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Past few days have been monotonous to the max, woke up today sending the dreaded "we need to talk" text and after planning a suitable time to meet up, I get a call from work AGAIN to come in because they need me.


Oh well.


I hope it goes as well as it can hun!


Today's been pretty unproductive. Was up at 8 today, had a nightmare that meant I couldn't back to sleep as I had 3 hours before the dentist. Went dentist expecting a filling and got the usual ''clean your teeth more'' as if twice a day at 15minutes a time isn't enough, I'll never satisfy that dentists of mine!


In celebration I bought a hugggeee lunch which I still haven't finished and have lazed around since. Happy days!

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My gf has her friend coming to stay with us this week. I've met her before but i;m not overly keen on her. She's very shallow, and typically girly and talks alot, and argh! She's going to be sleeping on a blow-up bed on the floor everynight, and i have to somehow creep past her to get to the bathroom every morning before work. I dont know how that's going to work. I'm a zombie in the morning, i'm likely to fall right over her!


Luckilly they dont mind if i dont join them, which works for me, but they'll most likely steal the living room and the big tele, which leaves me with nothing to do but read and play DS int he bedroom. Sigh.

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Calls waiting now ; 2. Place your bets how many waiting at 6pm when I am to go home (but have to answer calls until they have gone)


Edit; And of course you get the idiots in when its near home time. 5 minute call telling someone repeatedly we have their correct address.


Its literally typical.

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I'm desperately trying not to get annoyed at my mum, as much as I love her she sometimes has no regard for others.


Like last night, me and dad were watching a tv program, then dad went upstairs at half 9 to go bed (he gets up for 5am) and I sit watching it, all of sudden mum sits down and switches the channel over whilst there was adverts on, fine. But then continues to leave it on whilst telling me she'll change it in a minute...-.-


Today she's tidying my old sisters room, which could be done another day, it drives me mad to be honest because my sister should be doing it not her.


GAH there is no reasoning with her, I even asked if she wanted me to start tea instead of her messing about and I got a snappy reply on about her doing it in a minute.


Must.remain.calm...must not shout at mother.


There's also my friend, I say friend we actually used to like each other, until I realised how weird he is, he keeps saying he misses me and wants to meet on friday, fine let's go watch dark knight, but I swear to god if he thinks after 8 months I still like him...0.0



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Went to the hygienist, which I love, as I love the super-powered polishing thing that tastes like orange-flavoured sugar they use on my teeth. Told to floss.


Made to see Make It Happen with sibling + her friend.


Bought Terminator : The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Never seen any of it, and I love the Terminator series.

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That's boys for you, nightie. We get hooked on the past and refuse to let gooo... *sighs over reminiscence* Anyway! Got some pals over, we're drowning MY sorrows collectively. Really need some GEARS to get me happy. Chainsawing some ugly mofos is just what I need! Anyway, you don't care about this. Here's a giraffe as an apology.



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Yay for being home!


Has another super boring day at work. And just like with Rez, people keep their faxes until the very last moment, so I have to do a ton right before having to go home. Typical.

Anyway, three more days, one day only being a couple of hours as it'll be a bank holiday. Plus Sunday, but I don't mind Sunday work. =)


I was doing very well today, watching that I was only eating healthy stuff... then my sister goes and makes brownies for her and her friends tomorrow and offers me to lick out the bowl with the leftover mix. God so yummy. Doubt I'll get a piece of brownie, but oh well. =3

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Waste of a day really. Approached it with uncharacteristic bright-eyed bushy-tailed optimism and it all went to pot.


One house viewing cancelled one me, another was small, and the third was a really nice place but they want people for two years, not 9 months :/. Was sat at the train station for an hour and a half because I just missed one train and the next one was delayed by fifty minutes and due to the nature of the station it turned into a wind tunnell and I froze.


However I did have a bizarre trip to the doctors. Went to get my booste shot for hep b which I should have got when I was supposed to do my semester abroad. (Got the three but not the final tester booster thing). The nurse started by asking me about the book I was reading in the waiting room so I told him. He then proceeded to tell me why its not necessary I get this booster with diagrams and all sorts. So I was like "okay..." so as the appointment ran short he decided to chat. He said, and im actually quoting, "so you don't have much of a sex life lately eh?" (either a joke or going by the fact I last went for a checkup in March...but its not like im not having sex, just not being sensible :p) and then changed back to books and we spoke about those for a while and then just said "Want some condoms?" And I was like "ummm yeah..." and stuffed a load in a bag for me. He then asked me whether I tend to normally do oral or penetrative sex which was awkward, and sent me on my way (presumably to go have lots and lots of sex).


