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thank you!! thats so cute... *new desktop background GET!*


tho my bad day turned into a pretty crap/restless night ~



becky says: (02:52:40)


Rich says: (02:52:49)

whats up?

becky says: (02:53:26)

i think everyone within about a mile radius just heard my housemate going at it with the guy she bought home today >__<!!

Rich says: (02:53:47)


becky says: (02:53:56)

wonder how her boyfriend will feel about that

Rich says: (02:55:32)


Rich says: (02:55:47)

its never a pleasent noise is it? :-O

becky says: (02:56:57)

not when i'm not making it.

Rich says: (02:57:08)






have a comic bluey :)


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Condemned is amazing. Condemned 2 is also ridiculously cheap considering it only came out a little while ago. Gamestation do it as part of their 2 for 40 deal.


I may well look into it, though by the looks of the demo, it all goes a little bit too, magical cult/demons for my liking.


I didn't think it was that scary whilst playing Condemned - brutal and a little shocking, as such, but not scary. And then I noticed that some of the mannequins (the real ones, not the hobos in suits) were moving down the corridor behind me.


Oh, and when you're alone in the house after playing that game, any little noise that could be a person makes you flinch a little...

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Guest Stefkov

Had a great day!

Now say that in a sarcastic voice.

Went to the dentist, and other things happened. Cannot wait to move.

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Had an awesome lazy day.


Wake up, playing DS. Read some MPD Psycho, contemplate the smartest way to kill the 'rents, concluded that given a look at my manga collection, if I planted flowers in their brains, it'd be a give away I did it.


MPD Psycho, its cool to have multiple personalities.


Also discovered that chinese south africans are now black. lol.

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my day was ok. work is going ok - i think. It's hard to tell as i get so little feedback.


I've confirmed my move date as sunday 29th. I'm half excited and half terrified of living with people again. I'm going to really miss the freedom of living on my own.

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Guest Stefkov
That sounds...serious, what happened?

Nothing in the dentist if that's what you mean. Just other things that has blown things into a bigger scale. Not the time to kiss and tell yet methinks.

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I may well look into it, though by the looks of the demo, it all goes a little bit too, magical cult/demons for my liking.


I didn't think it was that scary whilst playing Condemned - brutal and a little shocking, as such, but not scary. And then I noticed that some of the mannequins (the real ones, not the hobos in suits) were moving down the corridor behind me.


Oh, and when you're alone in the house after playing that game, any little noise that could be a person makes you flinch a little...


It's not scary, it's just brilliantly atmospheric. Although, suspension of disbelief is something that should be exercised when playing the sequel. The level with the mannequins is fantastic.


Edit: I'm stupid.

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Someone posted a while back that Biology is the best science.




Biology is lame, it's barely a science. Most of the A-level course and im guessing the degree course is pretty much based around you being given a massive text book and then you just learn it. That's not science.

Now chemistry, THAT is one hell of a subject...I mean, nucleophilic addition ftw! And good ol' Le Chatilier (spl?). Physics is by far the most interesting of the three but it's stupidly difficult compared to the other two and you could argue that, because a lot of it becomes applied maths, Chemistry is the best science.


Hmm the nerd inside me wants to make a thread debating which is the best science...Hmm.

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The hierarchy goes: Pure Maths, Applied Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology. But as of right now, I'm only concerned with Chemistry, which I've been revising all day. Learning a bunch of colours and different equations is so unbelievably boring.

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Colours? You're doing A2 right? Shit, that brings back memories of colour changes, complex ions and ligands. No idea what any of it means though :p.


Yeah, Trends and fricking Patterns. The fun of transition elements, period 3 elements and lattice emthalpies! The module has no substance to it at all, all it is is learning but not understanding. The good thing is though that I only need about 50% to get an A in Chemistry overall :heh:

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I seem to have created drama for once, which is nice rather than having to clean it up.


