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Goddamn, only just about nearly finished packing my bag(due to some 360 bioshocking and a tiny bit of castle crashing) and crazy paranoid I'm forgetting/going to forget something crucial. Missed the Buzzcocks until I read this thread, just wathced in on the iPlayer on VM, pretty good episode actually! Better than last week's, I mean, kudos to Stephen Fry as one of my favourite people out there and all, but he just seemed rather out of his element on Buzzcocks. Also think Kelly Rowland was rather amusing, she must have been confused as crap being there.


gym again, pushed myself on the weights, starting to notice real improvments, my legs are defined, my arms are getting bigger, pecks are FINALY developing, shoulders are broader, stomach is flatter, hope to have lost the last of the fat, revelaing the 6 pack i can feel lurking under he surface by november.


sorry to sound like i'm bragging, im not trying too, just i've worked very hard at getting inshape and now that i'm finaly starting to show the results i'm proud, especaily after enduring me mam's cooking, sure to add an inch in just a week.


final thing, and dyspraxics out there, the gym has helped me alot with co-ordiantion and a bit with ballence, i'd recomed it.


Average day. I had two tests and at lunch worked on my new signature, I finished it after school and then played some MOH:H2


And, I've got friday, monday, and tuesday off, so I'm looking at a 5 day weekend.

gym again, pushed myself on the weights, starting to notice real improvments, my legs are defined, my arms are getting bigger, pecks are FINALY developing, shoulders are broader, stomach is flatter, hope to have lost the last of the fat, revelaing the 6 pack i can feel lurking under he surface by november.


sorry to sound like i'm bragging, im not trying too, just i've worked very hard at getting inshape and now that i'm finaly starting to show the results i'm proud, especaily after enduring me mam's cooking, sure to add an inch in just a week.


final thing, and dyspraxics out there, the gym has helped me alot with co-ordiantion and a bit with ballence, i'd recomed it.


How long have you been going to the gym, and how often? I've just started going with a friend twice a week after school. Also, as it's the school gym, we get in free:heh:

gym again, pushed myself on the weights, starting to notice real improvments, my legs are defined, my arms are getting bigger, pecks are FINALY developing, shoulders are broader, stomach is flatter, hope to have lost the last of the fat, revelaing the 6 pack i can feel lurking under he surface by november.


sorry to sound like i'm bragging, im not trying too, just i've worked very hard at getting inshape and now that i'm finaly starting to show the results i'm proud, especaily after enduring me mam's cooking, sure to add an inch in just a week.


final thing, and dyspraxics out there, the gym has helped me alot with co-ordiantion and a bit with ballence, i'd recomed it.


No worries buddy, we know you're not bragging - I was in a similar (if somewhat opposite) boat about 2 years ago - unhealthily thin and fed up of it so I also started the weights! Went from 10 and a half stone to almost 13 and a half! I've now dropped down to about 13 as I was storing a bit of fat....all in all, it's good - I imagine it must make you feel great like it did for me! 2 years on and I'm still training, not trying to beefcake it just wanna stay in good shape - the g/f doesn't have any complaints either ;)


The point is, keep it up and well done so far!


Tis early, tis sunny, tis bird noisy, I'm freshly showered and I shall shortly(after I get significantly more clothed and eat) be heading into london to meet my friend and get my train into birmingham, I feel excited and great and right on top of the world! Weeeeeee!


Watched Saw 3 last night. The first proper scene is always the sickest one. I can never differentiate between most of the movies, and I can't remember what happens in 4 at all but I'm looking forward to seeing 5 soon.


Anyone know how to stop my computer saying "your new updates are ready to be installed. your computer will restart automatically in 5 mins" every 10 minutes? I'm planning on watching battlestar galactica's pilot and it's going to bug me.


Buzzcocks just made my day.


Amstell - "You should of been the singer Jack. Well, at least not Kelly (osbourne) anyway.."


Kelly Rowland - [Throws water] "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU!"


I laughed so hard. :D Buzzocks could make any bad day awesome. Simon Amstell is just so damn awesome.

