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Still awake! Muahaha :P I suppose it's a good thing that my tutor emailed me to say the seminar's off today. Just got to try and stay awake 'til a good decent time so that I can wake up and greet my visiting brightonians tomorrow afternoon :D


Start Prison Break. Its awesome because its amazing.


Right. Time to start writing some stuff down. :)

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It took me an hour to get out of bed this morning. I'm getting lazier and lazier.


And rather than doing uni work I'm watching my hamster. Strange creature it is.


Really don't want to wrap myself up and brave the cruel outside world, cursed assignment hand-in dates!

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Great stuff, Drum pedal replacement is on the way, got some MS points and have exported RB1 songs in to RB2 thus all is well.


Also this happened on an IRC I'm on which I was happy with..

(11:47:30) lildeviant: goddam vpn is still freezing :/

(11:47:59) lildeviant: bet theres some weird lag on level 3 or something

(11:48:17) Schmeisser: i hate snow :S

(11:48:19) Dyson: HAve you tried tightening up the graphics on that level?

(11:48:22) Gunba: I want to see snow

(11:48:31) %Rincewind: does it ever snow in australia

(11:48:31) Dyson: I heard level 3 could do with some graphic tightening

(11:48:36) lildeviant: ??

(11:48:40) lildeviant: level 3 is a network transit provider

(11:48:45) Gunba: yes

(11:48:46) Gunba: just fix the graphics

(11:48:50) Dyson: Exactly

(11:48:51) Dyson: duh

(11:48:51) lildeviant: ...

(11:48:56) lildeviant: You're clearly misunderstanding

(11:48:57) lildeviant: but nvm

(11:48:58) Dyson: Tighten up the graphics on level 3

(11:49:00) Gunba: no

(11:49:02) Gunba: just tighten up the graphics

(11:49:04) Gunba: it makes perfect sense

(11:49:07) Gunba: it will run faster.

(11:49:17) lildeviant: Graphics has nothing to do with networking

(11:49:18) Dyson: Guarantee

(11:49:23) Dyson: No just listen to us

(11:49:28) Dyson: All you need to do is tighten up the graphics

(11:49:30) Gunba: lildeviant just tighten up the graphics on level 3

(11:49:30) Dyson: I swear

(11:49:34) lildeviant: ...

(11:49:36) Gunba: it'll speed it right up

(11:49:38) Gunba: lag will be gone

(11:49:42) * lildeviant puts you both on ignore and gets on with it

(11:49:45) Gunba: rofl

(11:49:47) Dyson: rofl


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I get to e-mail my essays in so I wouldn't actually have to go into uni today but I promised to hand in my friend's essays because he is in America. That's the price of being a friend. :heh:



I've got quite far so far. Written "Various things" underlined, and then the name of the first idea lol. TBF I'm being distracted by people in email though....


Good. Don't let the e-mails Bring you Down. Obscure Justice remix reference.

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I get to e-mail my essays in so I wouldn't actually have to go into uni today but I promised to hand in my friend's essays because he is in America. That's the price of being a friend. :heh:




Good. Don't let the e-mails Bring you Down. Obscure Justice remix reference.


Well I need to do laundry too which means I have to hang around on campus for 90 minutes. And im not sure what im going to do in that time because I can't be bothered to lug my laptop with me, and the uni computers are shit (and no doubt will have all the sports students on doing their assignments at the last minute)


(also I did one of those crappy "which VM character are you?" last night while procrastinating and I got Veronica. Although "you're quite handy with a Taser" just reminded me how much I want a taser :()

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Bah I ended up out of bed at 4:30am, dad was off to work at the same time anyway, won't see him til Friday. It's crap, really really crap and I hate this country..it's so shite that by march he'll be in dubai.


Crappy mood, a friend really let me down last night, went to town, drove in snow for the first time. Nothing interesting today. Go figure.

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Nearly turned around and went home at 7:50am this morning. Was heading down the hill towards work then i couldn't go any further because the whole path and the underpass was frozen over with ice literratly. Every path was covered in ice, and the friggin council didn't put salt down. People on the otherside of the underpass couldn't get through either.


Somehow made it though, took my shoes off to walk. Somehow socks have better grip than shoes. Then work doesn't have the heating on because it is broken. Its just come on now, so warming up nice now.

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S'not that cold gringo's! I've been riding to/from work without wearing a coat. Quite refreshing, but my fingers get chilly.

Right. Time to start writing some stuff down. :)

You aint' gonna write shit.


I've been applying to go on one of these summer camp things in the US, I'm hoping to have been an amazing role model to the kiddies in Yankyland by the end of the year.

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Going to head to uni in a few minutes (after I get all my stuff together) to print and give in assignments and just checked my emails;




Geeky lols. And I didn't even request them first (didn't even know about it). Man I wish I could travel to Papen County.


Regardless. My personal tutor has got back to me and said I can go see her tomorrow about my masters application form....at 11am. Curses, too early for my likings :p

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Really bored. Nothing to do and I'm hungry but there's nothing to eat. I would go out and get something but it's really not my job to stock up the fridge with foodstuffs. Plus, it's bloody cold and there's quite a bit of snow outside so I don't feel like trudging through it to get to the shops.


Trying to think of something to do. Don't wanna sit and play something, don't wanna watch anything and don't want to listen to music on it's own. hmmm... wish it wasn't another 2 weeks till Uni starts again.

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Oh my god. Unbelievable. Theres this tosser who works for another area/department of my business, and he is actually the worlds biggest cock. Literally every time I've spoken to him hes been a MASSIVE massive arse hole. Honestly.


Great story. I like the direction you took it in.

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