Sent a letter to my incarcirated sibling last week warning him to be careful of who he trusts (because his fiancee is being a manipulative bitch) and he shouldn't have wrote off mom and dad so quickly as they both stuck behind him all this time and dad in particular favours him so blatantly despite him being an epic failure. Anywho, his finacee phoned my dad apparently "distraught" and he left a voicemail for me and said to ring after work. Couldn't be bothered. Leave that mess til tomorrow.


Other than that work was suprisingly quiet. Went for a drink with the peoples afterwards. Walked home in the rain. Thought I'd get stabbed by some crazy guy I passed but I survived!


And decided to have timetable option b, so that in the second semester I only have one timetabled lecture.


Sleepytime soon. Tomorrow = work 12-6 then Madchester!

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Yeah, Trends and fricking Patterns. The fun of transition elements, period 3 elements and lattice emthalpies! The module has no substance to it at all, all it is is learning but not understanding. The good thing is though that I only need about 50% to get an A in Chemistry overall :heh:


Hehe, nice. I needed 7 marks out of 90 in my final English exam for an A (I was on 473) got 81. I was awesome :heh:


I always hated physical chemistry, mainly because I have an innate loathing and complete lack of comprehension of maths. The Hess' law cycles and GF-E calculations were soul crushing. Module 3 was the one I was best at, but all the subsequent modules always had some sort of physical elements. I barely managed an A in Chem, got 496 overall I think.


I actually really like Biology. It was good to understand how things work on a chemical level, but I'd rather know how my immune response works than learn a stringent series of curly arrows and colour changes caused by things I'll never fully understand unless I specialise in that subject. I mean, maths is just a bunch of disembodied number manipulations, how is it supposed to be relevant to anything? I suppose the narrower the definition of a subject is, the broader it's correlation to everyday life becomes to someone not planning on taking it any further.[/rant]

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Comes to mind.


Guess which one I am studying right now? Yes, that's right, the one at the very bottom. The lowest of the lowest, crappiest subject ever: Sociology. Will probably pull an allnighter again for my exam tomorrow.



And heyyyyyyyy, long time no posting! No one missed me? No?



Been busy with exams, not sure how I did except for my last one (Art History, oral exam), which I did amazing at: 17/20. Thought I was gonna fail and then I pull this stunt (by the way that's an amazing score by our system's standards =P ). Only slept two hours the night before, so I was amazed how well I did.



Other than that, anyone know where I can find a slave boy who will pay attention to me, give me a shoulder to cry on, a pat on the back, a massage and lots of affection as well as play games with me?




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So far the only requirements I have (though there might be more to follow):


- must be about 22 or older

- be taller than me (shouldn't be too hard)

- preferably have dark coloured hair (don't seem to like blondes)

- live close to me



So I guess most here would fail on at least one of those requirements. D:

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Someone posted a while back that Biology is the best science.




Biology is lame, it's barely a science. Most of the A-level course and im guessing the degree course is pretty much based around you being given a massive text book and then you just learn it. That's not science.

Now chemistry, THAT is one hell of a subject...I mean, nucleophilic addition ftw! And good ol' Le Chatilier (spl?). Physics is by far the most interesting of the three but it's stupidly difficult compared to the other two and you could argue that, because a lot of it becomes applied maths, Chemistry is the best science.


Hmm the nerd inside me wants to make a thread debating which is the best science...Hmm.

Firstly: Don't make any judgements about subjects based on the A-level courses, as in general they're at best not entirely representative of the subject, and at worse, awful.


Biology is actually pretty diverse, with branches differing greatly from one another. For instance, evolution is in general qualitative, and is more about ideas, principles, and their applications in living organisms than about endless facts. You're right about aspects of molecular biology and biochemistry being full of learning, but that's because when you learn such things, you're not the one applying the science. Someone else has gone and performed the necessary experiments to produce the information you have to learn, and if carrying out such procedures isn't science, I don't know what is.


Anyway, your idea of "best science" seems to be based on which you want to do the most, which isn't really the most objective way to judge things. Perhaps you could consider a more scientific approach. :heh:

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