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This made me sad :( :P Although we banged out the conversation in that short time so its all good.


And I also didn't get a goodnight. My housemate dissapeared, five minutes later her boyfriend joint her and then once I had finished doing the washing up I went to my room and could hear them having sex. Several hours ago. Not seen them since :p


Heh, its not been the best day.


Lucky people having sex. Damn them.


Hmm, I'm just fed up, I think. Sick of making an effort all the time, or getting nowhere. The quick-sand effect. There's only so much grief you can take before it just wears you down.


I know what you mean, but that's a select few people rather than alot of people. I have exactly the same issue, except items not being cleaned etc instead of things being said.


Hence not having a tv in the lounge, christ knows i couldn't handle it.


Tired, hoovered up everywhere, did the grill, cleaned the fridge. So if they try to steal £20 tomorrow with the inspection I'll go mad. I've worked all day to get that damn place cleaned.


Back hurts alot, always does usually, but I'm too damn cheap and get really uncomfortable to go and get a massage, so here's to another week of agony, *hi-fives self*.


Finished season 2 of scrubs, cheered me up for abit.


I disagree, I think its the other way around. What is wrong with people? Do people just not care about anything anymore? I can't remember the last time I remember such a large proportion of people "not knowing something" or feeling indifferent/not caring about something else.


That's an example right there, how come you had to clean all that by yourself? Where was everyone else?


Go sit down, and give your back some rest. :)

Heh, its not been the best day.


Lucky people having sex. Damn them.


Hmm, I'm just fed up, I think. Sick of making an effort all the time, or getting nowhere. The quick-sand effect. There's only so much grief you can take before it just wears you down.




I disagree, I think its the other way around. What is wrong with people? Do people just not care about anything anymore? I can't remember the last time I remember such a large proportion of people "not knowing something" or feeling indifferent/not caring about something else.


That's an example right there, how come you had to clean all that by yourself? Where was everyone else?


Go sit down, and give your back some rest. :)


Sorry, didn't realise you were so down about it. Yeah it does suck when people don't even have the courtesy to acknowledge you. But we still love you Flink. :heart:

I disagree, I think its the other way around. What is wrong with people? Do people just not care about anything anymore? I can't remember the last time I remember such a large proportion of people "not knowing something" or feeling indifferent/not caring about something else.


That's an example right there, how come you had to clean all that by yourself? Where was everyone else?


Go sit down, and give your back some rest. :)



I suppose, but at the end of the day, if you worry and stress about all those annoying people then you'll run yourself into the ground, until you become an unhappy selfish person. Nobody wants that...well sane people don't anyway.


It is a good example and I endlessly complain about these people, when ideally they are really nice people, just lazy. They don't have the same wavelength as the people I'm living with next year and I get fustrated. It's similar with other people, more recently having a conversation with somebody, I was trying to get my point across and instead felt like a child, I've had moments like those all the time, but people don't seem to notice. So I buy myself something nice to eat and skip over that hour or whatever until I feel better.


I am sat down, thats the problem, the chair they gave us, just like the ones in uni are crap and only ideally for people of average height. Bleh!


Also, I'm abit sick of worrying about sex -.-, there was a conversation on another forum about it, one girl couldn't understand why me and another person didn't like it much and yet she did..foolish girl.

Sorry, didn't realise you were so down about it. Yeah it does suck when people don't even have the courtesy to acknowledge you. But we still love you Flink. :heart:


Cheers. I'm just sick of feeling like I'm there only when people choose for me to be. My ex-housemate was the worst, and she treated me like a part-time boyfriend. So, I'm getting pretty weary of people, especially girls now in that sense.


Yeah thats how I feel about my friends. I can't remember the last time someone contacted me just to hang out or whatever. And everytime I try them I get no response. Irritating. And my housemate annoys me in that sense. If her boyfriends here I hardly see her, if he isn't I have to be a constant source of entertainment for her. All give and no take (from people in general).


