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Back from a a genuinely enjoyable party. Usually they're equally good and bad, but this was pleasant in every possible respect.


I hate being drunk when a friend starts to cry though,as for some reasonm, you feel you should be crying to.


Summary; Cluedo, Attic and the falling through into the ground floor, Britney Spears chat, the word "lovely" used too often and high-fiving.

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Yesterday was very unproductive, but incredibly musical due to KeyBored. Today I finally have a shit at work, which means some monies to cover my last few weeks spending(or half of them :s)! Then right after work I'm heading partywards for my old work mate's brother's 21st, who also knows a few of my good mates, and so it's all gonna be kinda good and tings. They throw the most excellent parties :D

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Not fucking impressed today.


In halls every door dead locks except the door to your room, so I went to the kitchen, no shoes, no key and no phone and made noodles. Went back to my door..locked. Now this shouldn't happen unless you place a key in, which I didn't.


So I borrow my friends phone and key, went down to reception, for some unknown reason they never bother having staff nearby on saturday...


So I ring up this stupid, expensive 0800 number and ask for somebody to let me in, making it clear that this shouldn't have happened, so they tell me nobody is on site and that they will have to get somebody from hubs, which is literally 2 seconds away.


Some woman turns up...in a taxi..and lets me in. Now they want to charge me £40 for it...when it's their doors..


I'm utterlly pissed off right now, twice this has happened to me, luckily the first time somebody was on reception.


Just called mum and left an answer phone message to see if she'll ring up and ask wtf they are charging us for when it's their fault in the first place. Sick of living here now, it's one thing after another.


Be warned, never live with unite, they couldn't honestly give a rats ass.

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Not fucking impressed today.


In halls every door dead locks except the door to your room, so I went to the kitchen, no shoes, no key and no phone and made noodles. Went back to my door..locked. Now this shouldn't happen unless you place a key in, which I didn't.


So I borrow my friends phone and key, went down to reception, for some unknown reason they never bother having staff nearby on saturday...


So I ring up this stupid, expensive 0800 number and ask for somebody to let me in, making it clear that this shouldn't have happened, so they tell me nobody is on site and that they will have to get somebody from hubs, which is literally 2 seconds away.


Some woman turns up...in a taxi..and lets me in. Now they want to charge me £40 for it...when it's their doors..


I'm utterlly pissed off right now, twice this has happened to me, luckily the first time somebody was on reception.


Just called mum and left an answer phone message to see if she'll ring up and ask wtf they are charging us for when it's their fault in the first place. Sick of living here now, it's one thing after another.


Be warned, never live with unite, they couldn't honestly give a rats ass.


Sounds rather shit! Don't pay it, really not your fault.





Reeeeeeeeealy not looking forward to tonight. I know I should be (I'm a teenager and it involves drinking) but I'm not. I hate meeting new people, so I'm shitting myself. Someone tell me it'll be fine! Lol

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that sucks nightwolf, just kick up a fuss, explain that the door didnt function properly and you shouldnt be held responsible. for the sake of £40 they should drop it.


in outher news, i wen out to get my dad a birthday pressent, but i wish i hadnt bothered now, hes taking tiles out of the bathroom floor, should be wearing safty glasses, which he promised he would, but isnt because he dosent actualy have any, which he promised he did.


he recons his reading glasses, which have been altered by the shop several times for being thin, will be fine. hes a stupid fucking arehole and im not going to help him if he hurts himself.


also got valakaria chronicles for the ps3, cant really afford it, but ive got 2 n a half years to pay my overdraft off, decided to just do somthing for me.

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Haven't really done much today. Trying to work a bit on an illustration for school but I lack decent inspiration to make something nice.


Am getting seriously annoyed by the noise from outside though. I think the hunters are at it again, shooting like crazy. Hate it! And if it's not them then I seriously don't know what all that noise is... but sounds like their guns. It's freaking out my poor dog as well. >.<;


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ESSAY DAY! 5pm and I've not started it yet. FIgure I might as well read the books first. James Joyce - A Portrait of a Young Man, D. H. Lawrence - Women in Love and Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway. If I spend all day reading I can probably get Joyce and Woolf done for essay tomorrow, but we're talking 500 pages in total... Well, I got 48 hours to do this.


