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I have the next 5 days off, if i can't procure a 1500 word essay on whether nations truely exist then whats wrong with me?


It would be quicker to list what's right with you, methinks... :heh:


Dommy, I haven't seen you in ages, come Christmas time, we need to partake in some serious pubbage/360'age ("don't worry guys, I'm here!").

In yo faces, essaydoers! Had my hectic month, i can start to feel SANE again! Brief note; check the playground, I'm running an xmas special BISH. Signerup if you please.


nightwolf; is that question asking about how a player can alter the environment of a game world directly, then?



Lucky you..


No, it's about how a game becomes a world, how you go from say gears of war to having a virtual world of gears. So currently I'm writing about with a game there will be a door or a sea you can't get pass or into, but with a world you can get through it and past it to find out what it is.


Bit confusing, but it makes sense in my head.


edit: I want to quit uni.

It would be quicker to list what's right with you, methinks... :heh:


Dommy, I haven't seen you in ages, come Christmas time, we need to partake in some serious pubbage/360'age ("don't worry guys, I'm here!").


Atm not much is body wise, i worked up a (get this) cold sweat in a 30 second walk, my seminar leader sent me home and was wondering whether i need an essay extension, but after i said i felt better than yesterday she said it was probably an extreme 24 hour thing that lasted...longer than 24 hours.


And yes, i can't wait to cock things up on various halofied maps =D

Atm not much is body wise, i worked up a (get this) cold sweat in a 30 second walk, my seminar leader sent me home and was wondering whether i need an essay extension, but after i said i felt better than yesterday she said it was probably an extreme 24 hour thing that lasted...longer than 24 hours.


And yes, i can't wait to cock things up on various halofied maps =D


Hmm, maybe you have aids? Or 'flu? I had tonsillitis, which gave my a 24 hour fever, so it could really be anything. Considered seeing a doctor?


On the Xbox front, I'll get a month of 'Live so us 'usual lot' can work as a 'team' again some cocky Yanks. Oh, and I have some new (since you last played it) CoD4 maps, so it might be worth breaking out the C4, gunships and M16's again.


@ Nightwolf - So you're writing about things such as musical context and graphics, how they can make a game more than just a game and into a world, something believeable? Sounds interesting. Find it strange that you have to write essays for a games design course though. Shouldn't they be teaching you about the industry's latest tech so that when you leave with your degree it'll be easier to get a job at a developer as you'll have skills which will be applicable?


Fuck. Yeah.


Ya heard me bitches!


What a lunch. What a lunch. Check my bank balance....heart beating....BOOM significantly better off than I thought I would be (I have -£480 or so, and I was worried it would be -£750 or so) so that made me very happy. Checked the limit of my overdraft with a bank helper person and BOOM I was fearing it was gonna be less than £1000 (which Ill need with Christmas) and WHAM £1250. Legend.


It doesn't end there.


Spenno and I then went off to Ladbrokes and played the old digital roulette machines. OMG. Gambling is amazing. And I'm sorry but it is. If you lose, you just double your bet, and so on until you win. Just don't play so you run out of money. Anyway Spenno put on £20 and came out with £28.50 and I did £10 (y'know...debt) and came out with £17.50.


Happy fucking days.

@ Nightwolf - So you're writing about things such as musical context and graphics, how they can make a game more than just a game and into a world, something believeable? Sounds interesting. Find it strange that you have to write essays for a games design course though. Shouldn't they be teaching you about the industry's latest tech so that when you leave with your degree it'll be easier to get a job at a developer as you'll have skills which will be applicable?



I think so, I mean with a game you are restricted and you know it's a game, I mean you wouldn't call second life a game, you'd call it a virtual world, although it could ideally be made into a game (like the sims). It's just getting fustrating, I can't reference anything because I don't have anything to reference from, I don't even know what havard referencing is.


