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I'm not trying to lower your self-esteem here, but maybe you didn't recognise it because the guy wasn't actually flirting. Obviously I don't know this Flo person, but I've noticed that some people have a tendency to see flirtatious undercurrents in any non-hostile exchange between the different genders. Hell, I was accused of flirting with someone because I smiled and said, "Hello" when I was buying something, but to me that's just being polite.



Thinking of it now I think he was, but that's not me trying to be big headed, I'm a pretty lousy person at these things and don't realise til later.


Haha, I can't say I was bothered either way, I personally don't take interest in every guy who starts flirting with me, luckily. He was geniunely really nice though, nice looking and made a decent conversation even though there was a huge line, but all I can think of is ''aww'' rather than ''damn I should have asked for his number'', again no wonder I'm single :P


Been watching cardcaptors ^_^ letting my geeky self out again, it used to be on nickelodeon all the time and I forgot about it until I saw a bag with it on today, 70 episodes to watch on youtube and I'm only on 6 weeee ^_^!


I need to get back into watching things like that, but my laptop can only handle a few episodes and then spazzes out. Bah!

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Thinking of it now I think he was, but that's not me trying to be big headed, I'm a pretty lousy person at these things and don't realise til later.


Haha, I can't say I was bothered either way, I personally don't take interest in every guy who starts flirting with me, luckily. He was geniunely really nice though, nice looking and made a decent conversation even though there was a huge line, but all I can think of is ''aww'' rather than ''damn I should have asked for his number'', again no wonder I'm single :P


Been watching cardcaptors ^_^ letting my geeky self out again, it used to be on nickelodeon all the time and I forgot about it until I saw a bag with it on today, 70 episodes to watch on youtube and I'm only on 6 weeee ^_^!


I need to get back into watching things like that, but my laptop can only handle a few episodes and then spazzes out. Bah!



I loved Cardcaptors! Watched the entire first season when it was first shown on CITV, then bought the movie when it first came out on VHS - very weird in a Japanese way...


I never got why her annoying friend always insisted on making her a costume for every episode. I guess some of them were quite hot... I mean... they were back then when it wasn't highly questionable for me to fantasise so. Actually screw trying to get out of this hole - that show rocked!

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I loved Cardcaptors! Watched the entire first season when it was first shown on CITV, then bought the movie when it first came out on VHS - very weird in a Japanese way...


I never got why her annoying friend always insisted on making her a costume for every episode. I guess some of them were quite hot... I mean... they were back then when it wasn't highly questionable for me to fantasise so. Actually screw trying to get out of this hole - that show rocked!


I think it's because she's obviously filming it and making it into a show and people on shows wear costumes? That's as near as I can get to logic with that bit.


It's still really cute though, I've been watching the subbed japanese versions, the way she says windy is so cute ^_^.


Apprently I need to watch inuyasha, but that's so many episodes and I seriously doubt youtube would have them all...(saying that there's like 80 odd cardcaptors and thatgirlnextdoor has all of them <3)

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I have the feeling I wasted today. It isn't a nice feeling. So I look onto the future with an optimistic eye and realise I have FIVE AND A HALF MORE FUCKIN WEEKS OFF.


Aye! I've started doing things to make it feel like I've DONE something with my day. First, I walked a few miles to town, then walked back. Then I went and counted how many TVs in my house have AV sockets. Then I looked for ham, couldn't find any, so went to Tescos and found some there. Then, er, came home again...


Well I feel excellent :P

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Lucky you jayseven. I feel like I might have to break out the jaeger soon, I feel like shit. Realising just how tigh uni is going to be for me now that I can't get a transfer.


Yay! Today is shit! Don't you love it when you book a day off work and you end up thinking "Wow, I'd rather be there than here".

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Today was a bit depressing. Got home after a month in Thailand, and the weather and cost of living at home is making me wish I could have stayed away longer. It's great to be home and see everyone but still, the last month has just been amazing.

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Good day at work, it was very quiet :D I made food all day, and did not have to clean a single dish!!


Put some yellow and purple patches in my hair last night and it looks awesome with the orange which the rest of my hair has now turned!


Been sorting through photos all evening, ones from when I was really little. Got a bit teary.


