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I seemed to have got a bit burnt yesterday, and more burnt today! However now that I don't need to be outside I shall avoid for the next few days :P Seems to have come on suddenly though.


Meal was fine. Doctor Who was alright.


Oh and yesterday I decided fajhitas should now be called fajinas because they're a pain to make and I figure if I call them that enough someone will take one to a customer and say "And whose having the fajinva?" Felt like sharing that.


Bed time soon. My last day off was Tuesday, my next one is Friday. Which makes nine days. Ah well. More I work now more likely I'll be able to stick to my 12 weeks of work 40 weeks of awesome plan.

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A chav threatened my and my friends with a baseball bat. They were parked over 5 spaces so we said sort it out and realised the windows were open then waved as they drove off. Then they came back and since I was driving the guy stuck a baseball bat in my face but since I was eating my mcflurry (which was delicious by the way) I didn't notice and didn't flinch so they sort of got put off. It was funny because we knew who they were and got some pay back later :)

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I seemed to have got a bit burnt yesterday, and more burnt today! However now that I don't need to be outside I shall avoid for the next few days :P Seems to have come on suddenly though.


Meal was fine. Doctor Who was alright.


Oh and yesterday I decided fajhitas should now be called fajinas because they're a pain to make and I figure if I call them that enough someone will take one to a customer and say "And whose having the fajinva?" Felt like sharing that.


Bed time soon. My last day off was Tuesday, my next one is Friday. Which makes nine days. Ah well. More I work now more likely I'll be able to stick to my 12 weeks of work 40 weeks of awesome plan.



woo - nine days in a row?

join ze clubbbb

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woo - nine days in a row?

join ze clubbbb


I did think of you when I worked that out :)


I think what I hate most is every day I'm like "I don't want to work, how long until summer is over?" until I get to work then its generally okay. So when im in for 12 I have about two hours to moan about that kind of stuff. When im in at 6 I have all day to lement work. Ah well.


I shoud really...go to work ^-^ Running late.

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Not much today, considering it's a sunday, the worst day of all within the week, considering I now have even less to do now I have finished college.


Thinking about okami and the cheapest I've found is 24.99 on shopto I shouldn't really buy another game considering, but I really want it and have 30quid left on my card..bah..

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Currently on Wi-Fi at the british library in London near Kings Cross. (£2.70 for 30 minutes, what a rip-off!)


You might think I came to hang out at the N-E meetup, but alas it is not to be, my phone has died and I am short on time, need a train back soon (but not until I find a nando's and get me some spicy grilled chicken).


Story is, yesterday morning, some entirely unexpected IRON MAIDEN tickets arrived through the door. We bought these tickets months and months ago from http://www.londonticketshop.co.uk - a site which promptly went into liquidation about 3 days after we handed them £180. We tried and tried through the government's insolvency agency to get our money back, but were told that we couldn't get a refund unless we paid by CC, and there was no way to get ahold of the tickets.


Low and behold, they arrive anyway, by 9am special delivery, on the day of the show.


Oh yeah, so Iron Maiden world tour last night. Supported by A7x. That was awesome. And then a night in a supersweet last minute hotel booking (novotel, expensive, too posh for me and my ripped jeans and tour t-shirt and sweat, but what the hell, Kevin McCalister did it).


Did I mention, IRON MAIDEN?


Heh, heh, heh.

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Currently on Wi-Fi at the british library in London near Kings Cross. (£2.70 for 30 minutes, what a rip-off!)


You might think I came to hang out at the N-E meetup, but alas it is not to be, my phone has died and I am short on time, need a train back soon (but not until I find a nando's and get me some spicy grilled chicken).


Story is, yesterday morning, some entirely unexpected IRON MAIDEN tickets arrived through the door. We bought these tickets months and months ago from http://www.londonticketshop.co.uk - a site which promptly went into liquidation about 3 days after we handed them £180. We tried and tried through the government's insolvency agency to get our money back, but were told that we couldn't get a refund unless we paid by CC, and there was no way to get ahold of the tickets.


Low and behold, they arrive anyway, by 9am special delivery, on the day of the show.


Oh yeah, so Iron Maiden world tour last night. Supported by A7x. That was awesome. And then a night in a supersweet last minute hotel booking (novotel, expensive, too posh for me and my ripped jeans and tour t-shirt and sweat, but what the hell, Kevin McCalister did it).


Did I mention, IRON MAIDEN?


Heh, heh, heh.


I saw them at Hallam arena last time they did the 'A Matter Of Life And Death Tour'. They're are amazing live.

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Guest bluey

i have coffee and raspberry flavoured smarties, a cup of tea, and am watching wall-e... yay for evenings off :grin: and tomorrow is my friday!! SUPA GRIN!!