Just finished my poetry essay. Always like to get stuff out of the way early in the day to leave me to do anything I want. Would anybody be willing to do a read over of it and tell me what they think of it? :smile:

Send it my way, if you like :)

Pretty happy with myself, just calculated my average score for my essays so far, and I'm getting a pretty awesome 87%. Coming home for the weekend, gonna try and hide my lip piercing from my parents, got a retainer. This weekend is going to be long and tedious.


Not fucking impressed today.


In halls every door dead locks except the door to your room, so I went to the kitchen, no shoes, no key and no phone and made noodles. Went back to my door..locked. Now this shouldn't happen unless you place a key in, which I didn't.


So I borrow my friends phone and key, went down to reception, for some unknown reason they never bother having staff nearby on saturday...


So I ring up this stupid, expensive 0800 number and ask for somebody to let me in, making it clear that this shouldn't have happened, so they tell me nobody is on site and that they will have to get somebody from hubs, which is literally 2 seconds away.


Some woman turns up...in a taxi..and lets me in. Now they want to charge me £40 for it...when it's their doors..


I'm utterlly pissed off right now, twice this has happened to me, luckily the first time somebody was on reception.


Just called mum and left an answer phone message to see if she'll ring up and ask wtf they are charging us for when it's their fault in the first place. Sick of living here now, it's one thing after another.


Be warned, never live with unite, they couldn't honestly give a rats ass.


Lol... I've accidentally locked your door as I left before! You knock the bit on the inside and it locks when it closes. In my first year everyone on my floor locked themselves out at some point :P I was lucky enough to do it before everyone had moved in, so some of the doors were still open. I slept on a bed and waited for the landlord to arrive the next day and unlock me for freeee, woot.


But £40 for a call-out charge when they're up the fucking road is another thing entirely. Check your contract to see if there's supposed to be staff on site on saturdays. If it says yes then you are entirely in your rights to complain that you had to pay when it should've been free. Good luck with that shit.

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I went in for my Psychological Assessment in school this morning, one of the things to see if I can get extra time in exams.


The woman was really nice, and she could need to be a character in my play in my head. (Dr. Mavis Guise, mistress of disGuise!)


We looked over my results and I showed signs of a dyslexic profile, which is what I want to get extra time, but the thing is that my english skills are excellent, not typical in dyslexia (I'm not dyslexic, but had a stammer when I was younger, still have minor speech problems, so my organisational thought is shot).


She would recommend me extra time, but she's gonna try and get the exam board to agree.


This was the same morning as our school' "Big Christmas", which is where shit posh shops from nearby have stalls where you can buy stuff. Chatted to some friends there...met my friends mum for a chat at her stall, and met her best friend, who happened to be the mum of one of my old best friends..who got expelled a few years back. Hadn't talked to her in ages, so that was nice.


Went home, did nothing.


I wanted tomorrow to do my personal statemtn, but my insane and annoyingly depresed dad is making me and my sister go out to our family castle* to visit my uncle instead.





* Not as exciting as it seems. I'll inherit one day, dunno what I'll do with it. It would be nice to live in with a big family, maybe.

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Lol... I've accidentally locked your door as I left before! You knock the bit on the inside and it locks when it closes. In my first year everyone on my floor locked themselves out at some point :P I was lucky enough to do it before everyone had moved in, so some of the doors were still open. I slept on a bed and waited for the landlord to arrive the next day and unlock me for freeee, woot.


But £40 for a call-out charge when they're up the fucking road is another thing entirely. Check your contract to see if there's supposed to be staff on site on saturdays. If it says yes then you are entirely in your rights to complain that you had to pay when it should've been free. Good luck with that shit.



I don't think you understand what I mean, I didn't touch the door except open it, as in to get out, just pulled down the handle. So technically the door should continue to stay open. It should never lock unless you do that OR put the key in on the other side.


Apprently keys make the locks go abit funny if you get the key in wrong the first time, I know for a fact I didn't do that last night, so they shouldn't be charging me anything, everything in this place is old and/or broken, the damn place is only a few years old.