Phail ;)

My day was okay. Diet is faring good so far. Had a panini with lots of cheese for dinner which might have been a bit naughty... But I had only cereal for breakfast and porridge for lunch. Its good mixing up my eating patterns a bit, I fell off the bandwagon this time last year because I ate the same food every day. Have to try new things etc. A boring diet is the fastest thing to turn into a "eat everything you see" diet.


Had to inject myself again, made my sister squeal. Its not really that sore when you do it yourself, nurses just jam the bloody stuff in, but when you do it yourself you can be as slow or fast as you want. So its relatively painless. ^^


My skin is a million times better, and most of my arthritis pains are starting to go away, yey ^^ But I feel new pains coming with the extra exercise i'm doing, so I have to kinda be careful that I don't overdo it.


Overall I feel like I'm in the process of turning my life around. And I can say that feels AWESOME, with a capital A :D


Did I say I lost 11 pounds in one week? FUCK YES. I r winrar!

Go you! That's insane. 'Bout time you had some lucksies :)

I'm tempted to go to bed.


All I've had tonight is negative thoughts. Uni isn't right for me.. I don't have the self control to make myself go to my lectures, I'm getting ill from living here, I'm living with people that probably couldn't care less about me, the kitchen is a fucking disgrace and I'm tired of constantly pulling my own weight but don't have the balls to stand up for myself and demand that other people do their share, I'm eating unhealthily, and getting in to hideous amounts of debt, because I can't control my money like an adult. On top of that I've got a fucking horrible cold right now that's getting the better of me.


All I'm getting out of it is a sense of independance away from home but I can't do this. I miss the way things were with my friends and whilst I know going home won't change that and I need to face this future at some point..I don't think I can do this.


I dunno what to do. I'm seriously considering quitting University right now as a serious consideration, and have been for a few weeks now.

Dude. You're a bit homesick :) It's a struggle, and a big fucking scary step to go away from home and allow yourself to be alienated from the world you knew, and thrust into a world of responsibility and uncontrollable twats.


But you have to face that sort of responsibility at some point in your life, and you may as well do it here and now while the risks are lower. I would genuinely say that if you can't talk to everyone, then at least talk to one other flatmate and vent a little about the mess situation. You can try and call a house meeting and, while they may think you suck for a while, they will either a) Eventually realise tehy are being twats and get over it, or b) turn out to be people not worth knowing anyway.


It's the start of uni for them, too, and generally you find that most 18 year olds revert to 12-year-old form when tehy suddenly realise OMG NO PARANTS ZOMGYAY I WILL BE AN IDIOT. Once people start having deadlines they'll buck up a bit. You're not alone in the way you feel; you're nt the first and you won't be the last. If it's truly getting you down then I recommend talking either to a tutor you like and trust or the uni counsellor. Or come to sheffield for a few days and share some gin with me :P


I'm in London, explaining my abscence.


Saw Chicago, which was amazing! London shops aren't as interesting as one expects (I wasn't too concerned with the shops myself, but my sister was).


The Tate Modern was interesting.


Going to (Joy of joys...) Abercrombie and Fitch now. I was half-tempted to wear my customised "Aberzombies R Kool" t-shirt, but I thought against it. Blah blah blah.....


I'd prefer to spend a zillion pounds on toilet paper than in there.

I'm tempted to go to bed.


All I've had tonight is negative thoughts. Uni isn't right for me.. I don't have the self control to make myself go to my lectures, I'm getting ill from living here, I'm living with people that probably couldn't care less about me, the kitchen is a fucking disgrace and I'm tired of constantly pulling my own weight but don't have the balls to stand up for myself and demand that other people do their share, I'm eating unhealthily, and getting in to hideous amounts of debt, because I can't control my money like an adult. On top of that I've got a fucking horrible cold right now that's getting the better of me.


All I'm getting out of it is a sense of independance away from home but I can't do this. I miss the way things were with my friends and whilst I know going home won't change that and I need to face this future at some point..I don't think I can do this.


I dunno what to do. I'm seriously considering quitting University right now as a serious consideration, and have been for a few weeks now.


What Grunch and jay have said is true. Something else you have to factor in is that home won't be the same as it was two months ago - all your mates will probably be away at uni too. What will you do, if not uni?

