DomJcg Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Blergh, tonight is boring. Noones at the local bar, and I'm not trekking all the way to the main bit of campus just on the offchance people I know are out there. I would have invited you to the house i was in (at parkwood) had i been in the right state of mind to do so =/ needless to say i got very drunk, pretty sure my rep is spreading as people i don't know are all "OMG IT'S THAT GUY DOM!!" so clearly i should have run in the union council rather than course rep. Meeeerf, watched life of brian drunk = fidgetting alot.
MoogleViper Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 My finger is still swollen and it's all bruised on one side. (the same side as the palm.
Daniel Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Your not the only one Ganepark, i'm doing a lab report on the direct shear box test. Havent written a lab report since A2 physics though and that was like 4 years ago nearly So its going a bit haywire but ill manage. I have 3 textbooks the British Standard plus about 12 handouts to help me :P Off to meet my mum for lunch at Junction 32 later though (its a cheap shopping place next to Xscape lol)
Ganepark32 Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Finished my english essay. 1000 word limit and I wrote 1350 words. Hopefully it's good enough for a good grade (it better be what with me implementing some Plato into the essay). So now I have the rest of the day free. Going into the next town to return Billy Hatcher and get a working copy later on then I'll come back to my hometown and have a wander round the shops. Go a report to write but I'm saving that for next weekend.
Molly Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Ahhh printing off the AA route planner directions to lincoln again, because i still dont have a satnav. damnit. I really like how your avatar looks up at Molly as you say that. Lol at this... I dont know what to say, so i just wont say anything. Heh, I watched that Peep Show episode earlier today. I love Peep Show. Yep, peep show rocks my tiny little world, love it.
EEVILMURRAY Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Finished my english essay. 1000 word limit and I wrote 1350 words. Hopefully it's good enough for a good grade (it better be what with me implementing some Plato into the essay). So now I have the rest of the day free. Going into the next town to return Billy Hatcher and get a working copy later on then I'll come back to my hometown and have a wander round the shops. Go a report to write but I'm saving that for next weekend. That's natures way of telling you that you should've dealt with me.
Dan_Dare Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Uni mates are coming down this afternoon to assist in proper birthday celebrations. Gonna show these SHU n00bs how to paaaarrtaay!
Slaggis Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 I'm so hungover...I need a hug! Last night was rather epic. So many people there, and the booze was so cheap. I cannot resist cheap booze! I remember going to the toilet, and waiting outside. A couple of the girls in my psych class saw me and the girl I mentioned before and one of them went "I dare you to get off!". We looked at them oddly and the other went to me "I dare you to get a hard one and put it in her! Go on, I dare ya!" and then fell over. It was fucking ace. I went off on my own for a a few minutes, and got grabbed by someone. Someone being the only word I can use because I have no idea who they were. I just remember going back inside and saying "Oh god, I just got off with someone, and I don't know who they were". They were like, "can you point them out?". I couldn't.
MoogleViper Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 *hugs Haggis hoping he doesn't vomit on me*
jayseven Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Did not sleep well. Got some crazy gland-swelling going on, which hurts like heck each time I swallow or breathe. Need some chicken soup! In a cup! Gonna go home and watch battlestar galactica all day, methinks. Try and recouperate for this evening! The End. Finished my english essay. 1000 word limit and I wrote 1350 words. Hopefully it's good enough for a good grade (it better be what with me implementing some Plato into the essay). So now I have the rest of the day free. Going into the next town to return Billy Hatcher and get a working copy later on then I'll come back to my hometown and have a wander round the shops. Go a report to write but I'm saving that for next weekend. If you like you can send your essay over to me and I can give it a once-over for you?
Paj! Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Still down south, but at my lovely family friend's house. Actually hilarious spanish lolz everywhere. Bought a book full of naked people to draw from for art, bought American Doll Posse by Tori Amos...bought Othello (again), but with notes to help me understand it. Done nothing else worth talking about. *puts off finishing essay*
Twozzok Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 I would have invited you to the house i was in (at parkwood) had i been in the right state of mind to do so =/ needless to say i got very drunk, pretty sure my rep is spreading as people i don't know are all "OMG IT'S THAT GUY DOM!!" so clearly i should have run in the union council rather than course rep. Meeeerf, watched life of brian drunk = fidgetting alot. What court was it at?
Wesley Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Ahhh printing off the AA route planner directions to lincoln again, because i still dont have a satnav. damnit. Lol at this... I dont know what to say, so i just wont say anything. Yep, peep show rocks my tiny little world, love it. Woo! Lincoln! Er... that is all I wanted to say... Woo! Lincoln! Again.
Raining_again Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 My mother broke our front door so I think i've been left house sitting for now. Fantastic. I was in ze town earlier today, and I walked home (2.6 miles to be exact) surprised at how it only took me 45 minutes on the dot. Now my back and legs are aching, maybe I pushed myself a little hard XD And I bought a new pair of jeans, which i didnt try on. If they are too small i'll just have to diet harder to get in em. =) I got rejected for a store card today >_< Fucking balls that is. The ulster bank gave me a credit card just before the crunch with 2.5k on it.
