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I have no idea, but apprently all they do to solve ALL problems is to reset the server which takes a good ten minutes.


Not done much today when I should have, though I've got more points than I thought so that's good, they've blocked here though at college haha, all gaming sites, even a website that ISN'T in any form a games site xD


Our school has wikipedia blocked...


and had Google Images blocked. But Something Awful isn't blocked, this site ain't blocked. It's crazy.

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Guest bluey

eeeeeeeeeeee!! ^_^




so i went to work today, still a little ill but soldiering on none-the-less like a good little British girl... the first few hours were a little boring... no lessons booked so nothing to do but cough and listen to the AWFUL cd playing (friggin rick astley!!! O___O) but after that i had a few lessons booked, all (except one class) with students who had me last week and requested to be taught by me again this week @___@

the one class who *hadn't* booked me was a group of ladies i'd had last week too... (i remembered discussing banbury cakes vs. japanese cakes with them and getting many recommendations on japanese cakes i should try...) one of the other teachers offered to take that lesson for me 'cause i was coughing so much...and frankly, because i "looked like death" :eek:

after that lesson had finished though, the teacher who subbed it for me called me out of the staff room and into the classroom... where one of my students coyly presented me with a little white box containing these beautiful little cakes...

"i said you should try them last week ~ so these are a present for you!! ....did i say that right??"


:grin: so lovely!!!!


though saying that, imagine the hard time i had when i found THIS on the floor of the porch this morning~ and the terrible battle with my conscience that ensued as i tried to stop myself ripping open somebody else's mail... O__o



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Feeling a little better now, after the initial dissapointment of not getting the job in the NHS. Theres pro's and con's i guess, if i had got the job i would have lost 2 weeks perternatity leave im due within the next four weeks and i still have another weeks holidy due to me in my current job. Always look on the bright side....

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I'm debating whether or not to book a day off work tomorrow to go and play pool with some mates i havn't seen in months. They said they'd be off tomorrow but i sent a text to one of them and had no reply as of yet. I'll give it an hour before i try again.

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Oh yes. I got up at like 10:30! Woah! Got cleaning; I filled three plastic bags with my can tower (post-crush), which says something about how many cans were there. I took nigh-enough EVERYTHING off my floor with very little excess finding its way to the desk. I hoovered, moved some furniture about to find sick little fag-ends all over the place. I changed my sheets, went to the library (and got a kick-ass book out called Giants, Monsters and Dragons; An Encyclopaedia of Folklore, Legend and Myth), paid my fine of £1.80 (they let me off a penny!), made it home just as it started shitting it down, and got another load of washing on the go (with probably two more to follow..).Heck, I even got around to formatting my poor iPod! Now stuffed with banging all-new tunes that I've got blasting out of my telly.


Here begineth a week of reading/writing. I've watched just about every DVD in the house over the last month, so the only distractions I'll have will be the odd episode of X-Files season 3 finishing.

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Just found out we are moving from our very spacious ground floor office (sitting next to awesomes) across the road to a 1st floor cramped, smaller desk, cluster fuck office shit or something.


This sucks.


I had better fucking be next to the awesomes still.


Awesomes? Pray tell of the awesomes... expand on their reality and being.

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Oh yes. I got up at like 10:30! Woah! Got cleaning; I filled three plastic bags with my can tower (post-crush), which says something about how many cans were there. I took nigh-enough EVERYTHING off my floor with very little excess finding its way to the desk. I hoovered, moved some furniture about to find sick little fag-ends all over the place. I changed my sheets, went to the library (and got a kick-ass book out called Giants, Monsters and Dragons; An Encyclopaedia of Folklore, Legend and Myth), paid my fine of £1.80 (they let me off a penny!), made it home just as it started shitting it down, and got another load of washing on the go (with probably two more to follow..).Heck, I even got around to formatting my poor iPod! Now stuffed with banging all-new tunes that I've got blasting out of my telly.


Here begineth a week of reading/writing. I've watched just about every DVD in the house over the last month, so the only distractions I'll have will be the odd episode of X-Files season 3 finishing.


What is it you do during the week? Can towers are never a good sign...then again I guess it's not as bad as the dairy milk chocolate mousse packet towers my obese WoW playing housemate used to make...

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What is it you do during the week? Can towers are never a good sign...then again I guess it's not as bad as the dairy milk chocolate mousse packet towers my obese WoW playing housemate used to make...

just drinking, watching DVDs; wasting mah tiem!

speaking of can towers...


this was at a friend's house over christmas, Nuts put a photo of it in the magazine

That is truly epic! Something I think we could've done by now if we'd save the tins. Had an awesome amount of empty 2ltr cider botles under the sofa, not sure if they're still there - a project in the making!

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Been doing nothing but my coursework today, still not got some of it finished, really worried about one and it's due in tomorrow, so hopefully I can email euan again and make sure I've got it right =[ I really need a merit at least in it.


The other isn't too bad because I have a referal so I'll just get the passes done. Sigh..so much to do


and I'm worried I won't get the points needed to get into uni ='[

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and I'm worried I won't get the points needed to get into uni ='[


You will, don't worry! :)




Today was pretty good. Fell asleep in geography (Jeez, I hate it so much. But I get good grades, and thats all that matters), had laugh at lunch, and then because my ethics teacher wasn't there spent the last hour in the common room with a few mates. We were chatting to this overly camp (Seriously, he actually sounds like a 2 year old) guy - some of his comments were hilarious. I couldn't breath at one point I was laughing so much.

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You will, don't worry! :)



I hope so, it's going to be a struggle to get there with only 2 weeks left, apprently I have an assignment that isn't listed on my tracker so that gives me a few more points but eek


*goes back to get some work done*


edit: I'm an idiot, forgot to send the work home, so will have to get to college early tomorrow and see if I can get it done then..poo. At least I can have a nice rest.

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Only had one class today, which was my 3D class. Made sketches of Midna, since we have to make a game character into 3D (though we have to stylize them). All I did in that class really.


Then from 11 until 3 I worked on our contemporary art groupwork with my two groupmates (or whatever). We got our power point presentation done (or at least got all the information) and made sure we wrote down everything we needed to say. Still a bit of work left on it though.

But since it took a lot longer than I thought, I didn't have my lunch 'til I got home at 4 pm. I was starving at that point! D:


Had some yummy bread, and found my third CD that I ordered waiting for me in the living room. ^____^


Now time for Smash, then work and tv!

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Woke up at 11am witht he full intention of work and didnt get around to it till 1pm! Planned the hell out of of my coursework but its meant to be in tomorrow!! so :S Just went out to the local shops and bought 3 litres of pure OJ, a can of sweetcorn and a tin of tuna :) to which i promptly ate! 137 out of 3,500 to go.........

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I woke up at 4pm after some very disconnected sleep. My flatmate spilled coffee on my bed while we were playing Eternal Darkness so I had to sleep in the filth.


There is a suprise party at my flat tonight, for my friend is turned 19. That might be fun. I'm going to bust out the PiL and Teenage Jesus and make this party well bum.

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