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WAHHHH I finished all the cardcaptors episodes...I onyl started them saturday? -.-, damnit. Although there is two movies to watch and then I may actually watch bleach and naruto as I've never really heard of them before I started talking on here...


I fail, but anyway it's too hot, too hot to move, but I really should grab some ice cream and then go shower. I'll be hot five minutes out the shower mind..

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Speaking about money and work... I just got told I don't have to go to work anymore on Saturdays. I have been replaced by machines. =(

I was expecting it to happen, but stillll. It means less money for me. I still have my Sunday job, but that's only every other week, and only about three hours... Blahhhh. This also means my 3 week summer job (which starts next week) will have less for me to do as well, as half of that was the stuff I used to do on Saturdays.


Alsooooo, seems they tried to deliver my games from Play-Asia, but no one heard the doorbell, so I'll have to pick them up tomorrow. Seems I'll have to pay an extra €10 though, which sucks! That's about 1/3rd of the price I paid for the gamesssss. =(

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Speaking about money and work... I just got told I don't have to go to work anymore on Saturdays. I have been replaced by machines. =(

I was expecting it to happen, but stillll. It means less money for me. I still have my Sunday job, but that's only every other week, and only about three hours... Blahhhh. This also means my 3 week summer job (which starts next week) will have less for me to do as well, as half of that was the stuff I used to do on Saturdays.


Alsooooo, seems they tried to deliver my games from Play-Asia, but no one heard the doorbell, so I'll have to pick them up tomorrow. Seems I'll have to pay an extra €10 though, which sucks! That's about 1/3rd of the price I paid for the gamesssss. =(


My games arrived today too, and I also got hit by another €10. Bastards.


Still way cheaper than buying games here, but still...

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See Eenuh, I feel your pain!!! SOMEONE THROW ME A JOB!!! Just been to Brook Street Agencies and although I was assisted by a very nice lady, even she said that work is thin and totally hard to come by at the moment!!!

I'm going to go back to university poorer than when than when I finished in June!! And sweaty people on a packed bus on a hot day = not cool!

Oh and just to throw a bone out there, I realised who I do and don't really have respect for here after seeing a particular thread (had to get that out my system).

Please job, I need you!

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back to uni poorer = same here, dude. Wish you'd say more about the respect/non-respect, sounds gossipy! *hopes it's not him*


That's what I meant to ask you! ^_^.


Student loan is 1800k for me (So I can LIIIIVEEEEEE), but it's spilt up through the year, only I recall some people and my ex going on about getting hardly any money and then at the last term getting a stupid amount that they couldn't spend. Although my mum seems to believe that it will be dead on equal..


Shed any light? :blank:

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back to uni poorer = same here, dude. Wish you'd say more about the respect/non-respect, sounds gossipy! *hopes it's not him*


Lol, definitely not you!! But errrr, I don't think I should name drop, besides the thread has been locked, and rightly so! (*total gossip fuel*)

It saddens me though, just a bit of change in my pocket for uni would be nice. If McDonalds came with an offer right now... I'd take it without a seconds thought, overtime included! (I need it that bad)

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Just saw the recent racist/homophobe thread, boy that was a retarded idea.


People got way too easily wound up though, come on people, the world is fair game, thats what I live by atleast, if I rip on you, your more than welcome to rip on me.


Those who cant live by that take themselves too seriously.

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Lol, definitely not you!! But errrr, I don't think I should name drop, besides the thread has been locked, and rightly so! (*total gossip fuel*)

It saddens me though, just a bit of change in my pocket for uni would be nice. If McDonalds came with an offer right now... I'd take it without a seconds thought, overtime included! (I need it that bad)


From what I've been told macdonalds isn't actually as bad as everyone makes out to work in, you get paid pretty well too.


Although the macdonalds round here are actually ok I guess

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That's what I meant to ask you! ^_^.


Student loan is 1800k for me (So I can LIIIIVEEEEEE), but it's spilt up through the year, only I recall some people and my ex going on about getting hardly any money and then at the last term getting a stupid amount that they couldn't spend. Although my mum seems to believe that it will be dead on equal..


Shed any light? :blank:


1800k?!? But yeah, it was like that for me last year too. I got the most at the end of April, and I had just over a month of university left :confused:. Well, all that went on bills anyway!! Infact, because one of my housemates have gone AWOL, the rest of us have to pay his quarter now!


And yeah, I don't think it's that bad, but I do have a friend that left McD's 3 weeks after she started...


Just saw the recent racist/homophobe thread, boy that was a retarded idea.


People got way too easily wound up though, come on people, the world is fair game, thats what I live by atleast, if I rip on you, your more than welcome to rip on me.


