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Well, my day looks like it will end with me in a state of confusion: a girl who I don't know what I think of has just asked me to a fireworks display tomorrow, and I don't know what to do. :wtf:




Where are all my friends when I need to talk to them? Oh yeah, at the Luton fireworks...natch...

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In what way are they tw@ts?


Well, all the male ones were on the Iceland trip, and they kept us awake most of the night by repeatedly banging on our door, walls, and window, not to mention generally being fucktards 24/7.

And being horrifically cocky.


I don't start baring grudges lightly - these guys really piss me off.


The problem is, I think I like her...

And I think she likes me.

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Well, all the male ones were on the Iceland trip, and they kept us awake most of the night by repeatedly banging on our door, walls, and window, not to mention generally being fucktards 24/7.

And being horrifically cocky.


I don't start baring grudges lightly - these guys really piss me off.


The problem is, I think I like her...

And I think she likes me.


If you can, ask her can be just you and her tomorrow night, seems like a no-brainer.


If that doesn't work you're either gonna have to put up with her mates or not go which would be stupid if you actually do like her.

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If you can, ask her can be just you and her tomorrow night, seems like a no-brainer.


If that doesn't work you're either gonna have to put up with her mates or not go which would be stupid if you actually do like her.


Putting up with her mates can be done (especially as a mate of mine is going seperatly, so I can hang out with him if they piss me off too much), it's the hassle mainly.


Screw it, I'll go.


Right, my next problem: getting a ticket at such late notice, and getting there...

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I got up early-ish (before midday...) played some pool to the tune of arsenal vs man u... Got a few pints in before I got a spicy chicken burger and chips on the way home. Then got home, went online, and found my ex-girlfriend talking to me. I'm sure I'll feel extremely horrified and DEAD in the morning.

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I got up early-ish (before midday...) played some pool to the tune of arsenal vs man u... Got a few pints in before I got a spicy chicken burger and chips on the way home. Then got home, went online, and found my ex-girlfriend talking to me. I'm sure I'll feel extremely horrified and DEAD in the morning.


and your talking to me as well. :)

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PIle of shit. I had to go the hospital, cause I was feeling a little to bad for it to be a cold or flu so it turns out I have 3 different stuff (I don't know the names in english). So now I gotta take a shitload of medicine for 2 weeks, but since I have irritable bowel it will fuck my stomach up. And the doctor told me to stay home and rest. But I have lots of fucking schoolwork to do, tests coming up this week, I needed to study hard and now this. Seriously I lose two fucking years because of the fucking depression and IBS, now that I'm trying to catch up, (even thoug I'm being an effin slob), this shit happens.

I'm really tired of this shit.

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Just got home from the club was having an awesome time and if I had my way I would still be there but my sister was bored and my mates couldn't be bothered to come. Saw a girl there and really wanted her name and number but I took to long and had to leave. In other news still looking for the guy that stole my girl and ruined my life but I will bump into him soon enough then once thats done it will be happy days

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Well, my day is kinda strange.


I woke up early, at around 6 and went to work at 8. Got there, and a few of the office lads were like "ey, Jim! Whats going on between you and this Rosie girl then?"


The backstory: We went out for a drink or two, had some food. She has a boyfriend, so nothing happened, but I have taken a bit of a shine to her. She does txt me quite a lot, so...


Anyway, she came into work yesterday and quit, and txted me saying we should meet up again soon. Apparantly, she quit because she split up with her boyfriend, and they were going to go travelling together. So, because no boyfriend = no travelling, it means she doesn't need to work as hard.


But, now most of the office were like "GET IN THERE, JIM!"


Ahhhhh, it's always a fucking woman!

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PIle of shit. I had to go the hospital, cause I was feeling a little to bad for it to be a cold or flu so it turns out I have 3 different stuff (I don't know the names in english). So now I gotta take a shitload of medicine for 2 weeks, but since I have irritable bowel it will fuck my stomach up. And the doctor told me to stay home and rest. But I have lots of fucking schoolwork to do, tests coming up this week, I needed to study hard and now this. Seriously I lose two fucking years because of the fucking depression and IBS, now that I'm trying to catch up, (even thoug I'm being an effin slob), this shit happens.

I'm really tired of this shit.


Bad luck Hellfire. :sad:


IBS never goes away, dude :/


IBS is stomach pains right?

Also where did you go from msn?

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Yesterday was awesome! After 3 hours of training I was told that we were going to Mount Yashun, some spitirual centre but also more importantly the hightest mountain the locals have to offer. I love climbing mountains, although they told me it only took 2 hours to climb this one, so i was a little bumed that it mustn't be that high. Anyway after a long drive and a visit to the temple of Mencius (second sage of Chinese Philosophy), and lunch (where I didnt eat) we headed off to the mountain.