Now to while the night away on 4chan :D

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Tonight was awful, I went to see my friends' band play their supposedly last gig. I saw for the first time my best girl friend who has lied to me for over 5 months. I gave her and her friends a lift and the whole way I said barely anything. One of them asked why I was so quiet but I just replied with a "sorry I'm leaving to see my girlfriend now see ya later" she wasn't so impressed with the answer. I feel like my soul has been taken out or something because the whole time I was showing/feeling no emotion and could have walked off and no-one would have noticed/cared. At least my girlfriend cheered me up. Now I'm home and keep thinking about how I have become de-railed. I really feel as though I am fading into the background and no-one even cares. Oh well, 2 more days of solid work to cheer me up >_>


I miss Coolness to cheer me up.

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Ah sorry to hear Ell, I hate it when someone spoils your day so badly that it really jars you.


Had a really big downer in my life recently and have been soaring on a massive high now that everything is better. My work isn't annoying me as much, things with me and bluey are brilliant and have been looking forward to her coming back pretty soon.


And just like that, the smallest of things brings on the crushing reality that she live on the other side of the planet and our relationship is mediated through a fucking box. I cant express how happy i am about seeing her when she arrives but I really don't know what I'm going to do when she has to leave again. The idea of having to do another 4 months before I see her again is really getting to me and then another 4 months after I go down for xmas.


Fucking typical isn't it. That something so great as me realising how much I really love my girlfriend turns into such a fucking double edged sword and makes me feel miserable as shit. Just had to let her leave for work when I was still upset and I know that she'll be thinking about it all day. I'll blatantly feel better in the morning but I just can't stand how this great feeling has suddenly come crashing down.

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I miss Coolness to cheer me up.

:heart: We Love You EllMeister!:heart:


How's that work for you?


An Jamba, I know how you feel. I was with my Scottish GalPal while I was doing my year abroad at University, it was hell, but it makes you appreciate them so much more when you do have the chance to see them or talk to them. Be strong.

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An Jamba, I know how you feel. I was with my Scottish GalPal while I was doing my year abroad at University, it was hell, but it makes you appreciate them so much more when you do have the chance to see them or talk to them. Be strong.


Thanks man, glad someone understands. A lot of my friends from uni keep buggin bluey and saying how much they miss their boyfriends cos they cant see them for like 2 WHOLE weeks. Like jee-erm-gosh why dont you go kill yourself now if you can't tie your shoe laces without your damn boyfriend?


Sorry, that's my bad mood coming out. I should sleep.

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At least my girlfriend cheered me up. Now I'm home and keep thinking about how I have become de-railed. I really feel as though I am fading into the background and no-one even cares.

Error detected!


This might sound harsh, but if you're fading into the background it's up to you do something about it. I've lived my whole life on the sidelines, but that's my own fault. You have to want to get involved, to start things, to make things happen.


Don't want to get involved? Then maybe it's time to find new friends.


And just like that, the smallest of things brings on the crushing reality that she live on the other side of the planet and our relationship is mediated through a fucking box. I cant express how happy i am about seeing her when she arrives but I really don't know what I'm going to do when she has to leave again. The idea of having to do another 4 months before I see her again is really getting to me and then another 4 months after I go down for xmas.

The time she's gone isn't worth thinking about. You wait at the bus stop to catch a bus, not time how long it takes to arrive.


If you can't stop thinking then turn your thoughts to something positive. What are you going to do when she gets back? Are there things you can be doing on your own that you know wouldn't interest her? Is there some kind of surprise you can ready for her arrival?


In the end these months... they're nothing. Sure they're annoying, but you don't have to do anything; they'll run their course unaided. And when they're over bluey is yours again. Forever. Now that's a long time!

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only two kisses? For that, you get the HAND.




I couldn't choose which one.


So JAMBATRON! As a spectonlooker, it is of course hard to relate entirely. I was for a long time one of those "omg no gf for two weeks" guys, so if anything I can understand a miniscule amount of what your feeling.


But ultimately, you have that to look forward to. I, on the other hand, have nothing but the pains of life.


Of course, that's the selfish response, but to be honest I'm awake at 4am doing fuck-all... I'm allowed to mope on my own issues :)

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