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I mean, I have a fortnight from those dates to pay the accom. fee.


But I get given the money by the Loan ocmpany at the second lot of dates, which apart from the first, are all after 2 weeks.


Meaning I'll either have to apply for the larger free overdraft, and hope the Loan company won't fuck me over by delaying payment. Or ask my parents to front over a grand :/


Lolz sucks doesn't it? when are you going down to kent then? i'm the 20th

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Yahoo, £51 of credit down, how much more can I do?


ellmeister's scale of respect:


You before-



































You now -


Sort it out, do the right thing for once >_>

Pub tonight, weeeeeee. Wondering to text a girl or not (with my own phone), dilemma ahoy!

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Been writing website code all day again! If I never see another page of div tags and links and css styles it will be too soon.


Yahoo, £51 of credit down, how much more can I do?
What's going to happen when this person checks their online billing and sees all the numbers you've called and texted in their itemisation? Not going to be hard to track you down, is it?
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Ear is starting to hurt, whereas before it was just ringing. Sod. And everyone is suddenly telling me I shouldn't have used a cotten bud now. Where were they a few days ago?


Had another dream where I was in charge of SCS (furniture store my mother works in). Jordan was one of my employees and was useless. Wonder where my subconscious got that idea from...Anyway there was a massacre. Funtimes.


And it seems my family are trying to play Bluths again -_-

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i'm sorry, and i really don't want to get involved, but im confident i speak for many if i ask that the 'rokhed vs sim card morality' debate close.


i'm not taking either side here nor critising anyone involved in the debate, but it seems like an unconstructive debate that is creating a nasty atmosphere and feeling of animosity in this thread.



edit - ashley, i hope your ear gets better, i know how tempting it is to shove stuff in them to cleam them out and i have previously had several days of worry and pain, but turned out ok, hope you get better too.

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Had another dream where I was in charge of SCS (furniture store my mother works in). Jordan was one of my employees and was useless. Wonder where my subconscious got that idea from...Anyway there was a massacre. Funtimes.


Please make it a movie with cameo's from N-E members.


It'd be AWESOME.

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Please make it a movie with cameo's from N-E members.


It'd be AWESOME.


If you can get me Noah Gray-Cabey, Rose McGowan (as they also starred) and an American yellow schoolbus and a crowd of stunt people (as they would need to be drowned in said schoolbus) then im game.


(as all that, and more, was in my dream)

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Man United have just lost, now this would usually put me in a bad mood but the fact that I spent most of the day with my girlfriend means I'm still smiling!


I didn't really think I was missing much before but despite only being together for a short while I'm happier than I've been in a long time. We went to see The Dark Knight last night and then spent most of the day just doing nothing, I never thought doing nothing could be so satisfying!


In short; Eddage = happy :heh:

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Do alot of users have dreams about the n-e users? :hmm:


I've had a dream or several about a particular member or two.


So, I'd say it happens.


My day has been pretty ok. I've been working out quite a lot, and as a result, I'm not able to fit into some shirts and t-shirts that were a size too big for me before. The downside, is that the majority of my clothes now feel a bit too tight, haha. Aww, silly life.


I may be playing football on Sunday with my work-mates. So annoying, it'll be my last week there, and all this cool stuff will be happening, and I'm going to be sad to miss out on it all. :( Still, the football will be fun. We'll be having a little game against another local team. I'm playing in my preferred position of centre-back, which was my favourite position when I used to play football at dinnertime in school. God, I've not really played football since then, I'm in for some fun. :D

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