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OMG....this is probably the most complex case Ive ever dealt with.



Soul destroyingly complicated, and pressure from all angles. Crazy.


This got even worse its crazy. THIS DAY IS GETTING CRAZIER, on the way home there are massive flying ants EVERYWHERE I mean the entire TOWN the whole damn TOWN. We get home and theres loads iN THE HOUSE at the back DOOR this is so WEIRD.

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I'm not looking forward to my first lesson. I've driven before, but I just know I'll be utterly balls.


I had lessons an age ago. On my first lesson someone pulled out on me and nearly caused an accident ;_; And I didn't even stop either... Well it was my first lesson, I was a bit clueless to say the least :heh:


I don't really want to drive tbh, I can only see me gettin lazy and even fatter. That is NOT good. And it costs so much!

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Yay, my CD arrived today! Hopefully my two DS games will arrive soon as well.


Another yay, I might have my first real art commission ever. Probably should've asked for more than $35 but oh well. =)


Nothing much happened today... only thing worth mentioning is me watching another X-files episode, hooray! X3

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This got even worse its crazy. THIS DAY IS GETTING CRAZIER, on the way home there are massive flying ants EVERYWHERE I mean the entire TOWN the whole damn TOWN. We get home and theres loads iN THE HOUSE at the back DOOR this is so WEIRD.


yeah it seems to be flying ant day today. Happens like once a year. The fuckers are everywhere.

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I'm not looking forward to my first lesson. I've driven before, but I just know I'll be utterly balls.


Your instructor should tell you everything, I'm a bike person so didn't really know much about cars or how to drive them.


I know it sounds daft but if people's tests are anything like mine then you've got it easy I was learning to drive since october last year and all it came down to was 3-point turn, parallel park and driving down back lanes...




I've just had another bee on my window, it's one of those windows that when closed can fit a tiny bee within the plastic bit so it was buzzing away without being able to go anywhere, I didn't want to kill another one as I'd already killed one the other day as I panicked. Poor thing shot off when I opened the window...took me a while to shut the window back up and now I refuse to open it again.


They've been in my room alot lately...buggers.


Although I'm now on episode 46 on cardcaptors...damn it's getting interesting.

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Slept 3 hours last night because I was stillup at 4am waiting for a website to be re-activated, (but it never happened T_T), and got up at 7 for work.


Work = meh, theres this really old guy who comes in the whole time who tries to chat me up, and today he was like (I was making him a ham, mozarella and pesto panini), 'Make sure you pack that ham in well lass!! mwuhahaha'

He smells bad too.


Sat around at Sarka's work place until he finished, and we all skipped merrily up the hill. Him and Jordan are coming over to visit me tomorrow :D


-waits for Saw 4 to finish-

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Sat around at Sarka's work place until he finished, and we all skipped merrily up the hill. Him and Jordan are coming over to visit me tomorrow :D


-waits for Saw 4 to finish-


i'm starting to think maybe the site should rebrand as n-shetland

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Slept 3 hours last night because I was stillup at 4am waiting for a website to be re-activated, (but it never happened T_T), and got up at 7 for work.


Work = meh, theres this really old guy who comes in the whole time who tries to chat me up, and today he was like (I was making him a ham, mozarella and pesto panini), 'Make sure you pack that ham in well lass!! mwuhahaha'

He smells bad too.


Sat around at Sarka's work place until he finished, and we all skipped merrily up the hill. Him and Jordan are coming over to visit me tomorrow :D


-waits for Saw 4 to finish-


It must have been very awesome website. :eek:

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Guest Jordan

Ironically, it still isn't back up :p. Earlier on, i had this... weird sort of "attack."


Essentially, i had huge stomach cramps, cold sweat, "floppy" feeling in my limbs, shaking and so on. I knew the problem was a lack of sugar in my body and i had to quickly get some sugar (in the form of lemon curd...) into my body which solved it. I've had these a few times over the last year (like 2 or 3) anyone have any idea? Admittedly, i don't have a direct source of sugar in my diet. I seldom eat anything that contains alot of it.


My food today (for an example):

Breakfast: Nadda

Break at work: 1 buscuit and a glass of water

Lunch: Tuna sandwich & bottle of flavoured water

Tea: Half a portion of fish and chips (it wasn't great).

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Ironically, it still isn't back up :p. Earlier on, i had this... weird sort of "attack."


Essentially, i had huge stomach cramps, cold sweat, "floppy" feeling in my limbs, shaking and so on. I knew the problem was a lack of sugar in my body and i had to quickly get some sugar (in the form of lemon curd...) into my body which solved it. I've had these a few times over the last year (like 2 or 3) anyone have any idea? Admittedly, i don't have a direct source of sugar in my diet. I seldom eat anything that contains alot of it.


My food today (for an example):

Breakfast: Nadda

Break at work: 1 buscuit and a glass of water

Lunch: Tuna sandwich & bottle of flavoured water

Tea: Half a portion of fish and chips (it wasn't great).


Maybe just a naturally low blood sugar level in yer body? Maybe worth seeing a doc to be sure? :/

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Ironically, it still isn't back up :p. Earlier on, i had this... weird sort of "attack."


Essentially, i had huge stomach cramps, cold sweat, "floppy" feeling in my limbs, shaking and so on. I knew the problem was a lack of sugar in my body and i had to quickly get some sugar (in the form of lemon curd...) into my body which solved it. I've had these a few times over the last year (like 2 or 3) anyone have any idea? Admittedly, i don't have a direct source of sugar in my diet. I seldom eat anything that contains alot of it.


