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Right shes a fucking cunt and can actually fuck off. If theres one thing that grinds my fucking gears its people who question me, when they are in the wrong, or make accusations against me. I am a fucking honest person, anyway and I just went over to speak to Molly, and (the managers) all like "You're being naughty today" (half hour prior, my friends were sitting near me whilst I was doing work) and I'm like....erm nooo...but she said it (we think) cos Molly was just next to me a second ago to say "Hi" or whatever just a second ago. So I went over to give her something and she said that shit. Was like "Well you've been told about that before"


Fuck off. Actually fuck off. I sit practically in the corner, away from anyone. I pretty much don't talk to anyone all day. The only time I get to see my friends is on break and lunch and if they're on different times, then boom dont get to talk to them. Not allowed to say hi to them when on break. It is BULL FUCKING SHIT. And its fucking stressing me out! Fuck it. Fuck em.


Yeah shes a cunt. I felt like saying "Actually fuck off." to her.


should i be grateful that she is at least not reserving being a grade a twat for me? She hasn't even looked at me the last 2 days :D


and Molly, it's been so good having no "knitting girl" around me this past week, there is nobody more annoying and I really mean it when I say words just cannot describe that girl.

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I've got a rather crappy Uni problem. We've to do an assignement using simul8 due for tomorrow that I was planning on starting earlier and my lecturer said there was a 30 day trial online. So here I am, in my house, can't find simul8 to do this assignement and it's due at 1-pm tomorrow.


I'm boned -.-

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O2 are stupid asses.


I was texting my friend that is working in Cork (southern Ireland) and it was charging international charges -fair enough I thought-


I checked my balance - according to them I now have 20 minutes and 34 texts. Last night I had around 900 texts, and 597 minutes. Now where the fuck did they go?



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thanks form 'puter advice people, hopefully it can be sorted.


me mam wasnt mad, even though shes aware of my porn addiction. shes even letting me use her laptop for job stuff. she was disserpointed, but shes been like that with me for months.



in outher news, i managed my 3 miles in 25 mins, had 20 secs to spare. felt good, my legs look great, weights afterwards were pretty good too. im pleased with myself, im feeling in good shape.

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Had a crappy afternoon. Went to town to look into career development (postgrad) loans but nowhere was helpful. Fell over outside halifax because its a slope and the rain and everything and now im all achey >_>.


Still, red wine and random video editing has been filling my evening. Oh and its my housemate and her boyfriend's anniversary today and they're out at the moment but I feel like a loose end.

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Days been good. The free Blu-Ray disks arrived today from Sony. These were Casino Royale and Batman Begins.


Spent some time in the evening on Fable and Banjo Kazooie before taking part in the Mario Kart tourny earlier on. And now watching one of my favorite movies and spending time online.

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I literally just got told my sister has been attacked and is in hospital. My mum was about to tell me more, and I stopped her. I don't want to know anything about her in the slightest. She must be in pretty bad shape, because my mum is a little distraught. To be honest, I love how people always told me something like "Oh, but when something happens to her, you'll be worrying because deep down you love her". *revels in the fact he was right*. I despise her, and always will. Just because she's family, means nothing. I don't care how harsh that sounds, she deserves everything she gets in my eyes.

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I literally just got told my sister has been attacked and is in hospital. My mum was about to tell me more, and I stopped her. I don't want to know anything about her in the slightest. She must be in pretty bad shape, because my mum is a little distraught. To be honest, I love how people always told me something like "Oh, but when something happens to her, you'll be worrying because deep down you love her". *revels in the fact he was right*. I despise her, and always will. Just because she's family, means nothing. I don't care how harsh that sounds, she deserves everything she gets in my eyes.


Aw Haggis dude.. I suppose I could understand how you feel given what happened and all.


Think its one of those situations where you have to be in them to actually know what you would do. And just ignore any condescending people trying to tell you to make things work with her.


*lots of hugs for Haggis*

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It's sad that you feel that way about your sister. But again you must have your reasons so I'm not judging at all. When my sister was having irregular heart rythms and went into shock I didn't know what to do, we're so close it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I wouldn't say you're out of line for feeling like that, but it's just so hard to imagine :(

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Aw Haggis dude.. I suppose I could understand how you feel given what happened and all.


Think its one of those situations where you have to be in them to actually know what you would do. And just ignore any condescending people trying to tell you to make things work with her.


*lots of hugs for Haggis*


I do love you. Thanks Han, and yeah I completely agree. Anyone tells me something like "Oh, don't lie, you're just covering up how you feel" I will poke them. Hard. I know how I feel, no one else.


Yeah, Razz, there are reasons for me feeling so hostile toward her but I won't bother explaining because I've probably mentioned her enough in this thread already. :)

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I do love you. Thanks Han, and yeah I completely agree. Anyone tells me something like "Oh, don't lie, you're just covering up how you feel" I will poke them. Hard. I know how I feel, no one else.


Yeah, Razz, there are reasons for me feeling so hostile toward her but I won't bother explaining because I've probably mentioned her enough in this thread already. :)


I could understand them saying that if you just had a love hate as brother and sister, but it seems abit silly to comment like that when your sister is abit crazy!



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"And it does so, as with many contemporaries, because of the continuing emotional fascination for him of the superseded rural ethos legislated by a divine benevolence which led him to grapple with the contemporary cosmological problem in the context of a natural theology whose categories of thought had been rendered obsolete by the principle of evolutionary development."


The. Fuck. Why can't people just say "We evolved which means God didn't make us, so this dude was a bit upset and wrote poems about it." Each essay I read is 20 pages of this shit. I just need to learn how to say the same thing in a hundred different ways and I'm set for life, yo.

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and Molly, it's been so good having no "knitting girl" around me this past week, there is nobody more annoying and I really mean it when I say words just cannot describe that girl.


Worlds biggest knob. I walk in today, pop to Helen, and shes standing there, so I just leaned round and "oh hay der"ed and she goes "Hes a loser....oh not you, well you are a loser" and I just walked off smirking and she was like..."OH no I didn't mean it" I just ignored and walked off. I think she thinks she genuinely offended me, Lol. :)

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Have to agree 100% here. Nothing annoys me more than people who think they know what you're thinking, how you're feeling and what you should do about it.


yep, annoyed me to the point i was arguing qith my injured mam about not being scared when she and my dad were hurt falling off the roof.


apparently being logical and surgesting a man go to hospital after he fell 10 foot and

is unable to walk means i was afraid. im far to logical for that.

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