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Spent the night with a lass who may or may not be a girlfriend, it's still up in the air. After a rocking 40 minute trek I managed to make it to the train station, and in proper film climax style I jump through the doors as they were halfway closing. It was so epic I may see about getting the security footage, I shit you not.


Please say that's a sexual metaphor. :D

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I've started working at my dad's place again. For this week and next week. I've now got a clocking out slip, makes it feel more like a job...


During lunch, I became bored and discovered a permanent black marker. The walls in the warehouse had unoriginal daubings like "Tom woz ere 2005" or "Andy '97/'98/'99", so I decided to be more creative with my grafitti and drew The Laughing Man logo from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (minus the quote)... :smile:


I've just watched the greatest line ever said in a tv show, literally made me spit out my choc digestive.



If it hadn't been for the line being in the vid title, I probably would have found it as funny as you did.


The delivery was spot on, though. The way he said it and his face and everything. But the line being in the vid title completely ruined the element of surprise, so I saw it coming four miles away.

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Guest Stefkov

I found out my eyes have gotten worse in the two years since my last eye test. Fuck yeah.

New glasses on the way. I cannot be happier. 2 years of the reaction lenses...never, ever again. If anyone's considering them, don't fall into it. They turn dark at any slight bit of sunlight and then take an age to turn back clear.

Other than that, got a new pair of shoes and worked another 10 hour shift.

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I found out my eyes have gotten worse in the two years since my last eye test. Fuck yeah.

New glasses on the way. I cannot be happier. 2 years of the reaction lenses...never, ever again. If anyone's considering them, don't fall into it. They turn dark at any slight bit of sunlight and then take an age to turn back clear.

Other than that, got a new pair of shoes and worked another 10 hour shift.


I heard that after a year they do go to shit. I would have got them a few years ago but my glasses already hit near £300 as it is without the added £70 for reactions. :(

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The morning was the same as yesterday. (Still volunteering at the camp as a photographer) Except my camera's memory card filled up halfway through the morning so I ended up not doing much.


The afternoon was pretty crap. Nobody noticed that the screen on the back door had blown open (even though there were at least 2 people in the room) so a bunch of wasps that were hovering around the back door, because of a faulty wasp trap that was there (It attracted them but didn't capture them), got in and I ended up having to get rid of them. Then I worked on my dad's website for a while and after that did nothing for the rest of the day.

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Guest Stefkov
I heard that after a year they do go to shit. I would have got them a few years ago but my glasses already hit near £300 as it is without the added £70 for reactions. :(

£300?! Bugger me.

I'm lucky that cos I'm in education I can get these £125 glasses for only £30. But then anti glare and scratch resistant put another £30 on it.

It seems only thin framed rectangular glasses suit me, which means all the selection of glasses that are not the £125 designer glasses don't suit me at all. Sucks.

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Back from my two week trip around Europe. My cash card was stolen after three days, so I had to borrow cash for the rest of the trip, but it was no hassle really.


Prague was pretty nice and very cheap, so we ended up spending far more money there than we expected, due to the low cost of food and alcohol. Cologne was by far the best time, met some great people, avoided a lot of the tourists, just generally had a brilliant time. Amsterdam was a whole other coin though, far too many tourists, litter everywhere and most of it was a building site. Never go to Amsterdam, but if you do never stay at The Flying Pig Hostel, it's full of morons and it's incredibly expensive, in fact all of Amsterdam is full of morons and incredibly expensive.


And now I am back and I have an amazing flat in London all ready to move in to.

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Guest Jordan

My day started shit.


I didn't get to work till 10 fucking minutes ago, even though i've had some urgent issues to deal with thanks to my inconsiderate fucking cunt of flat mates, one of them was in the shower till 9:10. What a fucking cunt. I can't fucking wait to move out at the end of the month.

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Speaking of been a phoneathon the last few days. To switch from O2 simplicity to another O2 contract I need to go via O2 PAYG so I did that as instructed and phoned them this morning to then switch it to the new contract and the woman told me what I had done was all wrong and I had to phone this number and do all this. So I phoned this number and asked what I should be doing and she said I was doing it correctly. So now I've put it in progress but the woman said it will take someplace in the next 24 hours, usually in the morning. Then my phone won't work and around 6pm I should switch it back on and its fine. So what, im sans phone until 6pm tomorrow?


And also having to phone BT and Virgin yesterday to sort out putting a temporary halt on my phone and internet service (as its out our old house and people have just moved in) but BT said they can block outgoing calls, if I do it from the house its £5, if they do it its £26. Its a freaking 8 diget code. Didn't even bother with Virgin. Grr.

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35 minute? I've had 2 hour consultancy calls from people who i can hardly understand...


My job = people ringing with queries like ;


"How do I withdraw?"

"How much do I have in my plan"

or occasionally

"Can I have this long list of info."


Which range from 2-6 minute calls. So a 35 minute call is just ridiculous. I didnt even discuss that much with him.

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my mate's birthday party ended up in him calling me a cunt through the medium of text, and me having lots of sex over the last 10 hours. Zomg!


10 hours?

I always thought that after the first 3 hours your pretty much just doing push-ups on top of someone.

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I like how all the guys have ignored this! Poor bluey :(


My day has mostly resulted in my head being banged against a wall (not literally), this computer thing is not only driving me mad, but the poor guys on my thread. :shakehead


I may have to sit the parents down (again) and convince them of something, god knows what.


Other than that I went into town and put more coins in the bank and went to subway, some nut job was doing 20 on a 60 zone not using an indicators whatsoever until I start screaming behind them :indeed: , bloody idiots, get off the freakin road >_>.


I has road rage already..


edit: 10 hours of sex? All in one go? haha *snigger*

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I like how all the guys have ignored this! Poor bluey :(


GRR!! i dont want their pity!! :angry:

//mood swing!//

but *sniffle* i'm so sad i'm not getting it ~ :cry:

\\mood swing!\\

:shakehead stupid guys can KEEP their stupid nice words of comfort and


encouragement that i need so muchhhh :weep:


...hehehehe being a girl is ridiculous. the only thing worse than BEING one would be having to put up with one. i'm so glad i'm not a guy. ^___^




10 hours?!?

i call bullshit ~ it'd be worn down to a nub!

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