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Not too bad today, loads of revision and the phil and eth mock was hilarious. No one knows anything, and we all couldn't write a thing. As soon as the teacher left we got out our notes and were talking to the teacher supervising us (she's awesome). Our teacher, dubbed the poison dwarf will eat us when she sees our results.


Lol! My mates parents just borrowed her car and found her bra and a pair of my boxers in it. They were like "...What!". I'm laughing so much, there's a perfectly innocent reason for it but they're obviously thinking the worst.

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Haha! :D




If you don't go to school do you not get EMA for that day of whole week? :)


Does your payment work daily or weekly or monthly?







Sadly, yes! Though I went to school right up till the last required day (even if noone else did :'( )


I think it works weekly, but the post system here is really quite awful, I get confirmation letters at irregular times about my EMA : /

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Got feck all sleep last night, which was annoying considering I had to get up at 7am to start work.

The work was pretty mundane: packing bits of differently-shaped metals into crates that will be driven to various places and businesses in Britain. Didn't particularly do much today, and have to carry this on until the end of next week.


I just hope the pay will be good, because that's what I'm doing it for.

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Sadly, yes! Though I went to school right up till the last required day (even if noone else did :'( )


I think it works weekly, but the post system here is really quite awful, I get confirmation letters at irregular times about my EMA : /


Aye! mine works weekly as well! how much do you get? :)


Mine gets put straight into my bank account so I don't know how much is in there at the moment as i haven't been to an atm for ages.


Last time i checked was about 3 or four weeks ago so I should have about £30 or £40 pounds! :D


This evening I've been doing more psychology but more of a light revision excercise which is really useful! ^__________^ You can do each topic with in about 5-10 minutes!

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Aye! mine works weekly as well! how much do you get? :)


Mine gets put straight into my bank account so I don't know how much is in there at the moment as i haven't been to an atm for ages.


Last time i checked was about 3 or four weeks ago so I should have about £30 or £40 pounds! :D


This evening I've been doing more psychology but more of a light revision excercise which is really useful! ^__________^ You can do each topic with in about 5-10 minutes!


£30 a week :D (Yay for low family income!!)


I just tried to study. It was relativley successful, but I doubt it will ever happen again...

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£30 a week :D (Yay for low family income!!)


I just tried to study. It was relativley successful, but I doubt it will ever happen again...


I'm not eligible for EMA, and there's no chance that I'll get £30 a week from my parents. I find the EMA system unfair, I mean £100 a term just for turning up?

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£30 a week :D (Yay for low family income!!)


I just tried to study. It was relativley successful, but I doubt it will ever happen again...


Hehe! :heh:


You did well! :D If i had Beautiful Katamari, there would be no chance of me revising! : peace:


I'm not eligible for EMA, and there's no chance that I'll get £30 a week from my parents. I find the EMA system unfair, I mean £100 a term just for turning up?


I would never get that from my parents! i used to get £30 a month. now I just get the EMA money (£10 a week) which Isn't just to be used anywhere i have to also pay for my books and school trips. @_______@


Also at my school to get the £100 bonus it's not just turning up you have to get certain effort and grades as well otherwise you don't get it!

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I'm not eligible for EMA, and there's no chance that I'll get £30 a week from my parents. I find the EMA system unfair, I mean £100 a term just for turning up?


Here we go again :P


I know what you mean Mr Tellyn! but what you gonna do 'bout it? :indeed:

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I always thought that tellyn, I actually shouted at a teacher when she said about me ''blaming everyone else'' well when teachers don't turn up to class most people go oh thank god for ema.


I come in with a loss to myself for buses it cost me at least 4quid a day, thank god I have a week and a big left.

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My mum is on £7,000 a year, but she gets benefits for being single and having 3 kids.

However, if you're a single male with 3 kids, you get less!!


And if you're just a single male with no kids, you get taxed out of the ass!


*shakes fist at the system*

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No, just richer than mine.


I wanted to say obviously but it sounded really rude and not the answer I wanted to give.


It's not my fault if my parents happen to earn more than yours do, infact last year I got shoved nearly out of my class by my ''friends'' because my parents earn more than theirs.


I get out of bed, I travel hours on end to get to college for free (out of my pocket), I do not get anything out of it (I'd say education but frankly I've not learnt anything) and yet the ema'ers complain when teachers don't turn up..


oh I'm sorry here's your 30quid cya later and I get sod all..I'd be quite happy seeing 30quid going in my bank every week and then getting a 100quid bonus. I'm quite lucky for the parents I have I admit that, but when you say about people complaining about not getting ema there is two sides to it.

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Money money money. Always causing arguments.



Finally got this program to work. Now to start modeling! Hope to get something done for my class tomorrow, even though it's 22:20 now already. >.<;


Come on Midna, don't let me down (and be easy to model)!

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I wanted to say obviously but it sounded really rude and not the answer I wanted to give.


It's not my fault if my parents happen to earn more than yours do, infact last year I got shoved nearly out of my class by my ''friends'' because my parents earn more than theirs.


I get out of bed, I travel hours on end to get to college for free (out of my pocket), I do not get anything out of it (I'd say education but frankly I've not learnt anything) and yet the ema'ers complain when teachers don't turn up..


oh I'm sorry here's your 30quid cya later and I get sod all..I'd be quite happy seeing 30quid going in my bank every week and then getting a 100quid bonus. I'm quite lucky for the parents I have I admit that, but when you say about people complaining about not getting ema there is two sides to it.


I'm not saying that it's a problem or makes you a bad person. I'm just saying that EMA is to help people whose parents aren't as wealthy. So if you aren't elligible then your parents must be doing ok for themselves. I get £20 a week because my parents aren't on as much.


I'm not having a go I just hate it when the more fortunate moan about people worse off getting a bit from the government. One of my friends was moaning that his dad was paying about £20k a year in tax. I wish my dad was paying £20k a year in tax.

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Obviously letty, there's plenty of occasions where EMA is very handy, but due

to how the system works, and the rise in divorcing dem hoes (to sum it up). My friend's parents are divorced, his mum earns the needed amount for EMA and is his guardian as it were, his dad is/was very rich and etc yet he gets EMA all the time. My point is, that for the miniority of this, it benefits them and hinders the others/waste of money, if they were to background check people more often, this wouldn't happen


/rant =[

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Obviously letty, there's plenty of occasions where EMA is very handy, but due

to how the system works, and the rise in divorcing dem hoes (to sum it up). My friend's parents are divorced, his mum earns the needed amount for EMA and is his guardian as it were, his dad is/was very rich and etc yet he gets EMA all the time. My point is, that for the miniority of this, it benefits them and hinders the others/waste of money, if they were to background check people more often, this wouldn't happen


/rant =[


On of my friends is quite wealthy yet he was elligible for EMA as the previous year his dad sold his company and they were living off of that. Therefore he was elligible for EMA.

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What I always say to people who moan about EMA, "You give me the difference between our parents' wages, and I'll give you my EMA."


Does EMA save your parents money?


Most of the people who I know who get it are given money for lunch and school equipment by their folks anyway. Of the two people I know who actually need it, one of them only gets £10 a month because they refused to take into account the fact his mother lost her job, and yes, it happened before the earliest financial details they'll take.

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