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So I finally find out the reason why my ex broke up with me: she didn't want to fall in love.


"You're the type of guy I can fall for, and I don't want to get that involved because this is my last year in Egypt."


I can't believe I dated her. This morning I logged into Facebook to find her in a relationship with some other dude.




She sounds like some slut who doesn't even know what love is, yet is giving you lines from her favourite sitcom.


Come home to watch loose women and get back into zelda/okami for now.


XD When I first heard the title of that show, I nearly threw up. Mental images came about that took a while for me to repress. Okami is a great game, much better than Zelda TP I thought anyway.

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i just chased 4 stray kittens out of the house then had to shepherd them all back together outside so they'd stop myowing for each other *hehe* kinda cute.

one wanted to play ^__^



...but i didnt want fleas, so... :hmm:

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Urgh moving, always a pain. Particularly as once we picked up the van we got stuck becasue a bloody bike race was going on.


Anyway it went relatively smoothly. Picked up two unexpected helpers (brother's friend and my nan) and got everything we planned to do done.


Just trying to figure out freecycle. Anyone use it? I've seen stuff I want and emailed them but not heard back (emailed some people yesterday). Nothing comes up (like a forum thread) when I click reply and type it in. Am confused...

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went to town eariler and was thinking of getting a psp or ds for the flight when i goto america next year. But then it hit me....can i use handheld gaming devices on planes??? anyone know?


As long as you make sure its not doing anything wireless. Not that it can really effect the planes communications, but the airlines are paranoid, so I'd be careful about that.

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Yeh you can use handhelds on planes no problems. The only problems that may occur are at customs but your unlikely to get stopped. I went through customs twice (to and coming back from Portugal) with a backpack full of electrical goods (2 DSs, a PSP, 1 MP3 player, 1 MP4 player) and nothing happened. Was surprised at that as I seem to always get stopped at customs (a thumb tack stuck in the bottom of one of my shoes caused chaos in Florida. I thought that the security officer was going to have to conduct a cavity search as we couldn't find out why the metal detector was going off when I was going through it).

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Just found out that two of our friends are stopping at ours Monday apparently. Nice ot be informed eh? (granted its harsh they were promised a place on the new campus building and its kinda fallen through but still...) I love them, but when they and my housemate get together their not quiet and I'd like to not piss off the neighbours this year :/

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Awesome day. I got accepted into drivers ed at my school, and I found out from a friend, that by the time I graduate from high school, my local Uni will be offering a game development course. Because of this, I'm not going to need to go out of province, which will save me quite a bit of money.

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(a thumb tack stuck in the bottom of one of my shoes caused chaos in Florida. I thought that the security officer was going to have to conduct a cavity search as we couldn't find out why the metal detector was going off when I was going through it).

When I went to Florida I wore those shoes that had small wheels underneath which are held in with metal frames.

Maaaan. Never again do I want to wear anything metal. Every metal detector I had to frisked with the handheld detector cos I set the big one off. I went through about 4 of them cost we stopped off at Washington.

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