You'd think that. I really don't understand why I worked so hard to be here, I was doing most of the at college..I just feel like I'm completely wasting my time being here and it's destroying, so fucking annoying to be here when the tutors don't even stick around to help and force subs on us instead..this isn't what I wanted to be doing..I understand the first year is abit for everybody...but it's not, it's for the animations benefit. I'm doing stock motion and after effects, the only useful thing I've done is a presentation on the game i'm making and even then the woman who teaches me flash currently has just nabbed it off the net and told us to copy it from the print outs! ARGHH.


^ What are you looking to reference? Other games which represent virtual worlds? If so, you could look at something like Beyond Good and Evil. Ok, it is a game but the way in which the story is told and grabs hold of the reader, along with the score and how lived in the place is, makes it feel more like you are guiding Jade through a virtual world.

Shouldn't they be teaching you about the industry's latest tech so that when you leave with your degree it'll be easier to get a job at a developer as you'll have skills which will be applicable?


This seems to be a massive issue for this industry right now. Lots of so called specialist courses that don't actually teach people the relevant skills they need for the jobs that are going.


It's still early days for these courses so hopefully they will improve with time, it's a shame though as for most people they'd be better off with a standard programming or art etc. degree with transferable skills they can bring to the industry.


I was going to do programming and though it wasn't for me.


Not really gamer. I need stuff that helps with a game turning into a virtual world. Technically I could use beyond good and evil..but ideally I want ''games'' that don't end, a virtual world doesn't end whereas games tend to have a start and finish regardless of where they go in the process.

I was going to do programming and though it wasn't for me.


Not really gamer. I need stuff that helps with a game turning into a virtual world. Technically I could use beyond good and evil..but ideally I want ''games'' that don't end, a virtual world doesn't end whereas games tend to have a start and finish regardless of where they go in the process.


But thats more the ending of a story, the world itself is still there. Like Zelda for instance, you can still search, look around, fight enemies etc even after the story is complete.

I was going to do programming and though it wasn't for me.


Not really gamer. I need stuff that helps with a game turning into a virtual world. Technically I could use beyond good and evil..but ideally I want ''games'' that don't end, a virtual world doesn't end whereas games tend to have a start and finish regardless of where they go in the process.


i surgest oblivion




still laughing about somthing that happend yeasterday. played waio ware with mates, one got the skipping game and jumped, smack into the light. i almost weed


hmmm... that really is tough then because basically all you have to work with are things like Second Life and WoW. You do have Oblivion which is similar. Ok, the main story ends but the actual game doesn't and you can continue to traverse the land for hours on end, similar to WoW.

I was going to do programming and though it wasn't for me.


Not really gamer. I need stuff that helps with a game turning into a virtual world. Technically I could use beyond good and evil..but ideally I want ''games'' that don't end, a virtual world doesn't end whereas games tend to have a start and finish regardless of where they go in the process.


If you've not seen it yet, I'd recommend Farcry 2 as a good example of a very substantial virtual world that's quite heavily limited by game mechanics and so on. Environmentally, it's a stunning realisation. As a world you influence, it's very much static and your presence has little effect.

Spenno and I then went off to Ladbrokes and played the old digital roulette machines. OMG. Gambling is amazing. And I'm sorry but it is. If you lose, you just double your bet, and so on until you win. Just don't play so you run out of money. Anyway Spenno put on £20 and came out with £28.50 and I did £10 (y'know...debt) and came out with £17.50.


Happy fucking days.

I don't really trust the digital ones... I prefer pr0 physical roulette gamage.

Fable is a recent example and grand theft auto


Fable has endings, not sure about grand theft auto. Virtual worlds are like wow or second life, they continue regardless, whereas games have lots of things to do but have a start and finish.


edit: I'll look into far cry, but I'm sure that's just a game too..this is where it gets fustrating because I could easily write about games about the effect they have on people, but how they change to become virtual worlds is something else..


hmm Oblivion, good idea. I have that game too which helps.


now I just need to find lots of papers to grab references...eurgh..