Those who cant live by that take themselves too seriously.


I fully agree with everything you said, still, it was a bit of shock to see that randomly!

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That's what I meant to ask you! ^_^.


Student loan is 1800k for me (So I can LIIIIVEEEEEE), but it's spilt up through the year, only I recall some people and my ex going on about getting hardly any money and then at the last term getting a stupid amount that they couldn't spend. Although my mum seems to believe that it will be dead on equal..


Shed any light? :blank:


well I got both the loan and the grant, so my three payments weren't the same. The main 'fuss' is that you get your last payment when you only have like two months left of uni. Some people think it should be balanced with uni months in mind, but others recognise that the last payment sort of covers your summer, too, and it's not large enough to rely solely on.


Your loan is fairly small. I'm guessing accomodation isn't coming out of that? (considering your accomodation is, i'm guessing, nearly double that)...


If you're not getting a bursary/grant then... well i think I get about £1800 per installment :P covers my rent too, though. You're looking at £180 a month to eat/go out/play on, if that's your only income. But then if it's income assessed, your parents ought to be helping you out :)

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1800k?!? But yeah, it was like that for me last year too. I got the most at the end of April, and I had just over a month of university left :confused:. Well, all that went on bills anyway!! Infact, because one of my housemates have gone AWOL, the rest of us have to pay his quarter now!


And yeah, I don't think it's that bad, but I do have a friend that left McD's 3 weeks after she started...




I fully agree with everything you said, still, it was a bit of shock to see that randomly!


Oh I meant to put £1800, but for some reason it made more sense in my head to put 1800k, I don't think student finance give more than 3grand ^_^ haha.


Jayseven currently my parents are paying for accomdation, whilst finance are paying for the course (or the other way round either way). Then that's my maintenence loan, £1800.


180 a month, 45 a week, hmm not bad. Basically my parents will help out but I'd rather try to help myself, although it's abit silly to get the most of the money 8 weeks before I finish, because I won't need it during the holidays..

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Meh. Went on a date last week, which went very well, and have been texting and MSN-ing with her often since, but just recived this e-mail from her :-


sorry i havent been in touch i dont think its a good idea to meet up again somehow my ex found out an its too soon after splitting with him nut id love to stay friends???an by the way my msn has f**ked up lol thats y i havnt spoke 2 u k hun im sorry xx


Slightly upset as I was looking forward to seeing her again and was hoping for a Summer girlfriend:red:, ah well. She dumped him about 2 months ago and was going on about how horrible he treated her. She must not like nice guys :heh:

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XXXhoilic is part of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle.

XXX means blank which could be replace with a word ie alcoholic.

Ive started reading T:RC to find out the things i miss out on from XXXhoilic.


The new chapters of T:RC is about Cardcaptors which confuse me.


"Syaoran": Kept asleep in a liquid chamber at Fei Wong Reed's palace, with his left eye covered by a piece of cloth, his hands and arms by binding spells and wearing clothes marking Fei Wong Reed's bat symbol. In fact, this Syaoran is the original while the Syaoran at Sakura's side is only a clone that Fei Wong Reed created. This Syaoran is of Clow Reed's bloodline and can thus use magic. He gave his eye and with it half of his heart to his clone to stop Fei Wong's plan temporarily, he also hoped that this action could create a true heart in the clone. Because he had given his eye Syaoran was able to witness all the events the clone did. He was depicted as a villain (it was believed that he was controlling the clone's actions, while it was only the clone's true nature showing) until it was discovered that the protagonist Syaoran is his clone. Now the real Syaoran is the story's protagonist.


This Syaoran is able to summon a sword which looks exactly like the one used by Syaoran Li from Cardcaptor Sakura and also uses the same spells.


He is the son of Sakura Kinomoto and Syaoran Li (as explained in Chapter 189) from Cardcaptor Sakura


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Guest Stefkov

I've just come to realise, in the next 3 weeks I've estimated I'll have worked about 130 hours. Multiply that by £4.50...:blank:Holy shit

Grabbing it whilst I can. Sweet jesus I'm gonna be mighty happy when that gets put in my hand. I think I'll do a victory Hard Gay dance.

Also Pokemon Pinball, Bad n Rad, Wave Race and Mario and Yoshi, all GB games, were given back to me after being in my brothers hands for months. This day can't get any better to be honest.

Where's me Gameboy Pocket/Advance...

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A good friend of mines mum died last tuesday, i only found out today, because it was in the paper =[ funerals tomorrow, she was predicted 10 years not 2 months, it's just, very sad =[


other than that, i passed pass plus!

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