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Yesterday was alright. The clocks moving backwards an hour has screwed my bike ride home. I cycle along a footpath and now it's pitch black and it makes you feel dizzy - like you might career off the path at any time into the trees, but where are the tress, and am I sure I'm going in a straight line, woah, that's a person, argh. get out of the way! Anyways, time to purchase an actual light rather than blinking LEDs.


But got home fine in the end, and had a good family night. Made popcorn, then let the daughter climb all over me while I lay on the floor (easy peasy playtime).

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We´ve had snow for like over a week





Also I´d like to notify that writing essays a day before turning them in sucks.

Well, you do live in Iceland...


I have to do that essay thing multiple times a week - for instance, I just finished one now that's in for 8pm tonight, and started it yesterday evening. Ah well, no essays until next weekend now.

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8pm is a silly time to be handing in essays. Also, whats all this about snow? Cos it's looking well sunny outside here, and I'm hoping snow doesn't come cos it makes every colllldddddddd :(

My day's just started, I wake up 8,9,10am whatever, my day never seems to start until half 12, and even then, it doesn't really. I should do stuff. *does stuff*

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Today (so far) has been quite good.


Went into Sixth Form today, yes thats right, during half term! I'm re-submitting some ICT work to improve my AS grade so had to go in. After that i headed into the shed which is known as Mansfield to grab some halloween stuff (Food colouring for blooooood).


Now i'm back home and have just checked the City Link site to track my parcel and apparently they've attempted delivery with "Delivery point closed (Carded)". Problem is i see no card. I've just gave them a bell and supposedly the driver stuck the card to the door (Why?) and it's 'obviously' blown off with all the strong winds that i must have missed between 12:50 and 1pm.

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Half term pssh I don't get half term. grr.


Anyway last night was pretty ok. Went to the aces student night thing which by all accounts wasn't too bad but it was free so I got really bored. Met up with my mate becka and hung out with her for abit. Decided I'm a fan of jacks cider and wish to drink it constantly.


Got up, played some billy hatcher an got ready to go to my lecture which is at four. woo.

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Half term pssh I don't get half term. grr.


Anyway last night was pretty ok. Went to the aces student night thing which by all accounts wasn't too bad but it was free so I got really bored. Met up with my mate becka and hung out with her for abit. Decided I'm a fan of jacks cider and wish to drink it constantly.


Got up, played some billy hatcher an got ready to go to my lecture which is at four. woo.


Didn't we start say a month later than college students and also get next to an entire month off for xmas hols? :heh:

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I get a reading week. Get six weeks off for Christmas and finish in the first week of May. Boo-yah!


But at present im trawling through Folklore journals. Boring, and so far unhelpful. Had a meeting earlier to discuss my screenwriting thing, seems to be going in a different direction than I planned but thats not a bad thing. Got a lecture in a tad. Shall probably also be dull. Go home. Read. Watch Heathers (for research, can't stand Christian Slater's voice). Fun day eh?

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I have yet to recieve any assignments..*whistles*





I have:


a 2000 word essay on context

a games pitch with environment screens/character profiles etc

an animation assignment with five animations

a presentation again similar to the context

an animation for my practise skills about my game

Piece to read about digital games industry

Make a wiki


and something else that has slipped my mind and makes me want to cry.

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got a free work out at the gym, get 1 every 15 times you go.


3 miles without stopping, about 10kg more on half the machines, and for a 1st time vench presses. next time i wont do them last.


to many hot girls at the gym. too bad i was far to sweaty to be considered attractive. even my ears were sweating ffs!

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