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Went to london to see my nan. Retirement homes are so utterly depressing. Old people just have nothing interesting to say. And they have bedtimes, wtf. when i'm old I want to be doing heroin and surfing the internet 24/7.


made it back to brighton to see my mate play a gig. went 'backstage' to see the other guys playing that night. A mixed event. Now I'm at home wondering whether to scrape a spliff together, despite feeling rather tired and having nothing to watch except dvd commentaries, which isn't what you get stoned for. Might end up watching x-men and x-men 2 just for the spliff's sake.



In Art, we went to see the awesome Tracey Emin exhibition, which was very thought-provoking, and to my chagrin, everyone was like "That's not art!". :indeed:

... But Tracy Emin really, really is shit :P

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The night was crap then epic. Was refused entry to Jaxx (nightclub) where all my friends were, and the local Wetherspoons because my passport is expired.. Ended up going on random car trip and eating ice cream with girl on a hill at 1:30am. Awesome.

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Guest Jordan
Yay, just found a sim card for a contract phone, I know have unlimited credit for a while.


I have to ask, why do you feel its right to do that sort of thing? If i found a contract sim, i'd call the phone operator and tell them rather than fuck someone over for free calls/texts.


Fucking hell, have a sense of decency for once rather than thinking the world actually owes you something.

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I have to ask, why do you feel its right to do that sort of thing? If i found a contract sim, i'd call the phone operator and tell them rather than fuck someone over for free calls/texts.


Fucking hell, have a sense of decency for once rather than thinking the world actually owes you something.


Maybe the world does owe him something :heh:

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Blergh, seeing why everyone says the Student Finance Company sucks ass.


My uni asks for accomodation fees a fortnight from 20th September, 1st January and 1st April.


I get my loan money through on the 29th September, 19th January, and 5th of May.


5th of May for fucks sake, thats like in the middle of exams or something.

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Blergh, seeing why everyone says the Student Finance Company sucks ass.


My uni asks for accomodation fees a fortnight from 20th September, 1st January and 1st April.


I get my loan money through on the 29th September, 19th January, and 5th of May.


5th of May for fucks sake, thats like in the middle of exams or something.


I think your best option would be a bank with interest free overdraft. If you speak to your bank about it they will most likely understand, especially if you have a student account.

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student accounts carry one as standard.


other option: borrow the loan amounts off your parents, then pay them back in full when you get the payments yourself? don't know how viable that'd be.


Other option, play a guitar under a bridge and watch the pennies come flying in. Do this many times a week.


(Note: Pennies won't literratly fly in and the bridge must be near the town or in the town for any success)

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Happy birthday soag you old fart!


Today my arents went away on one of my dad's motorbikes for 10days, I actually felt really sad (upset sad) because mum was talking to me about how when she gets back she wants to spend as much time with me as possible before I bugger off to uni




Went to town bought wii play for 2.99 because gamestation have them pre-owned cheap without a wiimote. wahey, keep me entertained and I also bought a book, although for the past week I've been going into my local waterspoons asking for IT by stephen king and somebody keeps buying the damn thing. grr.


Bought kfc, spent a while in traffic, come home and installed black and white 2 on my mums laptop (which even when we bought the two laptops last new year is strikingly better than mine, although mine's now taking half an hour to load up to msn which tells me it's finished .sigh), going to sit around and do naff all, I miss my parents already.



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I have to ask, why do you feel its right to do that sort of thing? If i found a contract sim, i'd call the phone operator and tell them rather than fuck someone over for free calls/texts.


Fucking hell, have a sense of decency for once rather than thinking the world actually owes you something.


Hey, I'm not the one stupid enough to leave a sim card without cancelling the account, right above a cashpoint no less, where someone is bound to notice it.


People are incompetent, that's their problem, no mine.


Maybe the world does owe him something :heh:


Too fucking right they do, the amount of shit I've had to put up with I'm due a truck load of positive karma.


Don't you have any morals? It seems lately like you'll fuck people over out of whim.


I'd fuck you over, over a stool.

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Blergh, seeing why everyone says the Student Finance Company sucks ass.


My uni asks for accomodation fees a fortnight from 20th September, 1st January and 1st April.


I get my loan money through on the 29th September, 19th January, and 5th of May.


5th of May for fucks sake, thats like in the middle of exams or something.


Is this uni-maintained residence, like halls? What do you mean "a fortnight from..." -- does this mean you will actually have the money to pay the rent in time? Anyway, if it's uni-managed/maintained then they usually don't fuck people over like that, and actually can be very flexible. if you were rich enough you could arrange to pay the entire year's rent in one go.


My day! Woke up, found my loans/grants statement (shit, only two this year! damn you third year!) and have basically realised I'll have about £900 for the year, plus £40 a week. Not really factored bills into the equation... but I think basically I'll be living on £40 a week :P Need to be strict about this, otherwise I won't clear my overdraft.

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Just got back from oral surgery minus 2 wisdom teeth. This is SO not fun. Spitting blood every 10 seconds and waiting for the excruciating pain to kick in.


On the plus side my diet this week will consist mostly of pudding and ice cream :yay:

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