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I love it when your mum tries to tell you when your lesson is. I'm in the bloody lesson, I know it's at 5 past not 25 past.

.. it's worse then they think they know your timetable, and you tell them otherwise, and in some vain attempt to prove they're right they call you in the middle of a lesson, or seminar, or lecture >_<


The other day I got a text (from my sister, this time) in the middle of a lecture and forgot to put my phone on silent. Cue a loud KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU *explosion* and a lot of laughs and murmurs... >_<

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Had an alright day. Only two lessons today because of Open Evening tonight and I feel I'm getting back on track with my coursework, which is good.


Got a haircut in an hour for the first time since may, don't have a clue how to have it. I want something different from my usual shorten a bit and thinning out, but dont have a clue what!

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I had a pretty good day yesterday.


Met Pete Doherty, got my Albion LP signed by him *hugs* Then I went and saw the Charlatans at Shepherds Bush :D


Was he totally smacked up on coke? ;)

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Nope clean as a whistle. Looked pretty healthy and like he had put on a lot weight. Guess he is eating more now he is suposidly off the drugs.




There is a video of him using "shooting up" in the press now. (It was in some papers yesterday).

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My day has been Good so far! I really enjoyed my lessons, For once I'm not blocked from this website. :yay:


I forgot my sports stuff so couldn't play Badminton! Right now i have some free time (Time to play more of Phantom Hourglass :D) and then i have Debating... :)



About 1 minute after this post i got BANNED from the Internet! Now i can't use it for 2 days.


Anyway debating was fun and we had an intelligent discussion on Immigration. :D

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About 1 minute after this post i got BANNED from the Internet! Now are can't use it for 2 days.


Anyway debating was fun and we had an intelligent discussion on Immigration. :D


I got around my Internet ban in school. I use the local library's login details and can therefore access N-Europe Forums. :D

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My day has been..... EIGHT - Nil :yay:


Some prat threw a lump of metal at me and gashed my eye. And recently chavs threw an egg at the window, so I had to go out and hose and wash it off in the dark. Fun.


WTF! some fella throw lump of metal at you as well. :shakehead

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Uneventful, ladyfriend came over, and we proceeded to (not) watch nearly a season worth of ugly betty, for some reason, and I am now about to light up a big fat j and suppress the suicidal tendencies by killing as many brain cells as possible for yet another night.

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Guest Stefkov

My day has become considerably worse after realising Photography is the most depressing and boring subject ever to be created.

I had a thousand word essay to do quite a while back, I did half of that.

I thought I should probably make up the lost words for the next 2000, which included the first 1000 so in essence we are actually doing another thousand words.

Anyway, I am now sick of photographs. Sick to the bone. Only <600 more words to write.

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Day was okay. My parents left for Italy (lucky bastards). To celebrate, I skipped my first class (4 hour drawing class) and stayed home, working a bit for school and just lazing around a bit. Then for my 3 hour Illustration class in the afternoon (which I of course did go to), I got told by two teachers that my Illustration looked very good. Got put on the wall, and everyone was gazing at it. =P


Finished it up in Photoshop by adding a magazine logo to it and stuff (Flemish magazine), to see what it would look like. Also tried to print it out with the help of a teacher, but it kept coming out too red. Will have to try again later. (here's the image though: http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e72/EenuhS/humocoveraf.jpg )


Made dinner for me and my sister (chicken with rice and curry sauce and a salad) and worked for school some more, though I don't have done what I should have. Will probably be awake till some ungodly hour again. =(

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I'm so bored now I've finished my mocks I've started reading fan-fiction to occupy my time again.


Jesus, I need more fucking friends.


You'll never find the words "Fan-fiction" and "friends" in the same sentence.


Unless its "Wow, fan fiction means i have no friends."



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You'll never find the words "Fan-fiction" and "friends" in the same sentence.


Unless its "Wow, fan fiction means i have no friends."




Sometimes Fanfiction is funny you know:




... because they're so shit.


But yeah I really do need to get out now after doing f-a these past two weeks.

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