Stuff like that which makes me think 'well clearly I don't have as many friends as I thought I may as well just move far away after I graduate'

I suppose, but at the end of the day, if you worry and stress about all those annoying people then you'll run yourself into the ground, until you become an unhappy selfish person. Nobody wants that...well sane people don't anyway.


It is a good example and I endlessly complain about these people, when ideally they are really nice people, just lazy. They don't have the same wavelength as the people I'm living with next year and I get fustrated. It's similar with other people, more recently having a conversation with somebody, I was trying to get my point across and instead felt like a child, I've had moments like those all the time, but people don't seem to notice. So I buy myself something nice to eat and skip over that hour or whatever until I feel better.


I am sat down, thats the problem, the chair they gave us, just like the ones in uni are crap and only ideally for people of average height. Bleh!


Also, I'm abit sick of worrying about sex -.-, there was a conversation on another forum about it, one girl couldn't understand why me and another person didn't like it much and yet she did..foolish girl.


Heh, I dunno what to do. Bluddy people, I just don't understand them anymore.


That sounds like a strange situation to be in. Nice but lazy doesn't sound too bad, but if they're really lazy, then I can see how it can be a problem. The new guy who's moved into our house is pretty lazy, but most of the girls fancy him, so he gets away with it. Whereas I get shouted at for pretty much breathing, life eh? Its probably a good job you won't be there for long, then? New people to live with.


Haha, we had some truely hideous chairs in the first year. Have you got kitchen-type chairs, with a solid wood back? The kind you get splinters on your arse for just sitting on?


Ahh, sex. In all honesty, I wouldn't worry too much. That will just make you resent it more. I'm quite a sexual person, I think, but that's probably because I think I know what I like and don't like. Half the time, if people don't know that, then they won't like it. But, the only way to overcome that is to discover it with someone, and be willing to want to overcome it.

Heh, I dunno what to do. Bluddy people, I just don't understand them anymore.


That sounds like a strange situation to be in. Nice but lazy doesn't sound too bad, but if they're really lazy, then I can see how it can be a problem. The new guy who's moved into our house is pretty lazy, but most of the girls fancy him, so he gets away with it. Whereas I get shouted at for pretty much breathing, life eh? Its probably a good job you won't be there for long, then? New people to live with.


Haha, we had some truely hideous chairs in the first year. Have you got kitchen-type chairs, with a solid wood back? The kind you get splinters on your arse for just sitting on?


Ahh, sex. In all honesty, I wouldn't worry too much. That will just make you resent it more. I'm quite a sexual person, I think, but that's probably because I think I know what I like and don't like. Half the time, if people don't know that, then they won't like it. But, the only way to overcome that is to discover it with someone, and be willing to want to overcome it.


Well it's only til about may I have to live with them.


The chairs are similar but cushioned back, the back only comes up to about half my back when ideally I need it all the way to my shoulders.


I do like the idea of sex, which is the annoying thing..because I'll want it, then realise how painful it is and run the other way!

Yeah thats how I feel about my friends. I can't remember the last time someone contacted me just to hang out or whatever. And everytime I try them I get no response. Irritating. And my housemate annoys me in that sense. If her boyfriends here I hardly see her, if he isn't I have to be a constant source of entertainment for her. All give and no take (from people in general).


Stuff like that which makes me think 'well clearly I don't have as many friends as I thought I may as well just move far away after I graduate'


That's exactly it. Especially the bit about being a constant source of entertainment.


I dunno, it's hard to tell if people truely care or not. That's the thing, people send out faaaar too many mixed signals. Not just friends. Women are the worst, by far. Just play it straight, no games, no fucking about. It'll save everyone a lot of time, trouble and effort.


Well it's only til about may I have to live with them.


The chairs are similar but cushioned back, the back only comes up to about half my back when ideally I need it all the way to my shoulders.


