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My day's been pretty productive, managed to get everything for uni! ^_^ pretty awesome stuff too.


Obviously something had to shatter such a nice day, a text from leigh. My twat of an ex. Sigh, it's amazing how he never made any effort and never had any money...and yet can go all the way to see a friend for a week. Funny that.


It just puts me in a foul mood completely.

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my was going well, read some of my book, which im loving, played some assassins creed for a bit. its getting dull but the hits are decent.


after lunch i check my emails, then go to my lecturers memorial page on face book. he got his phd the day he died.


thats so unfair, a kind, clever and gentle man dies on what should be the best day of his life. he had alot to offer psychology, the science has lost a potential great. i wounder if he was afraid, how he felt knowing he had widestread cancer and just weeks to live. i cant help but imagine his last words being a dry joke.

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I went into carphone warehouse today and bought a memory card for my phone. He asked me what internet I have, to which I said Pipex, completely throwing him. Then he asked how much I pay, I know rightly but said that I hadn't a clue and it wasn't my bill, or my decision, then walked out. I had spoken to a carphone warehouse staff member once, and they get commission on every contract they sell, so I'm assuming its something to do with a desperate sale.


Went to boots and the alarm went off. Went into woolies, alarm went off. Went back to carphone warehouse and asked him to check the security alarm thing. He said that I didnt set off the alarm in the shop there (they must have had it OFF), and the stock there wouldn't set off anyone else's alarms. He noticed that I have an ipod, and he said it was that. I was getting fucking cross by this point and told him I'd been in and out of shops with this ipod for years, and he still wouldnt even check >_>


So I left, opened the box of the mem card and lo and behold there was a security tag in it.


RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR STUPID SALESMEN!!! More concerned with selling me their shitty talktalk internet than actually providing a good service. I also noticed that they are doing 3 wireless internet with a free laptop. I didn't get a free laptop when I took mine out directly with 3 :(


Very unimpressed today.

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Had an awful night with some kind of chest cold, I could hardly breath! Spent the day helping my gran set up her computer and show her to use the internet. Then I looked at some red squirrels scurry around the trees and nick food off the bird table. Squirrels are so awesome. They're like ninjas and pirates combined.

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Then I looked at some red squirrels scurry around the trees and nick food off the bird table. Squirrels are so awesome. They're like ninjas and pirates combined.


when i was coming home from the gym on wed, a gray squirel was playing infront of my neighbours house. there were a ton of birds too. im suspcious an animal council was going on.

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when i was coming home from the gym on wed, a gray squirel was playing infront of my neighbours house. there were a ton of birds too. im suspcious an animal council was going on.


Sort of like in the fellowship of the ring when they're deciding who'll take the ring to mordor? But obviously it was a meeting on animal matters.

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i witnessed the most retarded thing any one has ever done today.


my father, a man who recently fell off the conservetry roof, by standing on the plastic while it was wet and soapy, further demponstrated that darwin was wrong by sticking a knife in the toaster to retrive some bread. i ran up and turned it off, then unplugged it and told him hes a prat. hes 54, and every year he seems to get closer to destroying himself.

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i witnessed the most retarded thing any one has ever done today.


my father, a man who recently fell off the conservetry roof, by standing on the plastic while it was wet and soapy, further demponstrated that darwin was wrong by sticking a knife in the toaster to retrive some bread. i ran up and turned it off, then unplugged it and told him hes a prat. hes 54, and every year he seems to get closer to destroying himself.


I do this all the time. Unless you're dumb enough to get near to touching the element, I don't see the problem.

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My day's been pretty productive, managed to get everything for uni! ^_^ pretty awesome stuff too.


Obviously something had to shatter such a nice day, a text from leigh. My twat of an ex. Sigh, it's amazing how he never made any effort and never had any money...and yet can go all the way to see a friend for a week. Funny that.


It just puts me in a foul mood completely.


Oh god, ex's...*shudder*


Sorry to hear about that nightwolf :( Must be quite annoying..


My day was pretty cool; got up early and went to Birmingham University for an open day. What did I learn? Well, clearly I shouldn't even think about doing Medicine there; medical science's however seems awesome. Accomodation seems pretty wicked too.

