard :p


As long as you don't get Street Fighter IV before me... I'll be fine *breathes heavily*.

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