Tellyn Posted November 2, 2008 Author Posted November 2, 2008 From Asda? I found a sandwich toaster in Asda for £2 in September, and it works perfectly.
Ashley Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 Pretty mad day. Went and painted mine and Letty's flat... and bought a £5 kettle and a £4 toaster! Huzzah! Painting and purchasing cheap electrical goods. Madness! :p (not that mine has been particularly exciting. Outside of going to Woolworths and buying toys for nieces I've done sod all)
EEVILMURRAY Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 Work is amazingly boring on a Sunday, but only was 2 and a half hours, but I've got 6 hours tomorrow night, which may be busy until 8 due to the f00d, but after that will be pr0 boring, but as today, I've got GamesTm with me.
Letty Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 From Asda? I found a sandwich toaster in Asda for £2 in September, and it works perfectly. We don't have an ASDA I never thought I'd say this, but I'm entirely painted out!
Jimbob Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 Days been good, half was spent at the club helping out with things, the rest at home. Just settling down now to watch Top Gear with some water, may watch a movie later not sure what though.
Eenuh Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 Today has been a bit meh. Feeling lonely again at the moment. Sitting in the attic, about to start on a painting for school. It's freezing in here I think, merf! Had a nice week though, did quite a few things. Went to a petting farm and had a nice walk there, went to the sauna, saw a film, went shopping (though didn't really buy anything, heh) and played some games. Wish I could've done even more, but oh well. Also happy because lots of people from here have been buying stuff from me on RedBubble. A big thank you to you all! =D
gaggle64 Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 F1 was epic. I shall now proceed to the nearest branch of Spar, where upon I shall purchase beer and indulge the night time by getting hammered PS. Whhooooo Lewis!
Guest Jordan Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 So many people want money from me, but theres so little to go around...
ReZourceman Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 My days been allllrrriiiigggghhhhht. I did what I planned (Wire et Spider-Man Web of Shadows) bit MEH, due to weekends go so fast. So many people want money from me, but theres so little to go around... Sell your body. Night.
Paj! Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 Had an "epic" drama rehearsal. Really badly organised, and of the people who actually knew it was on, and arrived at school, we soon realised that the entire school was locked. So we went to someone in my group's house, for one of the worst rehearsals ever; we just forced said friend to make us tea, bacon (no roll or sandwich involved) and then we broke several of her little sisters toys, including her laminator (kids these days), which we eventually left with a knife and fork sticking out of it! Then we pinned her down and posted jokes to randoms on her facebook account. Twas fun. No help in line learning though.
weeyellowbloke Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 Nagraaaagh, I'm going to be up all night probably working on some assessed coursework due in tomorrow at 12:00. This was one of the things I didn't miss about university. I'm really struggling to concentrate though when you're writing out every step in the sample preparation procedure for a total digest for the fourth bloody time. That and the questions set are hugely vague so I have no idea whether what I'm writing is actually right. It's my own fault for leaving work to the last minute, yet again.
EEVILMURRAY Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 F1 was epic. Error detected, these terms do not go together. Talk To Me.
Emasher Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 Average day. Went to church, and then I had curling all afternoon (we lost by quite a bit though. But I found out I'm playing 3rd this year rather than lead which is awesome). I haven't done much else actually.
Fierce_LiNk Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 I've had a pretty nice week. A bit sad to see its over, and to come back home. I'm back here though, and I'm starving. But, apparantly we have a mice/rat problem in our kitchen which is being dealt with. I can't stand either, so I'm terrified of going in there alone. Besides, I have no food in the kitchen anyway! So, I'm starving, with no food, and I can't even go into the kitchen if I had some. Somebody wanna buy me a takeaway?! Also, this reminds me of the time, aaaages ago where I was chatting to Plattypus and Haden, and a mouse suddenly appeared on the floor. I was terrified. Fuckers laughed!
jayseven Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 YOSH! SO last few days... Well I've been out every night this week. A lot of jugglesock-related activities and a lot of cider-drinkage. Halloween the other night was a fairly chilled-out affair where I chatted shit with nightwolf, her mate and a couple of my mates for several hours. I refuse to entwine myself with the social 'etiquette' involved with actually entering any club on tha tnight. Queue up for two hours watching twats prancing around in joker outfits? Na, thanks. Last night was a groovy house party -- I had all the participants besides the party-hosts at mine first, but our flat isn't a great venue so when we got there it all kicked off. Fireworks set off on teh floor, catherine wheels in a bonfire... good times. Started nanowrimo, only got 394 words so far. Then watched saw 5 today. Not a lot really happened, I guess. Got green hair! Woo!
Aimless Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Timid_LiNk, I genuinely would buy you a takeaway if I didn't have to go to bed; the Sleep Threshold is approaching, so if I don't go now I stand no chance of nodding off. Also, I'd like to point out the potential of of the "I can't stand" comment so that someone else can run with it; sex jokes aren't my scene, but it's too good an opening to ignore¹. ¹"That's what she said!" etcetera. What? I warned you I wasn't any good at them.
Guest Stefkov Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Lazy day. Got up at 12. Drew a picture of Einstein upside down. Played the Banjo demo and played Aegis Wing netting me some achieveements.
EEVILMURRAY Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 I'm semi glad to report it looks like my brother may get a nice bollocking tomorrow for not cleaning the house. If mummy sees it and tells him off, I have a plan to grab all the cans and shit [after emptying them, it seems his mates enjoy leaving half empty cans after bonging it up (they probably forget)] and dumping them in his room. If he seems to be ok leaving the house like this, he can have a room like it.
Ramar Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Really shit day. Instead of progressively do a bit of research each day this week, I left it until today to do some, so I had something to show my tutor tomorrow. Doubt he'll be happy with the progress but meh. Gave up the chance to go bowling to sit at home and do my work, and it would appear I missed out on a fun afternoon.
gaggle64 Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Error detected, these terms do not go together. Talk To Me. Lewis Hamilton took the championship, by one point, in the last corner of the last lap. It was so close, I am both immensely happy, yet still experiencing residual brickning. Am now so drink, will acknowledge spell checker as a life saver.
Chris the great Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 had to go to a christeneing. decided church makes me laugh. got to play with toy cars with my cousins kid, hes awsome and toy cars rule.
Dan_Dare Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Alright, what the fuck? Been awake since half six like a goddamn crazy bastard. This isn't cool! Think it's because I'm a tad anxious about today: expecting a call/ letter about an interview I had on Friday for a job I really want. Also need to get a number for a girl I was chatting to on Friday so I can ask her out for a drink, to add a bit more nervous tension to my day. Fun fun.
Ellmeister Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 I'm now seriously considering going to the doctors. Whenever I swallow food or gulp down water I get a pain in my back which really isn't fun. I looked it up and the weirdest thing I found was something called 'acid reflux' which I don't really think I have but the twangs of pain are persistent enough to bother me that I feel a doctor may be a solution. No idea how to get to one here at uni tho >_<
Dan_Dare Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 did you not register with a GP when you arrived? My suggestion would be to visit your union and ask Student Support about local GPs. Failing that, ring NHS Direct and ask a nurse.
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