You may quit, then regret it and just have to start all over again.

How long have you been going to the gym, and how often? I've just started going with a friend twice a week after school. Also, as it's the school gym, we get in free:heh:


i think ive been going for about 6 weeks now, though i had to sit out a week for a holiday. I try to go 3 times a week, always manage at least 2. its easier with a mate, proper motivates you to keep going. couple of days ago a firend was doing a 4 mile run on the tred mill, we made a race of it. id never have kept going for 40 mins if id not had somthing to strive for.


No worries buddy, we know you're not bragging - I was in a similar (if somewhat opposite) boat about 2 years ago - unhealthily thin and fed up of it so I also started the weights! Went from 10 and a half stone to almost 13 and a half! I've now dropped down to about 13 as I was storing a bit of fat....all in all, it's good - I imagine it must make you feel great like it did for me! 2 years on and I'm still training, not trying to beefcake it just wanna stay in good shape - the g/f doesn't have any complaints either ;)


The point is, keep it up and well done so far!


im trying not to get huge, though i seem to build muscle fairly easily (apparntly long muscles, same as my dear old papa) when doing weights, so i'll see how it goes. i was having protine shakes, but they are expensive, and would either make me fat or get to big. hopefully i'll get to a decent size and then change focus to running, with a few trips to the gym to keep things from sliding.


As jay did, watched saw 3, gah hate the frikkin films, they give me very odd dreams (rather than scary ones!). Not impressed. But the storyline itself was pretty good considering.


Had to get myself out of bed this morning, was an effort and a half! Got another cold, which doesn't help so going to dose myself on lemsips when I get home later.


Going to try and finally get round to making my story for my platform game to at least get some sense of accomplishment with this game, then go out tomorrow, grab a sketch book and start doodling during the weekend.


Hoping to go out later, grab food, need to go to and apologise to lindsey as I don't think I'll be the joy of the party at hers! So will have to grab her a card and present tomorrow to make up!


Dyson I wouldn't worry too much, I felt exactly the same a few weeks ago, it's awful but I'd say to at least stick it out til christmas. Work can be difficult when you've had such a long break, but your tutors are there for a reason, if you feel trapped, email them and ask for a talk with them about everything, I'm sure they've heard it before and can help you best.


As to flatmates I took to putting some of my stuff (not all) in my room and only taking them out when needed, if you need to and are worried it's going to be a huge mess and you'll lose your deposit, have a word with reception or something and say you are concerned, incase they ever come to check. That way you won't be blame for something that isn't your fault!


Otherwise get in bed, get some rest and vit c is your friend, it'll be alittle bit easier to deal with once you have a clear head. Oh and money, time to start writing down what you can spend each week and keep receipts! That way you can check them against online banking, it's helped me alottt.


I forgot to really talk about my day yesterday. I had to drag myself out of bed at half 8, then ravaged myself with 9-4 uni followed by 5-7 jugglesock then pub. Jugglesock had about 20 people this week; starting to see who the regulars will be. I learned a new juggling trick where each of the three balls has its own half-orbit-thing; some german lecturer came and chatted to me while I was sitting in between lectures and showed me a couple of tricks. Shall probably see him next week and hopefully he'll pass on a couple more!


Picked up baton-twirling a little (lots of bruises) and learned that there's actually skill to pom-poms :P juggled whilst hula-hooping for about three throws; gotta work on that.


I think next week I hope to learn another couple of juggling tricks and maybe work on my happysack! Y'all know my society is the business, amirite?


So yeah! Tonight I'm off to all-u-can-eat. Need to sort out precisely where and who with, then with the jugglesock committee it's off to the cinema to watch Withnail & I, perhaps with some stealthy booze snuck in.


Dyson, I also felt the same, but if this line of thinking continues... I'm going to find out your residence and pimpsmack you into the next world.


So we can all agree it's in your best interests for you to stay at university.


Guh...slept a bit bit too late. Did my first review for a magazine down in London last night which was pretty cool.

Also hooked my 360 up to my big telly and melted my face with high res pretties. mmm...

watched saw 3.


the storyline itself was pretty good





I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job.