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Work yesterday was boring, even more so than usual. They made 10 out of the 30 drivers use a little machine already, which automatically does the work I'm supposed to do. So less work for me = bored Ine.

Will probably no longer have a job on Saturday very soon, meh.


Came home, went to buy a sandwich with mom, ate it, then had a nap. Felt really tired so needed it, though when I had to get up again I felt possibly even more tired.


We went out for dinner, which was okay but I wasn't hungry so didn't eat much of my plate. Then we went to see Narnia: Prince Caspian, which was nice, though I wasn't sitting too comfortably because I had to stretch my neck to see over the head of the man in front of me. Still failed, so often couldn't even read the subtitles. D:


Was about 11 pm when we got back. Rest of the night was spent on the internet and watching some more X-files.

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Eenuh did you still want Okami? It's 24.99 on shopto.net, I'm buying it tomorrow ^_^ nomnomnom.


I shouldn't really as it'll mean £5 left in the old bank account, but my parents are going away thursday evening til Monday (yes going away, AGAIN!), and usually they leave me shiny notes for looking after the doggies.


I love brainwaves..

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Eenuh did you still want Okami? It's 24.99 on shopto.net, I'm buying it tomorrow ^_^ nomnomnom.


I shouldn't really as it'll mean £5 left in the old bank account, but my parents are going away thursday evening til Monday (yes going away, AGAIN!), and usually they leave me shiny notes for looking after the doggies.


I love brainwaves..


Yeah I still want Okami, but the site won't let me register my debit card, and with my visa card I would have to use the little machine for online banking but that thing only works with my debit card... so I basically can't buy from them due to their annoying system. -____-;

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Yeah I still want Okami, but the site won't let me register my debit card, and with my visa card I would have to use the little machine for online banking but that thing only works with my debit card... so I basically can't buy from them due to their annoying system. -____-;


Have you tried the old issue with debit cards of leaving out/putting in the spaces between each set of 4 digits?


Oh, and what little machine for visa?

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Argh, why does the weather have to be so fucking shitty!? I booked the weekend off work, was planning to play tennis and practice my football juggling, but no. There's a fucking thunder storm and when it hasn't been pissing it down its been blowing a gale!


Seriously pissed off right now!

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Highlight of my weekend?

I got to have a go with some Powerbocks! Such awesome fun, and I took to them very quickly too, so not nearly as painfull as it coult have been. I really want to get some now.

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Have you tried the old issue with debit cards of leaving out/putting in the spaces between each set of 4 digits?


Oh, and what little machine for visa?

Yeah, I've tried different ways of putting in my number, never works.


And I have a little machine thingie I use for online banking:


But it only works with my debit card, so I have no idea why they asked me to use it with my visa card, 'cause that simply doesn't work. O.o

And I had to use it to pay that stupid £1 they use to check if your card is real, bah.


Thats very odd, I have a visa electron and not had any issues before with any site, we'll see when I order on monday I suppose.


Gah there must be somewhere just as cheap you can get it from, I think the cheapest after that was 27.99.

Well I haven't really had any trouble with my cards yet either... their system of trying to verify a card is just weird. =(

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Eenuh, I believe it costs an extra £3-4 for international delivery from ShopTo anyhow, so it might not end up much cheaper. If you need an intermediary then I don't mind buying the game and sending it on, though.


I swear I used to be good at Melee, I completed all the Events and such, but it seems my skills got lost during the transition to Brawl. It reminds me a bit of Pokémon, a series that's outgrown me whilst I wasn't looking.

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Eenuh, I believe it costs an extra £3-4 for international delivery from ShopTo anyhow, so it might not end up much cheaper. If you need an intermediary then I don't mind buying the game and sending it on, though.


I swear I used to be good at Melee, I completed all the Events and such, but it seems my skills got lost during the transition to Brawl. It reminds me a bit of Pokémon, a series that's outgrown me whilst I wasn't looking.

Well with shipping costs it would come to €38.99, which is the same price I could get it for here (in the cheapest store that is)... but they didn't have the game, and every other store would be more expensive (if only by a couple of euros). Gonna see if I can go into the specialist game store this week and maybe find it there...


And for Brawl, I think you simply need some more practice really, it's not that different from Melee. =)


Gah, I've been searching for someone to brawl against for a while, it's doing my head in because it seems to be seeking for ages and not really finding anybody?


Yet spectating it so much quicker.

Oi, add friend codes! It's so much quicker to battle against friends. If you need my code, it's under my avatar. Just PM me your code if you do decide to add me. =)

And there's a list of friend codes in the Wii online board, if you need more. =D

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