I do like the idea of sex, which is the annoying thing..because I'll want it, then realise how painful it is and run the other way!


That's really not too far away, and it'll probably fly by. When it does, that'll be the end of uni for me, so I'm kinda hoping it does and doesn't, at the same time. Strange.


Ahh, one of those funny chairs. That can't be good. Wait til next year: Sofas!


Just remember to take it slowly, and also to make sure that you're ready before doing it. It isn't supposed to hurt, so I guess it's just finding a way to solve that. There is always a way. Look around, and you'll probably find it.


I think I'm gonna go to bed. Placement again tomorrow. :(


Yeah thats the thing, I don't feel like they care. I seem to be friend by proxy. Like about ten days ago I sent several people a text/voicemail saying "I need gin." Heard nothing back from anyone, not even "sorry, busy". Really pissed me off.


you people worry too much. you should relax. or do what I do and bottle it all up untill you become an emotionally distant enigma for a few years.


pah. amateurs.


Did that six years ago. Now what? :p


I get my overly worrying aspect from my mother's side of the family (along with clumliness, caring, strong work-ethic, skinny frame and good hair, whereas from my dad's side I get my stubborness, anger and unemotional tendencies. Fun times.) I'm not the type to just sit back and let the world happen. Particularly if I don't know whats going on. I take charge. Its why I make an awesome leader and why I miss being in charge of Game :p


(anyway, plumber'll be here in 7 hours. Should have gone to bed aaaaaages ago!)

Yeah thats how I feel about my friends. I can't remember the last time someone contacted me just to hang out or whatever. And everytime I try them I get no response. Irritating. And my housemate annoys me in that sense. If her boyfriends here I hardly see her, if he isn't I have to be a constant source of entertainment for her. All give and no take (from people in general).


Stuff like that which makes me think 'well clearly I don't have as many friends as I thought I may as well just move far away after I graduate'


curses i feel like that all the time (except with greg)

people only contact me to yap at me or to ask what uni work we have to do

cant stand it!

i wish i could rewind to this time last year where i actually hung out with people other than my dad and greg. even tho they are awesome themselves

Yeah thats how I feel about my friends. I can't remember the last time someone contacted me just to hang out or whatever. And everytime I try them I get no response. Irritating. And my housemate annoys me in that sense. If her boyfriends here I hardly see her, if he isn't I have to be a constant source of entertainment for her. All give and no take (from people in general).


Stuff like that which makes me think 'well clearly I don't have as many friends as I thought I may as well just move far away after I graduate'


I used to jokingly quote Brand New and say "I used to be the glue that kept my friends together, and now they don't talk and we don't go out"... I have mates that ring when they want to go out but none that want to just 'chill out'. I love chilling out, but I live with my two best mates, so we get to do it pretty much every other night.


people are inherantly selfish. There's nothing you can do about it. You can go through phases of treating everyone awesomely, but you'll never get paid back. I don't know. Could get egotistical if this carries on too much ;)


i feel im only there to make up numbers sometimes, but i guess its just paranoia. recently been much closer to mates, mostly cos we go to the gym together most days. find an activity to share or sort out meetin up for lunch or shit like that, shared experience and time together is the foundation of all relationships especialy friendship.


nightwolf, if i lived closer, id offer a massage, used to be able to fix a friends bad back, a trained massuer made it worse. seems a natural talent of mine. lol, the girl would beg me for a massage, and then yell that it hurt but felt so good. we had thin walls.


Jayseven is a bad influence on me, I have yet to sleep.


Here's an image for y'all to start your days with.




Be afraid. Be very afraid.


Shit, I just out one of your closest friends here at Uni has decided to drop out whilst home for the weekend, and I'm probably not going to be able to see them again for a long time, if ever.


I'm not a bad influence!