Comes to something when your doctor tells you to have more sex. (oh and it was a Urio-gynical clinic or whatever they're called, hence why they have a vague idea about my sex life)

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I was about to say I had a pretty shit awful day but fuck that,


Stardust's The Music Sounds Better With You has just randomly selected itself, I can feel the base rumble across the floor and through my feet...


Now if I could freeze this moment and keep it in my pocket I could die happy.

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My mum discharged harself from hospital today. I rang up the hospital and spoke to several of the nurses who said it was totally against their advice that she discharged herself. Apparently for the 5 days while she was in there she didn;t co-operate with the nurses either, and refused to take any of the medication they were giving her and wouldn;t even tell them how often she got chest pains. This means they could do any of the tests they needed to do on her heart and the situation is exactly the same as it was when she went in, so she's just wasted everyones time.


I rang my sister who was in tears. It's such a crap situation. Basically, my mum has decided to die (she has actually said that on several ocasions) and can't be bothered to look after herself properly. She knows she is very over weight which is making her heart even worse, but she refuses to stop eating huge amounts. she also works as a cleaning lady, which obviously is quite a physical strain, so she spends all the time complaining how exhausting and degrading it is, yet when i suggested she just goes to work on the tills at a supermarket she claimed she wouldn't enjoy it, and it would be too much effort with the big bags of potatoes.


So i rang her up tonight when i got in from work to see how she was. She was trying to start having a rant about the hospital staff, she seemed quite annoyed that i had spoken to them (probably because she told me and my sister that she was doing what they told her and taking her pills etc and didn;t want to be caught out). So i'm saying to her 'oh i hope you'll be able to get some good rest over the next few days' and things like that and suddenly she gets really annoyed and tells me to leave her in peace. I was really annoyed with her, as she really upsets my sister and i dont like the way she is behaving, so i just said 'whatever. Bye' and hung up on her.


Argh! what a stupid thing to do. I just had my sister call me up saying that i'd stressed mum out and made her chest worse. Luckily my sister is on my side, and didn't know i'd only been saying i hope she got some rest.


Apparently my mum discharged herself because she had been in a side room, and they needed to move her into the main ward, which she said would be too claustrophic. Ridiculous. And, even more ridiculous, apparently she cant stay in hospitals because of her telepathy. After a bit more tactfull digging by my sister she claims that she feels everyone elses pain and it hurts too much...


ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know what to do, my mum is being so irrational about this. She is so miserable and depressed with life, just sell the house and go be happy till you die, me and my sister dont care about inheritance. She refuses to see the logic in that. She's just determined to martyr herself for no good reason.


Sorry for the rant, I am just so so pissed off and frustrated.

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Im so sorry Tom you sound like a really good brother and son. How old is your mum? I take it she lives on her own at the moment.


Obviously theres nothing any of us can do on the interweb to help you but im on msn if you want a chat :(

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i dont know how you feel exactly. but it was kinda like that with my mum when she is in hospital. she refused to do anything the doctors told her (stop smoking, stop drinking ) cause she didnt believe anything they told her. she was told once that she only have 6 months to live n gleefully told my dad that she was gonna drink herself to death (twas the drink talking - she was normally such a nice person)

i know how frustrating it is n stuff - its horrible to watch n realiseing that your basically helpless. (i was at uni whenever my mum was ill)

hopefully your mum will realise how much you care for her :) cause its obvious u do n we;re all here for u if u need to chat n such :)

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That's some badddddd tale o' woe, Tom.


I have a radical and pretty immoral suggestion - get a court order deeming her unfit to make her own medical decisions. It's something I'd hate to do to my own mother, but it seems like it'll be the only way to get her back into hospital, as from what you've said, I'd imagine trying to talk her back into it would be futile.


Sorry for coming across as so insensitive, you have my full sympathy.


*hugs Tom*

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