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Spent most of it trying to remove a bloody annoying virus from my laptop which stopped me accessing certain webpages. It also changed peoples Av's to those fake 'you're PC is Unprotected!!' things. Finally i managed to rid the thing from the hard drive, now i can actually get on/buy things from play.com again.


Apart from spending the day removing a virus i also went out with my dad to find me a first car. We've been looking for over a month now and still nothing.

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today my friend at work left, I was sad because now it means every Sunday I am stuck with three girls. Hopefully the new girl is fun though. I've been sifting through the CVs and found an irish girl's CV, she had lots of good stuff about her, but because shes irish (love that accent) I was like we should hire here ^_^


Now time to spend the evening playing games as I have been unable to for the past few days :(

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Irish accents are godly! :D


Today I've watched some X files and Anime, which was great! :yay:


Then played some Brawl with Eenuh and Sprout! (no lag is super awesome :awesome:) but had to leave half way through as my Sister and Nephew came over. (they just left!)


and ended up playing a variety of activities in the garden such as mini golf, cricket and badminton! :grin:

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I've had an ok day. Woke up very late, and didn't get out of bed til 2! I was a bit annoyed with myself as I had wasted half a day there doing nothing.


I've been playing some more N64 games, No Mercy and Perfect Dark in particular, but I just didn't seem to be in the mood today. I've felt a bit meh for most of it, dunno if I'm just lonely or bored or a combination of the two!


So, went to the gym for about an hour, and had a really good workout. Already things are starting to look a little different, with my shoulders and my arms looking pretty good. That cheered me up a little.


Going to have some late dinner now, and maybe some tea later. 3 meals of the day, breakfast, dinner and tea. Because I had breakfast late, its impacted on the rest of my day! Oh noes!


I think its going to be a quiet summer, but things are looking up I guess. The money is coming in, I'm trying to improve my attitude and keeping upbeat about things. A quiet revolution. I've played some guitar as well, and thats coming along really well, but I just feel a bit downbeat today for no reason that I can think of. I've got a bad feeling about something, some sort of impending doom.

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Imakoso Tachiagare Sadameno Senshiyo

Inadumano Tsurugide Teki wo kechirase

Yasu ragi wo Yume miru Hagane no Yuushayo

Mamorubeki Miraito Ai wo shinjite

Towae! Towae!


Super Robot Wars needs to come out here, the theme for Alpha 3 is just sublime.


So because of this, my day has been terrible, I had to accept if I want to play the games with licensed mechs, Im gonna need to learn moon runes.

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I think its going to be a quiet summer, but things are looking up I guess. The money is coming in, I'm trying to improve my attitude and keeping upbeat about things. A quiet revolution. I've played some guitar as well, and thats coming along really well, but I just feel a bit downbeat today for no reason that I can think of. I've got a bad feeling about something, some sort of impending doom.

I find there's always a reason, for me anyway. It might just be simple ennui — a common summer feeling for people in education as they're stripped of their ordinary routines — but it might be something more specific that you can do something about. On the other hand, sometimes you can identify the problem and be powerless to do anything about it. As I mentioned the other day, I'm not sure if that's really preferable to just donning some blinkers and pushing on through. If you ever need to talk to someone then my ears are always open.


Oh, I wouldn't worry about the sense of impending doom, though. I think everyone feels like that from time to time, we just fail to recall all the times when doom didn't make an appearance. It's easy to forget that which never happened.


My day's been pretty good. My aunt got a puppy for her birthday, so the meat of today has mainly consisted of pestering a sleepy dog and eating barbecue food. The weather held out throughout, which was a nice surprise.

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I find there's always a reason, for me anyway. It might just be simple ennui — a common summer feeling for people in education as they're stripped of their ordinary routines — but it might be something more specific that you can do something about. On the other hand, sometimes you can identify the problem and be powerless to do anything about it. As I mentioned the other day, I'm not sure if that's really preferable to just donning some blinkers and pushing on through. If you ever need to talk to someone then my ears are always open.


Oh, I wouldn't worry about the sense of impending doom, though. I think everyone feels like that from time to time, we just fail to recall all the times when doom didn't make an appearance. It's easy to forget that which never happened.


My day's been pretty good. My aunt got a puppy for her birthday, so the meat of today has mainly consisted of pestering a sleepy dog and eating barbecue food. The weather held out throughout, which was a nice surprise.


Where do you go university? I'm guessing cambridge or oxford?