I don't really trust the digital ones... I prefer pr0 physical roulette gamage.


I was skeptical at first too, but I swear to you myself and about four people at work have not lost yet. Well one has, but he was foolish.


Its a wicked feeling. I know the limits though, blah blah blah.



Dom; that nations question is excellent. My ex had a similar one about 'countries' for her geog. course. for 1,500 you shouldn't have too much problem -- with the philosophical side, anyway. What unites a bunch of people to stand under the same flag? Language, land, what? Wish I had an essay like that.


"critically evaluate the claim that nations are 'imagined communities' (anderson)"


Anderson being the guy who came up with the theory. He's saying that what binds us as nations is precisely that, your language, land, culture. But when you say a nation is a big community, then you get problems, we don't talk to everyone in the nation, we most likely will never meet everyone in the nation

but we call call ourselves british or what not, it's hardly an accurate portrayal of a community. We call claim to live in britain, a nation, and we identify with everyone for being british, but we have nothing in common. Gellner (a dude who is like a dick about the definition of nationalism, in that being nationalist is simply being in a nation, he refuses to accept other reasons for it) claiming that nationalism invents nations (people join together, sorta like forming wales in britain) and then the imagined communities exist.


Logically it makes little sense, boundaries, language, culture, passports etc. theory wise its abit shakey, you can't ignore the above stuff really.

"critically evaluate the claim that nations are 'imagined communities' (anderson)"


If I wasn't (meant to be) doing materials revision, I'd do that essay right now. :heh:

I think so, I mean with a game you are restricted and you know it's a game, I mean you wouldn't call second life a game, you'd call it a virtual world, although it could ideally be made into a game (like the sims). It's just getting fustrating, I can't reference anything because I don't have anything to reference from, I don't even know what havard referencing is.


You'd think that. I really don't understand why I worked so hard to be here, I was doing most of the at college..I just feel like I'm completely wasting my time being here and it's destroying, so fucking annoying to be here when the tutors don't even stick around to help and force subs on us instead..this isn't what I wanted to be doing..I understand the first year is abit for everybody...but it's not, it's for the animations benefit. I'm doing stock motion and after effects, the only useful thing I've done is a presentation on the game i'm making and even then the woman who teaches me flash currently has just nabbed it off the net and told us to copy it from the print outs! ARGHH.


Ah, sounds pretty much exactly the way I was feeling a few weeks ago. I'm fairly certain half my course is utter bullshit.

Ah, sounds pretty much exactly the way I was feeling a few weeks ago. I'm fairly certain half my course is utter bullshit.


There's a few people who feel the same as I do. Some on the same course, some not.


It's all the more disappointing because I wanted uni to be this awesome thing, I've been wanting to be here for years and now I'm here, it's just crap...just another load of paperwork until i get my final piece in four years.

There's a few people who feel the same as I do. Some on the same course, some not.


It's all the more disappointing because I wanted uni to be this awesome thing, I've been wanting to be here for years and now I'm here, it's just crap...just another load of paperwork until i get my final piece in four years.


Spot on, there.

Ah, sounds pretty much exactly the way I was feeling a few weeks ago. I'm fairly certain half my course is utter bullshit.


Well I currently have to choose between; film as cultural identity, filmic folklore or film as folkloric artefact. None of them really make any sense (and filmic folklore is folklore made up in films which is a faff, and a bitch to research). Not looking forward to that one but have to start it tomorrow. Think I may do Justice's 'A Cross The Universe'...but then im not so sure what the questions really mean. Before the module started I figured I could just do something like Pom Poko -_-


I did stumble upon the notion (through BSG and then further reading) that nothing is new. The stories we live have all been told before and shall be repeated throughout time. I think that could be explored from a folkloristics point of view through analysing current affairs (Obama, economy crisis etc) and look back at folklore to evaulate this idea. But can't chose our own titles.


Alas. Maybe we should all just essay swap.

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