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Heh, the first times are super painful really. But after a while of doing it, the pain gets less or something. Like today, it barely hurt at all. I do however use two different epilator heads. The first has less thingies that pull out hair and has a massage roller on top, so this one hurts less. I only use this to let my legs get used to the feeling, then I switch to the other epilator head, which works a lot better (but doesn't have the massage roller thingie).

I get a pretty nice result (takes a while though), which lasts for about two weeks. Don't believe the things they say about it being 3 or 4 weeks, that's bullshit. But still a lot better than the 1 or 2 days with shaving I think. =P


/end girl talk


ah ta! Sounds like a good idea, I don't need to shave 1/2 days because I don't seem to grow hairy legs that quickly, so we'll see. I may have to invest..

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ah ta! Sounds like a good idea, I don't need to shave 1/2 days because I don't seem to grow hairy legs that quickly, so we'll see. I may have to invest..


Heh, lucky you! I would have to shave every other day if I don't want stubble coming through. Too much work. =P



Home alone, as my parents are getting my sister at the airport (she's getting back from Spain). I hope tv can entertain me because so far it's been a boring evening. D:

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To Nami and J7. Thank god someone else had seen it im mentally scarred by the film haha. I was reading about it on wiki jesus the director sounds like a psycho.


The music imo is just immense it makes the film for me theres something great about the music and whenever it kicks in theres some horror on screen like the abortion scene...


I like how there is a lot of duality in the film like what happens to the tortoise and the guy later. The tortise death though jesus christ even though ironically it was probably one of the most painless deaths compared to what they did to the fucking rat or whatver it was its just so horrific. And to be honest even though I said its painless then tortise is fucking gasping for air or something when they show its head on the floor. God that film is sick.


Have you guys seen Men Behind The Sun that film is pretty much disgusting in ways you cant imagine. And the fact that its based on what the Japanese got up to in WW2 makes it even more horrifying.


God I really need to read a nice disney book or something watching movies like this is bad news.


Glad it's not just me who's messed up by this!! - I ain't got that tune outta my head all day, I think it's so memorable 'cos the music ain't really horrific like the film, it's almost pleasant!


Yep J7 we'll definatly do that one night!! - I'm all geared up to watch it now :)


As far as my day goes, it's been great!! - no work finally (really needed a break from smiling so much!) and chilled playing ds and watched new Bleach film which is awesome :yay:

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Glad it's not just me who's messed up by this!! - I ain't got that tune outta my head all day, I think it's so memorable 'cos the music ain't really horrific like the film, it's almost pleasant!


Yep J7 we'll definatly do that one night!! - I'm all geared up to watch it now :)


As far as my day goes, it's been great!! - no work finally (really needed a break from smiling so much!) and chilled playing ds and watched new Bleach film which is awesome :yay:


Are you talking about this music?


Or the happier title music?


Both bits of music are going to give me freaking nightmares from now on.

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Spent most of my day split between playing Guitar Hero and watching tv shows. Trying to prove to my brother that I can keep up with him in Guitar Hero by completing the new dragonforce songs. I can do them but not on Expert but I haven't tried. Apart from that, it's been a bog-standard day. Very boring and dull. And that's not just the weather.


Need to go and and get more DVDs though. I've seen every single DVD in my house several times now and I'm getting stuck for things to watch. Same for CDs. If only my siblings would repay me I'd be able to sort it out.

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Anyways, my day so far is awesome, i woke up and sang the song "My Style" while going to the computer, now its time to troll around.


From SBCG4AP? "Please stop trying to handle my style, because you can't, no you can't, handle my style. That's why you can't, no you can't - HUAH! - handle my style! Because it's hot, so please allow 10-15 minutes for it to properly cool before you try to handle my styyyyyyyyyyyyyyle!" :D

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Woke up to a dirty text message. Always nice :p


Packed at my dad's. Apparently they've already rented my room out. Nice to know I'll be missed (granted I've not lived there in over a year but whatever.)


Then after sunday dinner my grandparents randomly said they were going to The Range so I went with and we ended up in staples first and my nan bought a laptop. Random. So she's been playing with that and I've been trying to teach her. Although Vista is weird (really, the big power off button is actually the sleep button. How backwards) but she's getting there, slowly. Gave me something to do anyway.

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woke up, read some of bones of the hill, got a bite to eat, an hour on asassins creed, lunch, long leasurely chat with my parents, which is unusual, more assassins, plus some mario rpg and smash bros, the tea, and assasins creed til now.


been doing awful farts all day, i blain the linda mcartnee sausages, vegie options may be nice, but if i dont eat em often, it makes me do rancid farts, endlessly.

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Woke up, read some more Calvin & Hobbes. I can't get over how funny and charming it is.


Downloaded a perfect version of Justice's track from the Dior Homme show thanks to Dante. Pretty much made my day.


Moved some stuff from storage into the house.


Came home and did a bit more writing while rocking out to Justice. Bantered on MSN for a bit. Watched that charity football match which was surprisingly entertaining. It has been a pretty chilled and enjoyable day.

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Just got back from 5-aside, was more like a cricket game - well the score was. I don't mind getting beat but i refuse to be made to look like a fool from somewhat arrogant tosspot. Suffice to say, he'll be limping badly for the rest of week.

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Woke up, read some more Calvin & Hobbes. I can't get over how funny and charming it is.





I've been reading it since I was a kid, I wish more people knew about it. I dunno if it's a common thing but with my friends at least they haven't even heard of it.


My day has been a bit of a write off, a ridiculous amount of Spore and Veronica Mars. It has been fun, but still I feel like such a lazy git!

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I've been reading it since I was a kid, I wish more people knew about it. I dunno if it's a common thing but with my friends at least they haven't even heard of it.


I remember my sister had The Essential Calvin & Hobbes and I loved it to death. I must have read it a million times. Almost everyone I've talked to about it at least knows of it.


My favorite ones are when Calvin & Hobbes just relax on a summer day and contemplate life. Or when Calvin starts fighting with his food and he runs around the house chasing after it. Or the snowman strips.




Ok, I love all of them. :D


If I ever want to remember what it was like to be a carefree child I just have to start reading the books. There are so many I can read them again and again. Just awesome.



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Woke up, read some more Calvin & Hobbes. I can't get over how funny and charming it is.


Downloaded a perfect version of Justice's track from the Dior Homme show thanks to Dante. Pretty much made my day.


Moved some stuff from storage into the house.


Came home and did a bit more writing while rocking out to Justice. Bantered on MSN for a bit. Watched that charity football match which was surprisingly entertaining. It has been a pretty chilled and enjoyable day.


Good to see it made your day Daft. :)

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