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I've just watched top gear, it was quite funny, although I was more interested in how amazing their transportation is, I'm really jealous of Bluey now just because of it, our system is shocking compared.


I think I need to take a trip there after uni :).


I was also thinking about saving for a holiday for next year.

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Where do you go university? I'm guessing cambridge or oxford?

Not with my results. I've always been a C-grade student.


I've never been to university, as I'm sure you already knew¹. I probably just sound smarter than I am because my life, or lack thereof, allows me a lot of time to think; a hatchback can travel just as far as an F1 car, it just takes a lot longer to do so.



¹I am hoping to apply this coming January, as it happens.

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Not with my results. I've always been a C-grade student.


I've never been to university, as I'm sure you already knew¹. I probably just sound smarter than I am because my life, or lack thereof, allows me a lot of time to think; a hatchback can travel just as far as an F1 car, it just takes a lot longer to do so.



¹I am hoping to apply this coming January, as it happens.


Well without sounding like a suck up, your use of english seems far above the capabilities of a C student. Your's far exceeds my english and I'm "supposed" to be an A grade student :( Your use of metaphors and cliche phrases are the best :p


Big Brother is rubbish tonight but I am so bored I have resulted to watching it.

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Not with my results. I've always been a C-grade student.


I've never been to university, as I'm sure you already knew¹. I probably just sound smarter than I am because my life, or lack thereof, allows me a lot of time to think; a hatchback can travel just as far as an F1 car, it just takes a lot longer to do so.



¹I am hoping to apply this coming January, as it happens.


Which university were you thinking of applying too?

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Which university were you thinking of applying too?

I've had a look around Bath Spa, which is a very nice place. Probably a bit out of my league, but I'd certainly like to apply. I'm looking to do Creative Writing, and from the sounds of it there are only a handful of universities with respected courses in it so, thankfully, my choices are rather limited.


Well without sounding like a suck up, your use of english seems far above the capabilities of a C student. Your's far exceeds my english and I'm "supposed" to be an A grade student :( Your use of metaphors and cliche phrases are the best :p


Big Brother is rubbish tonight but I am so bored I have resulted to watching it.

There's your answer.



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I've had a look around Bath Spa, which is a very nice place. Probably a bit out of my league, but I'd certainly like to apply. I'm looking to do Creative Writing, and from the sounds of it there are only a handful of universities with respected courses in it so, thankfully, my choices are rather limited.



Sounds like a good idea, I had the same thing when wanting to apply for games design, the choices were limited (unless I really wanted to go to Blackpool:indeed:),


Creative writing sounds like a nice idea, I used to write alot and now all it consists of is journals on livejournal.

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Work from 12-5 and 7.30-10. Not too busy for a sunday and nice people on so it was alright. Got my hours for next week too. 28 - 30ish (depending on when we finish each day) :o!


Other than that haven't done much...Meh.


Oh and pondered about going back to Game >_<

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Been working today too. Quite a quiet day but I had a bit of a bombshell dropped on me before I left and its left me feeling a bit "ok" all day. I don't feel bad or good or mediocre, I feel kind of nothingy... think I'm still a bit in shock and don't know what to do or how to feel.


Feels so pathetic that I'm actually wanting someone to tell me how to react. It's like I'm not sure that what I'm doing is fine. I'm sure I'm doing the right thing but why don't I feel like I've dealt with it yet?

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So yeah! Kinda forgot this girl-that-things-are-complex-with was having her birthday today up at this park someplace. i say forgot - I was all high and drunk and playing backgammon/with kittens all day, and my phone battery was dead. Feel bad about that... but hey! I've got a nice spliff here, which I'll smoke then watch a couple of movies/write something awful.


tomorrow I may well just find out if I have a job or not! Then I call my dad to arrange to meet him for MONEY PLEASE.


I hate how the significance fades.


Well, attempting to go travelling Europe for two weeks without planning anything after the first day is a retarded idea. Yeah, I somehow failed at having a holiday :(


.. lols. I'm hoping to do something similar myself, 'cept I EXPECT (i.e. dream that) my future-self will plan out a few objectives and the like. Unlucky, but try again!


I've had a look around Bath Spa, which is a very nice place. Probably a bit out of my league, but I'd certainly like to apply. I'm looking to do Creative Writing, and from the sounds of it there are only a handful of universities with respected courses in it so, thankfully, my choices are rather limited.


Sheff hallam! Doo eet.

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