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sigh I hate writing alot of gibberish...i swear that woman better tell me what I'm SUPPOSED to be writing.


So far I grabbed a web hosting server and said it has alot of random rubbish so my website will function even with dim witted staff and that so far it needs to have copyright rules and such so nobody steals the ideas and that they haven't stolen the ideas from anybody else..


grr so boring..

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I want to sleepppppp.



Just got back home. Stayed in school after classes to take care of our presentation for tomorrow. Was a bit of a disaster since two of the people in the group started calling each other names and saying they didn't do anything for this work (while they both didn't do enough). Was very awkward. Didn't help that I felt kinda ill already.


Now home, having to prepare more for the presentation and do other stuff, but the stupid hail cannons are blasting at full force (every 5-6 seconds there's a loud bang) because there's supposed to be a thunderstorm coming (so far it's all dark and raining outside).

*just wants peace and quiet and sleep*






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Meh, not sure they work or anything. Only reason they are being used is to protect the fruit from farmers on their fields and stuff.


Anyway, since I'm so tired and it's finally quiet, I'm going to take a short nap. Hopefully I'll have to energy to work again afterwards. ='3

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Meh, not sure they work or anything. Only reason they are being used is to protect the fruit from farmers on their fields and stuff.


Anyway, since I'm so tired and it's finally quiet, I'm going to take a short nap. Hopefully I'll have to energy to work again afterwards. ='3



Scientific experiments (see Benefits section below) and anecdotal evidence suggest that an average power-nap duration of around 20-30 minutes is most effective


Says wiki! Ive done a caffeine nap before but it kick in before i woke up! *shake shake shake*

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Today I learnt I am awesome. True story.


Also there appears to be a funfair on campus, but guessing its starting tomorrow or something because its inactive at present.


Day has been okay. Was in a hyper happy mood earlier which was nice. Friend should be coming round later for some drinks. But there's a Lamar (50/50) chance he will.

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Scientific experiments (see Benefits section below) and anecdotal evidence suggest that an average power-nap duration of around 20-30 minutes is most effective


Says wiki! Ive done a caffeine nap before but it kick in before i woke up! *shake shake shake*


Well I can't time my naps like that, since I never know how long it will take me to fall asleep. So I go for about an hour. And then end up turning off my alarm so it ends up being more than an hour. =P


*just woke up* >.>;


Time to get cracking!

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I was at work.


God, you do not know how tedious packing bits of metal into crates is.


The only good part of this little temp job is watching the forklifts drive past. It reminds me of Shenmue.


If it's anything like Shenmue, i feel your pain!

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I got offered a job today as a recruitment consultant for an firm specialising in engineering, environmental science and geology industries. It's only up the road and means I'll be able to apply for graduate roles internally. Just have to pass the interview. I also have learned the interesting fact from my parents that my grandparents left me some money which has been sat in shares for 21 years. It is now worth £30,000 and I'm apparantly now old enough to decide what to do with it. Frankly this scares me.

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I got offered a job today as a recruitment consultant for an firm specialising in engineering, environmental science and geology industries. It's only up the road and means I'll be able to apply for graduate roles internally. Just have to pass the interview. I also have learned the interesting fact from my parents that my grandparents left me some money which has been sat in shares. It is now worth £30,000 and I'm apparantly now old enough to decide what to do with it. Frankly this scares me.


Save it 'til you are ready to decide... :)


Good luck on the interview!

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I also have learned the interesting fact from my parents that my grandparents left me some money which has been sat in shares for 21 years. It is now worth £30,000 and I'm apparantly now old enough to decide what to do with it. Frankly this scares me.


In a similar-sort-of way, I've recently discovered that my grandparents gave all 4 grandkiddies £5,000 each aout four years ago. Only thing is I haven't seen or heard about this at all. Apparantly the money was given to our parents, and my cousins got theirs immediately, my sister got it immediately as she was moving into a flat but me..? Nope. Nothing. I have a slight suspicion that my dad is pretending to give me money each week for food (read: booze), when actually it's from my own account...

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I got offered a job today as a recruitment consultant for an firm specialising in engineering, environmental science and geology industries. It's only up the road and means I'll be able to apply for graduate roles internally. Just have to pass the interview. I also have learned the interesting fact from my parents that my grandparents left me some money which has been sat in shares for 21 years. It is now worth £30,000 and I'm apparantly now old enough to decide what to do with it. Frankly this scares me.


take half, spend it on drugs, booze and hookers, then squander the rest:)

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-Had an English exam today, now I never have to do it again :D

-Went to work - it was generic.

-Had an indian with Jordan :)

-Watched crazy high-rez Iron Man trailer. I wish there was a cinema here...

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take half, spend it on drugs, booze and hookers, then squander the rest:)


Tempting, very tempting.


My mum is telling me that seeing as the housing market in crashing it would be a good time to buy a house, but that seems very scary and adult though. I could rent it out to students I suppose and have a tidy wee monthly income. Or if I could come up with some form of fantastic business idea...........

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Rest of the day has gone pretty good. Managed to rally 11 mates against the person(s) spreading crap about me and sorted them both out with a friendly call round as it were.


Now going out to the pub for a few more bevies as it were.

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