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Enjoy your trip to the land of America =]


Is Devil May Cry that bad? I didn't really mind it when I was young (I think)


Yes Devil May Cry 2 is the worse and very easy game in the series.

Tanks with eyes :shakehead

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Guest bluey

wowwwwwwwwwww ine!!

thats SUCH an awesome portrait!! love the linework ~ the background flows into the picture beautifully! and YAY you managed to get blue in there :grin:

hope you dont get in trouble for it ^___^ hehe..

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I can't believe i haven't went to sleep yet...i may as well stay up now. I think i may have lost track of time whilst i was pretending ot be a girl in yahoo chatrooms. I look out my window one minute and its pitch black, i look up again and the sun is rising. I really should get back into my regular sleeping routine...

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wowwwwwwwwwww ine!!

thats SUCH an awesome portrait!! love the linework ~ the background flows into the picture beautifully! and YAY you managed to get blue in there :grin:

hope you dont get in trouble for it ^___^ hehe..


Thanks! I really don't think I'll get in trouble for it (well I hope). I normally use way brighter colours, and my teacher -hates- it when I do that. So I had to try and stay a bit more "neutral" here, which I think I succeeded in, even with the blue (which isn't really blue either). ='3

I'll still be touching it up I think, fix some things about the face that still bother me. If I can find the time. X3


Today is DOOMSDAY! Last day to finish my assignments, and I still have a lot to do. I wish I had the ability to stop time, or an extra pair of hands or something. And more sleep. @____@;

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When you goooooooo wil you send back,

A letter froooom America,

Take a looooooooooook down the railtrack,

From Miami to Canada


Well doen Rez, you've inspired me to listen to the Proclaimers on the way to work today. Speaking of work, I've got an interview tomorrow for a great new job as a recruitment consultant in hydrogeology, Yay!

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Guest Jordan

Another day of highly exciting work is ahead of me...


I've already done todays emails (all three, man what a quiet day!) and read the companies news letter (woo exciting). Just doing a couple of pages on the developer wiki today (even more exciting!) whilst listening to the Giant Bombcast and Gamespot's Hot Spot.


Although, i still haven't been paied... which sucks considering i'm supposed to get paied on the 26th and its now the 28th. >_>

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So far so good i guess. Still very tired, getting about 4 hours a night sleep but im off work again next week :D


Hehehe, I feel your pain, I'm getting 3-4 hours per night now too. =P


How's the baby doing? =)





I emailed my illustration teacher to ask if we can still hand in stuff on Friday, but he's not responding. I could really use one extra day, because there's no way I can get all this done today. D:

*still needs to do three assignments for illustration, do a ton of drawings for her drawing class, make a frame for her portrait and an analysis of the portrait, scan in her images for 3D and find the time to go print out an A3 poster and buy cardboard*




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How's the baby doing? =)


Hes fine, just taking some getting used to again, the whole routine you get in goes out the window.


On another note im thinking about taking some A levels when the new school year starts. Can anyone point me in the direction of some info? It would need to be part time beacuse i have a 9-5 job but im looking at English Lit and Lan and maybe Maths, basically to get into a part time Uni course.

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My day/week has been boring, i've hardly even gone out much. I've got a biology exam when i get back and i havn't started revision yet again, my brain keeps telling me i've broke up when i know that i havn't :S


Got a 2 hour driving lesson in half an hour, it's a pratice test for the the main thing. He got a new car last week and i stalled it alot, so now it feels like starting again.

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Last night was quite fun, did a pub crawl alone to avoid a stalking, overdemanding person. Sent the most confusing text which said "i'll meet you wherever you are", knowing that they had no credit to text back. Went to 3 different pubs before they found me, then ditched them at the pub and completed my crawl. Kind of forgot i had work today, so had 3 double vodkas and coke and 3 pints of Fosters. Didn't have a hangover this morning though, which was nice.

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So far i've been reviewing WiiWare games today now that I have time to play things again now that my exams are now officially over(unless I need to resit).


Got 2 more games to do :heh:


Lucky (on getting to play those games and being finished)!


Seems a lot of people here are finished with school already. O.o



Teacher still didn't reply to my email. How hard is it to check your email a couple of times per day? Merf. It would really save me a lot of stress if I didn't have to hand these three assignments in till Friday. =/

Stupid teachers... *mumbles*

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Guest Stefkov

I've been sat waiting eagerly for the UPS man.

In the time I've been waiting I've filled out and gathered stuff for accomodation for Uni and filled out applications for loans online.

Now I'm back playing the waiting game, waiting for the man to come, waiting for episode 15 of gurren lagann to finish downloading so I can continue watching it and getting upset.

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Got a 2 hour driving lesson in half an hour, it's a pratice test for the the main thing. He got a new car last week and i stalled it alot, so now it feels like starting again.


Failed the practise with 3 minors and a "major", although i'd have hardly called it a major. There was a guy on a bike about a 30 yard away from a junction and i pulled into the junction, he didn't even have to slow down. Other than that, the parallel park, bay park and emergency stop were all good :D

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Not been out the house since sunday, whoops must work on that actually.


Changed my hair appointment though, so I'll have a blue fringe next wednesday instead yum ^.^ as I'm pretty skint now.


Get to pick up that nice top tomorrow too so that's all good. Now I'm addicted to travian..

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Guest Stefkov
Failed the practise with 3 minors and a "major", although i'd have hardly called it a major. There was a guy on a bike about a 30 yard away from a junction and i pulled into the junction, he didn't even have to slow down. Other than that, the parallel park, bay park and emergency stop were all good :D

Wait, so what did you get the 'major' on? Because there was a guy at the junction?


My waiting game was completed at half 2 tday.

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Wait, so what did you get the 'major' on? Because there was a guy at the junction?


No, i was waiting in the middle of the road to turn right, once all the cars had gone past i pulled into the road, but there was a guy on a bike cycling towards the junction from the left. So i would have a failed because i should have waited for him, although i was in the junction and down the road before he was even at the junction.

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Morning - Went to bank and pretty much sorted out my ISA

Middle of day - Whole nightmare of trying to sort out next year and being lied to and sent all over the place

Late afternoon - Found out my nan lied to us and we're not getting £5000 off my grandad's inheritance. We're getting nothing. Hmph.


But ah well. Essay is 98% done, just needs another read through. Going to go drink with a friend then be super manly and watch the SATC movie.


And thanks to Bluey I have a new necklace:



(And if you're wondering Bluey, up until now I had been keeping it in my wallet.

And if anyone else is wondering. Its a five yen coin.)

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How can you spend so much time on an essay? I swear you've been talking about writing it for well over a week. I tend to just bang them out in a few hours (and generally the night before they're due in). I can never seem to focus on an essay again if I write a bit and come back to it.

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