I'll post some pictures later but it was beautiful. Anyway I managed to climb it in just half an hour, which has got to be some kind of record. The last bit is hilarious because you have to slide through these tiny cracks in these rocks, and you've got all these guys in business suits slidding down the other way. I couldn't stop pissing myself laughing at their expressions. Though to be fair this was bloody dangerous at points, huge gaps between rocks with huge falls. I was a little scared myself.


At the top I did my Master and I had a bit of an improptu lesson, becasue in my opinion there are few things as bad ass as doing Kungfu on top of some ancient sacred mountain. Again, pictures later. There were also a couple of guys who wanted to take pictures with me, and offered me some tea on the way down. Then took the cable car the rest of the way, which was horrifying since it must have been about 100 years old. Nice views though.


Had dinner in some random town on the way back, though I had a bit of a headache so stayed quiet. And that was the day.

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Dunno when I last posted here so here's the run down of my last few days:




Went to my first and ultimately only lectures of the week. Got home early and decided I wasn't dressing up for the 'e'en. Was going to head to a mate's house for a fancy dress party but went out to a savage little bar with 2 of the lads who also didn't dress up. Felt naked though - everyone else was dressed up:heh:




I got up early after getting in rather late the previous night. I went and got my hair-cut and bought the paper, 2 breakfast rolls (one for my flat mate) and some washing powder (needed to wash my clothes!!). I then spent a while vegging on the couch watching tv. I got bored fairly easy though and decided to head out to Dundrum shopping centre and do a little bit of (yeah imagine!!) shopping! I bought some new polo some mince pies and a fruit salad. Got home and later that evening 4 of us drove down to Carlow to one of the girl's house where we had pizza, beers and then went out to a nightclub! Great craic.




Got up early again and was cooked sausage sandwiches for breakfast. I spent a few hours watching TV while my mates completed assignments, and then later on one of the girls and me drove home to Wexford and I got home about 7 that evening where I rang in sick from work (!!) and stayed in and got an early night.




Slept in till after midday and got up to watch the footie and find out what was going on in League One (LUFC - MOT!!) After the games were all over I went to cook dinner. Considering my family are all in Disneyland Paris - bar my sister and I - there was no need to cook a huge meal, and we decided to cook something simple and tasty. Chicken and Vegetable Noodles....yum!


I went to work for about 9.30 last night and after a few pints of Ireland afterwards arrived home at about 5am this morning.


There are the last few days in the life of conzer16.



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Today turned out to be a lot more interesting then I enviseged when i woke up. I got one of those rare lie-ins this morning followed by a call from Rachel asking if I wanted to come over for lunch.


I head over about twelve-ish, but the taxi driver drops me in the wrong place. Not only do I have your typical pride when it comes to asking for directions, but I also enjoy getting lost, so I wondered around for an hour until I found the place. It was about 3 miles from where I was dropped. Lunch was cold but I was hungry. They gave me some Chinese porridge which was...well bad is the wrong word. Its more like...it's more like someone force fed me my worst nightmare. Then they tried to lay the guilt trip on me! C**ts.


So then me and Rachel are left alone to talking and I see her diary on the table. We joke around with it and I swipe it off her thinkin it'll be in chinese and be utterly boring. Instead this girl has dedicated an entire notebook to me, when she met her, every encounter. And on the third page I stumbled across the L word.




Okay let me lay this out. I can't be doing with any girls falling in love with me. It slows me down, and for some reason I have recently grown a conscience so I have a big problem with cheating. I'll have to think this one through.


The girl was obviously bloody embarressed. Luckily I have the ability to make anyone feel comfortable. God given gift. I settle her down and tell her that I feel the same for her (well what the f**k else am I going to say), but we can't have a relationship, since it would only interfere with her study (ha, first time its been me the one saying that). She agrees, we hug, then I practically sprint out the door.


Afternoon training is accompanied by a crowd of Seifou's neighbours. I've learned this thing recently which is like sparring but more like fencing. If you're a Naruto fan, imagine the fight between the two white eyed guys, the guy and girl, during the chunnin exam. Kinda like that. Sufice to say it hurts like a bitch.


Dinner at Masters and then an English lesson with his pain in the ass son. God dammit that kid pisses me off.


God a call from Dad. Must be lonely, feel sorry for him. Can't wait to see the family at Christmas.



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Yesterday was a complete mess for me. Came off my bike for the first time on the way back from work, was only doing about 15mph but I've grazed my arm pretty bad and chipped the bone in my elbow. This wouldn't normally bother me, but the basketball season is about to start and I can't play. Could be a few month before it fully heals, had to be my shooting arm as well.


So today i'm sitting here listening to depressing songs (POD - Youth of The Nation) feeling sorry for myself.

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