... 2,900 words. 1,700 without quotes. 17 essays that I can still pilfer from, as well as three text books sitting here. I rock at pwning-up criticism, even if each time I write an awesome paragraph I go and find it written better in some journal.... but I suck at actually quoting the fucking books I'm supposed to be writing about. I am answering the question ("How does modernist fiction understand reality?") but not really referrencing 'in depth' both of the books.


Not drunk too much coke so far. Considering I started the day with 12 in the fridge, I have 3 and a half left! A friend on my course just signed into facebook. She has a hangover and hasn't started her essay yet AND IT'S DUE IN LESS THAN SEVEN HOURS. Madness.

("How does modernist fiction understand reality?")


I would find that just impossible to answer.


Like...well an essay on it? Just...No. Well done to people that can do that. Like you. And for pwning it up yo.


Wow...my hands are freezing. Someone hold my hand....



.....I wanna....hold....your.....hand?


Well I wanna be sedated, so we all lose. Well I've had three years of english studies, so I'm supposed to be able to answer it :P Getting close to finishing... By lunchtime, maybe.


I hear you, dude...


Finished the essay with roughly 3,200 words or something. We're supposed to have an online submission form called Turnitin, only the module blackboard doesn't have it put up, and they don't have staff contact info, and the search for the whole blackboard site doesn't work... So after a bit of awful detective work (module handbook, duh >_<) I've emailed a copy to my tutor.


Next up is the battle with university printers, which as far as I could tell REFUSED to print on single sides last time. Then alcohol-induced coma, plz.

Hmm, I've had a pretty ordinary day, I guess. Been on here all day, and on MSN, and I think I've spoken to ViPeR and Ashley for about 10 mins a piece, haha.


Also, my housemate came into the room, and sat down right next to me. Then, 5 seconds later, with a puzzled look on her face, looked around the room and asked "Where's Jim?"


Then, when I was on my laptop, people left the room to go shopping, and they switched the light-off when I was still in there. Today has not been a good day for human communications!


Ah, fuck it.


Also, I think I'm finding people more and more rude. I'm thinking that everyone is just always out for themselves, and its always "me me me." Again, sat in the living room, working away, and my housemate comes into the room in her pyjamas and says "you should live on the bottom floor, its more fun." And walked off. No fucking Goodnight! No see you later, nothing. Again, I remember coming home really, really late after working, and had a pretty shitty day. So, I walk into the house, and everyone was watching Hollyoaks on telly. So, I'm about to say hi, and before I get even a breath out, somebody says "ssssssh!" Without even looking at me, just putting a finger up, eyes on the telly.


So, walked into the kitchen, made myself a cuppa. Next day, I get told "Jim, you were moody yesterday. Going into the kitchen because we were watching telly."




Yeah, I dunno what it is. It would be nice if people thought less about themselves and just looked at the wider picture. I find it annoying how you try hard for people, be nice, and then you either get nothing in return or get it thrown back at you.


*goes back to watching Fight Club*


Dude... Exactly how I feel... Namely about my 'girlfriend', what a selfish SELFISH bitch! Its infuriating. I won't go into detail...;) But I think this is more of an issue with the newer generations, a lot just don't seem to comprehend the feelings of others and are totally estranged from and lacking in intuition. And it hurts a selfless person like me so much because life would be so easier if all I cared about was myself... But yet I just can't.


I try to look to unorthodox means to find some answers, like astrology... And therefore have half-jokingly come to the totally unfounded conclusion that those born during the winter months are most inclined to selfishness and those in the summer, selflessness.... Joke

Or at least, Cancerians and other water signs are the most caring, selfless, loving etc...:heh:

Well I wanna be sedated, so we all lose. Well I've had three years of english studies, so I'm supposed to be able to answer it :P Getting close to finishing... By lunchtime, maybe.


Yeah, the more you do English, the more what sounded like insane/impossible titles become less so, as you've learnt the stuff. :)


That said, I haven't learnt anything to do with modernist fiction, so I'd be flumoxxed at that title! (But I'm doing A Level, not uni)

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