They are only supposed to be in saturday nights, but should be on duty all day, which means somebody can call them, instead of grabbing somebody from hubs. Ridiculous really and annoying.


Even if it says in the contract that a call out fee is £40, it's not like I locked myself out, it was their doors that locked me out for no reason and there was no tampering. Why should I pay when they have stupid doors? It's not just me either, it's happened to chris twice as well kayleigh said.



Boo anyway mum will sort it, she always does, mwuahaha

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Suddenly I realise why my sister was going on about why it's so good that my halls have doors that only lock from the inside or with a key...


The charge is still rather steep, mine is free as long as you have ID (for when you loose you key - the replacement is still £10), although it's all run by the Uni here, so it's more integral.

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Manchester is so much fun :D


I found the best place evar - selfridges, on the bottom floor, the food department :D I don't think i've ever seen anything like it in my entire life! <3


Have you visited afflecks ^_^ it's awesome!


£20 if you loose your key here fish! My halls are exactly the same fish, but there's something wrong with them, abit weird, which is why they want to lock when they shouldn't do. Alot of my friends halls have actually keys rather than key cards..

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Urgh..... It's nearly half 5, my brother is still in bed and as a result I'm having to sit in the dark because I reallt can't be bothered putting up with him moaning.


And for some reason, even though it's the middle of november and I'm sure noone wants any, I can hear an Ice Cream Truck doing the rounds. Every 5 minutes I can hear the same bloody music.

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Have you visited afflecks ^_^ it's awesome!


£20 if you loose your key here fish! My halls are exactly the same fish, but there's something wrong with them, abit weird, which is why they want to lock when they shouldn't do. Alot of my friends halls have actually keys rather than key cards..


I don't actually know. :heh: Its pure freakin' madness here. I like it but I know i'd get really tired of the crazyness all the time.


People just push you around and run in front of you, really annoying! Well said i'm a country girl XD

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I don't actually know. :heh: Its pure freakin' madness here. I like it but I know i'd get really tired of the crazyness all the time.


People just push you around and run in front of you, really annoying! Well said i'm a country girl XD



It is very annoying, I get stressed out here in sheffield and sheffield is the nicer of the two! I do miss manchester though, if nobody was there it'd be great, some of the shops are awesome.


You should have said you were visiting manchester I would have come see you! After missing you at the sheffield meet!

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Day has been a lazy day really. Went round my mates, watched Big Stan and Don't Mess With the Zohan again.


Then i get back to find out that i have been booted out of the Smash Brothers Brawl tournament i entered on the other forums i visit. No answers to why i was booted, but it may be something to do with my opponent has a 6 hour time difference between me, so every-time i was ready he was in college or work and every-time he was ready i was either in bed, down the pub or out and about somewhere. I.E. his 2pm was my 8pm, his 8pm was my 2am.


Plus it may be favoritism because he is Site Staff on there as well. If that is the case, then i know it is a fix and they can get stuffed. Screw them.


On a lighter note, i got a nice party to go to tonight, my Aunts 50th. It takes place at my local club so cheap night out once again.

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I don't think you understand what I mean, I didn't touch the door except open it, as in to get out, just pulled down the handle. So technically the door should continue to stay open. It should never lock unless you do that OR put the key in on the other side.


I don't think you understood what I meant :P I never implied that you did it the way I did it, I was merely sharing my own anecdotes.


Been t'sainsbury's to get some more diet coke as I ran out. Read over ganepark's essay, thus avoiding my own one. Been pondering on whether it's a good or a bad thing that university qualifications are based on how not-lazy you are, rather than how good/bad you are at a subject. I guess it's only fair.

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Wtf you're going to own a castle?! That's insane!


I guess, but then, the Burrell Collection (based in Glasgow) stripped it of all the nice things, when Burrell himself lived there, so really it's all stone and dark. My uncle lives there, as did my late grandma...but yeah, not exactly homely. The top section isn't even habitable, there's bat everywhere, and holes in the floor.


Maybe if I get all rich, I'll put money and effort into it and make it all nice again.

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