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No matter how much I was any of the LOTR films, it doesn't diminish their awesomeness in anyway. It's one of the very very few series of films, where i could choose a favourite, their all equally awesome. The music is win too.


id guess thats cos they were shot in sequence, rather then having a gap. kept the same feel and focus thruout the serise, stops there being a change in tone. i can imagine 9/11 would have changed the tone a little had they shot the films convetionaly.

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lotr does rock.


i had a disapointing night. i have eaten something thats REALLY disagreed with me. I'm feeling so sick, and whilst i know this is a weird thing to mention, it's also a pretty big record to lose: I pooed on a public loo for the first time ever! so thats a 23 year streak just wiped out due to some bug or something.


I hope i feel better soon. No idea what it is thats done this too me, although I suspect it's actually karma, as I pretented to have food poisoning to skip work for a job interview a few weeks ago, so I guess I'm owed some food poisoning.

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I do this all the time. Unless you're dumb enough to get near to touching the element, I don't see the problem.


Will you still get stung if its turned off at the socket? I regularly get my bagels stuck and swoop a knife if the middle, feeling remarkably safer when I turn the toaster off at the socket.

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You probably think that if the toaster is off, the coils are cool, and no current is flowing, it's perfectly safe to use a handy butter knife to dislodge your stuck Toast Masterpiece. It's true that it's safer than it used to be. If the toaster has a polarized plug and if the outlet it's plugged into is wired correctly and if the toaster designer put the switch on the hot line (the standard practice), then the risk is small. But I still wouldn't recommend it. You might slip and accidentally hit the lever and energize the heating elements. You're also taking the chance that those who installed key elements of the system were as carefree about risk as you are. For example, suppose the outlet isn't wired right and the hot and neutral lines are reversed--in pre-WWII homes, believe me, that's far from unusual. The toaster will still operate, but when it's shut off its coils will remain electrically hot even though they're cool from a temperature standpoint. If you contact the coils, the toaster might make toast out of you.


Inserting a metal knife or fork when the toaster is unplugged isn't recommended either. Although there's no immediate risk of electrocution, you could damage the toaster and create a future hazard. A toaster's heating coils are usually insulated from the metal chassis by a material called mica. Mica is a mineral with excellent thermal and electrically-insulating properties that make it well suited to this application. However, it's thin and brittle and if a sharp knife or fork pierces it and allows the coil to contact the chassis, you could cause a short leading to a blown fuse or, even worse, an electrically hot metal frame that could shock or electrocute someone.


Go ahead and stick your knife in then Matthew

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I got a date for Tuesday... weird.

I've got one too: 16/9/08.


Sorry, that was rubbish. If it's any consolation my entire day has consisted of digging myself into a hole, using all my willpower to clamber out and fill it in, then unwittingly picking up the spade to start shovelling once again. Wash, rinse, repeat. It's proven more exhausting then an entire week's work; some weekend this is.


Anyway, sorry for moaning so much. I will shut up eventually.

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I've got one too: 16/9/08.


Sorry, that was rubbish. If it's any consolation my entire day has consisted of digging myself into a hole, using all my willpower to clamber out and fill it in, then unwittingly picking up the spade to start shovelling once again. Wash, rinse, repeat. It's proven more exhausting then an entire week's work; some weekend this is.


Anyway, sorry for moaning so much. I will shut up eventually.

It's with someone who I used to work with at Sainsbury's. Kinda attractive, never really spoke to her. She entered my pub with a friend, I'm out collecting glasses and her friend is outside having a cig, I ask her how she is, she says depressed because she's just been talking to her friend about her ex-fiance, blah blah blah. She's got a blind date tomorrow [not that blind since she's got a picture of him]


Bit of chitchat, number exchange. She leaves then I get a text asking what I said earlier was I saying I liked her, if so how would I feel about giving it a go as boyfriend and girlfriend [fast and forward much]

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Sorry, that was rubbish. If it's any consolation my entire day has consisted of digging myself into a hole, using all my willpower to clamber out and fill it in, then unwittingly picking up the spade to start shovelling once again. Wash, rinse, repeat. It's proven more exhausting then an entire week's work; some weekend this is.


Prospecting for oil? Or just a really bad grave digger?

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Prospecting for oil? Or just a really bad grave digger?

I certainly uncovered a sticky, inky blackness, but it's more stubborn than oil. And if anything I'm too good at grave digging; I'm not ready to lie down just yet.


Anyway, I'm waiting on a false hope. It's time to try and set aside my worries for now — there will be plenty of time to pick them up again tomorrow.

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