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Guest Jordan

You can eat spiders when you're asleep you know... apparently you eat alot of stuff when you're asleep. However, I sleep with my mouth closed and i sleep at one side. It'd suprise me if i ever ate something.

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Well, I was awake til 3 this morning, doing a combination of things: I was listening to the Smashing Pumpkins, playing No Mercy (still, haha) and just lazying about on this forum.


Then, went to my room and read for a while, didn't actually get to sleep til about 4! Had a nice hot cuppa tea to keep me going. :)


Woke up at about 12, and have just got showered and shaved, so I'm all ready for the day! A mate of mine is having a rock band session tonight with drinks at her place, so I'm gonna go to that. Weeeeee.

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Yesterday was a funny day. Work went well then i got several texts from my mates trying to get me to go out with them that night, i had two 21st birthday bashes to go to in the same day. And i succeeded as well in going to both, arrived at 6pm to one of them then arrived at 9pm to the other one. Kept both parties happy with my appearance.


Tonight got my usual duty down the club, take the usual amount of grief and comments i think but with my current mood i don't think they will get away with it this time.

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Just went to get three different vaccines for when I go on holiday. Both my arms are pretty numb, and apparently they result in spots for a couple of days. Fantastic.


In other news...Chrono Trigger DS. Wooooo! :D


Which vaccines were those? I had to get loads when I went to Malawi last Summer and only one of them was actually sore. Think it was Hep B, the one which goes right into your muscle.

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Lol; Just had my first ever day,trying my hand at golf, and managed to put my mate's 5-iron 100 yards up the driving range when I lost my grip:heh:. Was quite annoying as I was hitting 220-30 Yards with the 5-iron, and I couldn't emulate that with any other club. Apparently I was quite good for a newbie, so I'm pleased nevertheless.

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Just went to get three different vaccines for when I go on holiday. Both my arms are pretty numb, and apparently they result in spots for a couple of days. Fantastic.


In other news...Chrono Trigger DS. Wooooo! :D


Mate, I saw the Chorno Trigger news this morning and I instantly thought of you. :)


Then, I jumped on your face from a huge cliff, and that brought the score back to 13-1 to you.

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Lol; Just had my first ever day,trying my hand at golf, and managed to put my mate's 5-iron 100 yards up the driving range when I lost my grip:heh:. Was quite annoying as I was hitting 220-30 Yards with the 5-iron, and I couldn't emulate that with any other club. Apparently I was quite good for a newbie, so I'm pleased nevertheless.


I'm the same, i can only hit well with a 5-iron. It's weird. I'm not bad with drivers but they still dont go as far as they could. I havn't played golf since my teens though so i'm sure i'm probably awful by now.

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Heh, funnily enough I tried proper golf (well driving range) for the first time the other day.


It was my mate and I's first time, with two other mates "guiding us"


We played the "get the ball in the tyre thats like 15 yards away" game. It was cool. We were a bit loud though as me and my mate were so bad we just were loud and made golf innuendos (of which there are masses btw)

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Which vaccines were those? I had to get loads when I went to Malawi last Summer and only one of them was actually sore. Think it was Hep B, the one which goes right into your muscle.


It was MMR, then Hep A with Typhoid then Tetanus, Diptheria and Polio. It didn't hurt, but my arms are a little numb.


Mate, I saw the Chorno Trigger news this morning and I instantly thought of you. :)


Then, I jumped on your face from a huge cliff, and that brought the score back to 13-1 to you.


When the dark lord finally comes to claim my soul, the last thing I'll remember is dropping a log as your virtual backside comes plunging from 200 feet right onto my face. It was terrifying :p.

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When the dark lord finally comes to claim my soul, the last thing I'll remember is dropping a log as your virtual backside comes plunging from 200 feet right onto my face. It was terrifying :p.


Mate, the next time we have a "favourite game moments" thread or something, that's going in my top 5. I felt like the Alien from...Alien. HWOAR!


We've gotta play that again somebody.

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Mate, the next time we have a "favourite game moments" thread or something, that's going in my top 5. I felt like the Alien from...Alien. HWOAR!


We've gotta play that again somebody.


Totally need to get a bunch of N-Er's together for some MK and MP:H pwnage soon :D

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Argh! My face is now so red/brown It looks ridiculous. I wasn't at college today because it hurt so much, but now it's beginning to hurt less the colour is showing up even more.


Anyone know any ways to get the redness down? (I know I can't get rid of the brown, but surely there must be a way to take down the redness a bit?)

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Argh! My face is now so red/brown It looks ridiculous. I wasn't at college today because it hurt so much, but now it's beginning to hurt less the colour is showing up even more.


Anyone know any ways to get the redness down? (I know I can't get rid of the brown, but surely there must be a way to take down the redness a bit?)


Only aftersun helps really. And plenty of it! =(


I used to get UVB therapy (funs) and i've been burnt a fair few times pretty seriously. I feel your pain.


My mother came to pick me up after treatment and she said that all she could smell was the burning skin. Makes you think really. :blank:

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I burn (easily), then tan, then peel a week later. =P

Like right now, my shoulders are peeling from when they got burned. Merf.


I think I got through about half of my room now, the rest will be cleaned tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Almost there!


I also seem to have lost more weight, yay! The scale says I have now lost almost 2 kilo. Whoo! 6.6 more to go and I'm at the weight I want to be at. ^____^

(this is gonna take ages, but meh, it's working!)

As a result though, the shorts I'm currently wearing keep falling off halfway my bum. >.>;

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Ive got the whole week off so im ecstatic but the UPS guy just ruined my day. He claims to have overheard a UPS fuel supplier saying that they expect gas to double in price within 8 months which would mean id either have move or quit my current job. Hooray!

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Today has been great more movies and Krispy Kremes in English! Tasty! :grin:


Also started playing through my Phoenix Wrights games again as I love them so much. :D


I came home to find that There are relatives from Ireland here, along with my Sister and Nepew so I'm now off outside for a BBQ! :yay:

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I'm going to my mate's house in the next half hour, and we're gonna be playing Rock Band and having a laugh. I'm getting ready for it, just had a shower, and now I'm in my towel dancing to Velvet Revolver (slither) and Cherub Rock.




"Whoooo waaaants Hoooooneeeey

As long as there's soooome MOOOONEY"

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