My food today (for an example):

Breakfast: Nadda

Break at work: 1 buscuit and a glass of water

Lunch: Tuna sandwich & bottle of flavoured water

Tea: Half a portion of fish and chips (it wasn't great).


You probably shouldn't be skipping breakfast, as it's the most important meal of the day. Maybe just eat a bowl of cereal then, one which does have a bit (but not too much) of sugar in it? Because this really doesn't sound healthy. =O

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You probably shouldn't be skipping breakfast, as it's the most important meal of the day. Maybe just eat a bowl of cereal then, one which does have a bit (but not too much) of sugar in it? Because this really doesn't sound healthy. =O


+1, the most severe would be diabetes, but I reckon it's your diet, try to eat breakfast abit more and see how that goes. If it doesn't please go and get tested.

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Guest Jordan

Yeah... I think eating breakfast might be a good idea. Like i said, its extremely uncommon but i'll go get checked if it happens again.

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Today was a bit third hand toilet paper.


Woke up, showered, shaved and went to work. Didn't go to the gym this morning as I had overslept. Got into work, and it was pretty crappy for most of the day. On top of that, I've been looking at myself in the mirror a lot, and I just feel a bit older, and not in a great way. I was talking to somebody at work and she said I had wrinkles/crinkles on the corner of my eyes, and said it was from smiling too much and oldness. I think after that, I kinda felt a bit :(.


In my mind I feel a bit too old as well. Overall, I don't think its been a great summer, I've just got my head down and did what I needed to do, rather than what I've wanted to do. At the start of it, I had this idea of maybe saving up in time for a Christmas holiday, but that idea soon disappeared, as I didn't get a job until recently and the money situation not being too great. As well as that, work is pretty much taking up all of my time, so I don't get time to do other things, and things that need to be done as well. Worked 1 til 9, and didn't get home til 5 mins ago. Where has my day gone?!

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Today was a bit third hand toilet paper.


Woke up, showered, shaved and went to work. Didn't go to the gym this morning as I had overslept. Got into work, and it was pretty crappy for most of the day. On top of that, I've been looking at myself in the mirror a lot, and I just feel a bit older, and not in a great way. I was talking to somebody at work and she said I had wrinkles/crinkles on the corner of my eyes, and said it was from smiling too much and oldness. I think after that, I kinda felt a bit :(.


In my mind I feel a bit too old as well. Overall, I don't think its been a great summer, I've just got my head down and did what I needed to do, rather than what I've wanted to do. At the start of it, I had this idea of maybe saving up in time for a Christmas holiday, but that idea soon disappeared, as I didn't get a job until recently and the money situation not being too great. As well as that, work is pretty much taking up all of my time, so I don't get time to do other things, and things that need to be done as well. Worked 1 til 9, and didn't get home til 5 mins ago. Where has my day gone?!


Awh fiercey :(


I feel old too, just talking to someone about how fast the year has gone in o_o


cheer up, KNEEEE <3's you! :D

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Ironically, it still isn't back up :p. Earlier on, i had this... weird sort of "attack."


Essentially, i had huge stomach cramps, cold sweat, "floppy" feeling in my limbs, shaking and so on. I knew the problem was a lack of sugar in my body and i had to quickly get some sugar (in the form of lemon curd...) into my body which solved it. I've had these a few times over the last year (like 2 or 3) anyone have any idea? Admittedly, i don't have a direct source of sugar in my diet. I seldom eat anything that contains alot of it.


My food today (for an example):

Breakfast: Nadda

Break at work: 1 buscuit and a glass of water

Lunch: Tuna sandwich & bottle of flavoured water

Tea: Half a portion of fish and chips (it wasn't great).


I alot attacks all the time, ie stomach pains, stakes, tireness and feeling very warm, panic in my chest etc.

I think because of the amount of diet coke drink that i drink. :(


I used to eat less about a month ago and I have been to doctors few weeks ago and found out that i have two things wrong with my blood.


I might have to be put on prozac or something else in the next few months. :(

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Awh fiercey :(


I feel old too, just talking to someone about how fast the year has gone in o_o


cheer up, KNEEEE <3's you! :D


+1 again ^_^, I think the year has gone way too fast for my own liking, one minute it was christmas the next I was back with my ex, then college was over..gah :shakehead

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Considering work was ARGH frantic crazy busy madness hectic lose this morning tonight was...dead. I doubt we had more than 100 cheques on (across four hours and three staff thats very little). We were out there for 10.10. Madness.


Still nice to have a calm night after two busy days.


Oh and dissapointingly my mom didn't bring the iDance Wall-E when she swang by earlier. Shall have to pick it up tomorrow.

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I went to a pub quiz this evening with some friends, where we came a gentleman's 12th (out of 12), but much fun was had!


We're going again next week, and are keeping are uber team name: The Flying Mongoose!


It was funny whilst drinking...

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Pretty good. I went to work for a while, then had lunch in Pizza Express with a 2 for 1 voucher and then went down the pub to play some pool and drink some beers.


I have just discovered though that one of my housemates friends has superglued himself to Gordon Brown, which I find quite amusing. He's just found a news report about it here. Doubt much will happen from it though as it was only to his suit and not his face or anything.

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