Thats all.

i think ive been going for about 6 weeks now, though i had to sit out a week for a holiday. I try to go 3 times a week, always manage at least 2. its easier with a mate, proper motivates you to keep going. couple of days ago a firend was doing a 4 mile run on the tred mill, we made a race of it. id never have kept going for 40 mins if id not had somthing to strive for.


Thats awesome. Seems to show alot quicker than I thought it would.


And having a mate is absolutely a good thing. Like, doing a bike ride, sitting next to each other on the machines and talking / making sure to be going a little bit faster. Doing one extra rep of the weights, or one level higher, or whatever.

I'm tempted to go to bed.


All I've had tonight is negative thoughts. Uni isn't right for me.. I don't have the self control to make myself go to my lectures, I'm getting ill from living here, I'm living with people that probably couldn't care less about me, the kitchen is a fucking disgrace and I'm tired of constantly pulling my own weight but don't have the balls to stand up for myself and demand that other people do their share, I'm eating unhealthily, and getting in to hideous amounts of debt, because I can't control my money like an adult. On top of that I've got a fucking horrible cold right now that's getting the better of me.


All I'm getting out of it is a sense of independance away from home but I can't do this. I miss the way things were with my friends and whilst I know going home won't change that and I need to face this future at some point..I don't think I can do this.


I dunno what to do. I'm seriously considering quitting University right now as a serious consideration, and have been for a few weeks now.


I know i dont know you dyson but...I started uni in 2004 and of the 7 other people in my halls flat im now in contact with just two of them, they happen to be 2 of my best friends, but the others Im just not bothered about. My other friends from uni are from my course, and through friends of friends, and people i met randomly. So if you dont love your flatmates i dont think thats anything to worry about too much.


Also the disgusting kitchen thing, we had one girl (the psycho, theres one in every flat) who ALWAYS left her empty tuna can out until it rusted, and all her cooking crap aswell, until my other flat mate one day just went mental at her. After that there was always a tension between this girl and everyone else. She started communicating only through notes etc, long story but definitely better not to let it get to that stage, your flatmates probably think its horrible too but are just being lazy/rebelling due to new freedoms.



Sure similar things have been said by other people but just wanted to say that. :smile:


Dude. You're a bit homesick :) It's a struggle, and a big fucking scary step to go away from home and allow yourself to be alienated from the world you knew, and thrust into a world of responsibility and uncontrollable twats.


But you have to face that sort of responsibility at some point in your life, and you may as well do it here and now while the risks are lower. I would genuinely say that if you can't talk to everyone, then at least talk to one other flatmate and vent a little about the mess situation. You can try and call a house meeting and, while they may think you suck for a while, they will either a) Eventually realise tehy are being twats and get over it, or b) turn out to be people not worth knowing anyway.


It's the start of uni for them, too, and generally you find that most 18 year olds revert to 12-year-old form when tehy suddenly realise OMG NO PARANTS ZOMGYAY I WILL BE AN IDIOT. Once people start having deadlines they'll buck up a bit. You're not alone in the way you feel; you're not the first and you won't be the last.


Thanks a lot j7, the post actually did help me alot. As did EEVIL's, nightwolf's, Molly's and Odwin's. I honestly didn't think people would actually take note of my post and offer real advice, so it was a real surprise to get those messages. I think I'll talk to my other housemates about it later.


IT's just frustrating that last Tuesday night me and the other 2 guys blitzed the kitchen and cleaned it completely and set down some ground rules for everyone to follow..except they havn't been at all. I do want to have it clean but I don't want to have to clean it all again and make everyone else think they can get away with it constantly. I'll chat to a couple this weekend and see what they think. We've all been talking about a flat-imposed penalty for washing up: If someone leaves it for more than 24 hours then the person has to put £2 or so in to a flat pot that we'll spend on a night out at the end of the year or something. I think it's an interesting idea :heh:


Thanks for the posts before people, they've helped a lot and I'm feeling much better about the situation now :D


Or come to sheffield for a few days and share some gin with me :P


Sounds like a plan to me : peace:


I put my name forward to be a volunteer for St John's Ambulance today. Need to go for an interview next month.


Now for the rest of the day, think I'll just play Gears all afternoon!

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