The fish Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 I would have invited you to the house i was in (at parkwood) had i been in the right state of mind to do so =/ needless to say i got very drunk, pretty sure my rep is spreading as people i don't know are all "OMG IT'S THAT GUY DOM!!" so clearly i should have run in the union council rather than course rep. Meeeerf, watched life of brian drunk = fidgetting alot. Oh, Dom, you crazy kid. You must visit me over in Guildford some day soon! I won the position of year rep with my course's society (it's actually a very prestegious position), but I was forced to turn it down as it conflicted with the Latin and Ballroom classes I'm taking - sitting around being bored vs large numbers of hot, single women + a fun evening. It's not really a competition. In other news, I'm currently home for the weekend! Woo! I have a driving lesson in about 10 minutes, which is nice. Vroom!
EEVILMURRAY Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Finished my english essay. 1000 word limit and I wrote 1350 words. Shouldn't the maximum you could go is 1200? Most normally have a 10% extra cap on essays.
nightwolf Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 My mother broke our front door so I think i've been left house sitting for now. Fantastic. I was in ze town earlier today, and I walked home (2.6 miles to be exact) surprised at how it only took me 45 minutes on the dot. Now my back and legs are aching, maybe I pushed myself a little hard XD And I bought a new pair of jeans, which i didnt try on. If they are too small i'll just have to diet harder to get in em. =) I got rejected for a store card today >_< Fucking balls that is. The ulster bank gave me a credit card just before the crunch with 2.5k on it. awesome! much better than me chicken! I was rejected a topshop card, so the woman gave me 10% off, you should have said about the incovience! Been to town, got some stuff, going to browse the interwebs and play for abit. Then get down to some writing and drawing
Ashley Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 BT really are insufferable tits. Different day, different story -_- And trying to sort out my day trip to London tomorrow and the websites are playing up. Keeps getting so far and then suddenly deciding I am travelling on Monday...Sorted it though. Leaving at 9.21, arriving back at 23.53 (plus walking to/from station time). Near on eight hours travelling in total. Gonna be a long day but should be worth it. Anyway. Back to research... Shouldn't the maximum you could go is 1200? Most normally have a 10% extra cap on essays. 10% would be 1100... Doubt they really care about a little thing like that. Im pretty sure one essay last year was a few hundred words over and it was fine.
Slaggis Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Agreed, BT such major balls. I swear they take the piss just for "funsies". -- Still feeling groggy after last nights epicness. I've got a mate coming over for the night at 5pm, and I need to be live and kicking by then. Anyone got any tips to help me get over this? I should not of had that half a plastic cup of wine - I know what it does to me and yet I always end up drinking it when pissed. Also, my best mate was planning to hopefully get with this girl last night. We thought she liked him, but apparently she "only likes him as a mate". Then, when I said I'd got off with someone, he seemed more annoyed. In our friendship, he'd probably be considered the Joey and I'd be the Chandler. Lol. Anyway, I think he's annoyed at me because I the girl he was trying to get with, was all like "JOSH YOU ROCK" whilst she was drunk, and I was the same to her. He really needs to get over it, I've done bugger all wrong. (Plus, I obviously do indeed rock. :p)
EEVILMURRAY Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 10% would be 1100... Doubt they really care about a little thing like that. Im pretty sure one essay last year was a few hundred words over and it was fine. Urrrrghhh... A little thing? It's about 33% extra free!
Raining_again Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 awesome! much better than me chicken! I was rejected a topshop card, so the woman gave me 10% off, you should have said about the incovience! Been to town, got some stuff, going to browse the interwebs and play for abit. Then get down to some writing and drawing Same chain -Arcadia- they said I would be able to use it in topshop/topman etc. The girl at the shop did say a lot of people had been refused credit. I was kinda embarrased to tell you the truth. its like we can give you this card loads of offers etc.... OH NO WAIT SORRY YOU FAIL AT LIFE REJECT = gutted customer = never wants to shop there again. Seems a bit silly really.. My credit score should be moderate at least, I've got 4 or 5 cards/credit accounts.. and plenty of direct debits, a job, and worst of all, MONEY. :blank:
Ganepark32 Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 @ Eevil - lol. It probably is nature telling me I should have dealt with you. We'll see. I'm heading back later on to see if they'll replace the disc for the other one they have (there were two copies when I bought it but no doubt they'll have taken it from the shelves cause they're c**ts ). If I get another dud copy I may well deal with you. Just depends if I can be bothered.
nightwolf Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Just back from my week in liverpool . aww, what's the matter *hugs* Know the feeling raining, I can't even get into debt with the card I was using! I also forgot how tiring drawing can be, I'm doing a storyboard thing for halloween type things for my games and drawing this crow (for the evil witch boss person) is tiring, easy enough, but bah! I'll do this page and then go play games for
soag Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 aww, what's the matter *hugs* Know the feeling raining, I can't even get into debt with the card I was using! I also forgot how tiring drawing can be, I'm doing a storyboard thing for halloween type things for my games and drawing this crow (for the evil witch boss person) is tiring, easy enough, but bah! I'll do this page and then go play games for I hate coming home from holiday and liverpool rocked my socks Krazy House = best nightclub ever!!!
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