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It's something like that, but you don't actually pay 40% on all the money you earn. You pay 40% on the money you earn which is over 34k.


I don't know what all the bands are but it works something like this.


Under 17k - 10p / £1 on all the money you earn.

17k - 23k - 20p / £1 on the money which is in that bracket.

23k - 30k - 30p / £1 on all the money which is in that bracket


The numbers are just made up as I don't have a clue what they are but that's the jist of it. As Raining_again said, sometimes its worthwhile not working as much as you normally do will get you more money at the end of the day.


How come you explained the tax bracket but then said you could be better off earning less?


Sounds about right. My dad pays more tax than I earn some months (we are talking just into 4 figure sums here). Its really quite shocking, and blatantly unfair on the folk that hit just over the quoted money.


It doesn't matter how much over you are. As Moria said you will only pay it for any earnings in that bracket.


One of my mates reckoned his dad would be better off earning less 'cos then he wouldn't pay as much tax on his earnings. I explained to him that it didn't work like that. He said "well my dad pays about 20k a year in taxes" so i worked out that he would be earning 60kish which he said was about right.


Seriously it really pisses me off people moaning about tax. My mates dad pays more in tax than my dad earns. I'm sure my dad would love to be earning enough to pay 20k a year in tax.


The only tax that I disagree with is inheritence tax.

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So another day goes by, and i've done about 3 hours of revision (well an hour of it was past paper questions). Gonna be spending the rest of the day doing past papers and watching the snooker.


On a side note, i go to the library to revise and i've been seeing this REALLY fit girl there recently. Quite annoying having to revise physics knowing there's some perfectly good p*ssy sitting right infront of me. Hm if i had more of an ego i'd so give her my number..

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Pretty good. Got my dissertation topic sorted (How music is used in fictional television programmes, focusing on youth television). My presentation went well, although I feel like I came across as a bouncy child but I got positive feedback (and was better than some others, must admit).


Everyone has been commenting on my choice in bright yellow 3/4s. Its not that cold out there.

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Pretty sucky! Day started off fine but then i found out that the girl i happen to like has recently aquired a boyfriend; which is never too great! :( And now i've got loads of I.T work to do and i really cannot be bothered! ARGH!...Ah well, it's only education!

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Never been to the city. Liked it. Got called "Ron Weasley" after about 15 mins of walking around by the scullies (or whatever tehy're called), and repeatedly asked to put my hood down. Went out a bit, ate well, met lots of nice - if not quite my kind of - people. Helped set my cousin up with a boy, and in return she chipped one of my teeth! That's now 6 of them chipped. Oh dear. Might get this one filled in when I go home for summer. Also I danced like a mad raving loony, but had an awesome time as I knew nobody there would ever see me again.


Made me consider looking at going to another city for a masters degree to get a bit more culture in, like.


... I'm no good at making things sound interesting. sorrah.

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Guest Stefkov

Today. Holidays was discussed in R.E..........wtf ¬_¬

Did some work in Graphics.

Revised Backus Naur Forms, Syntax diagrams and HCI in Computing.

Stayed behind and finished some work for Graphics.

Made a list telling me what has been done and what has to be done in Photography and Computing.

Now I need the toilet, this post is delaying me.

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Today. Holidays was discussed in R.E..........wtf ¬_¬

Did some work in Graphics.

Revised Backus Naur Forms, Syntax diagrams and HCI in Computing.

Stayed behind and finished some work for Graphics.

Made a list telling me what has been done and what has to be done in Photography and Computing.

Now I need the toilet, this post is delaying me.


HCI as in the dreaded Human Computer Interfaces?


Oh joy. >_>

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Oh i can top that


My teacher just broke my code, making it unusable, now my coursework can't send emails,





That's so hateful, I had an incompetent programming teacher who did that to me several times... and its always the part you can't quite remember that broke :heh:


*grumbles about IT course some more*

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na man sounds fun.


me, I'm thinking of leaving the country. I'm just so tired of the culture in this dump sometimes. I don't want to be a part of this place anymore.


Yeah, I've considered - if only briefly - perhaps trying my hand at america/canada/australia... Couldn't really cope with the language barrier elsewhere and I'm utterly convinced I'm inable to learn another language. My aim is to trip around europe next summer on a teeny budget for a decent culture hit. Would be the most responsible (and I suppose on some levels irresponsible) thing I've ever done, but I'm sure some good could come from it.

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Yeah I can't see me living in this country for many more years. Plan to travel after I graduate, and should have £7,000-10,000 to do so (depends how sensible I am next year) but then I do need to save money for a postgrad.


Currently 'at' my friend's boyfriend's birthday party. Its in the flat opposite. I do like him, hes suprisingly good for a rugby boy, but all his friends :/ We're hitting a club soon but I don't think I'll stay long. Wait for them to get drunk and slip out, after a few they won't notice.

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Today was kinda meh.


Was supposed to take pictures of the girl I have to do the 60 second video of. And then she doesn't show up. That thing needs to be done in two weeks and I have yet to start on it. >.<;


Found out I did awesome on my website earlier this year. Only praise on that. Did a bit less well on my Flash animation, only because of all the different art styles I used and the woman couldn't read the clay animation in the end (which I knew was difficult to read). Oh well.


Also was planning on maybe doing Interactive Media (the class the site and the flash movie were made in) as my extension class next year, cause I want to learn how to make decent sites. But then they told me you only get to do some video stuff there. Booooh. Now I don't know what to do next year. =(


And apparently I'm going to a concert this Friday. Dad kept saying it wasn't until the end of May, but I said "you better check cause I bet it'll be at the end of April". I was right. Bad timing really, with all the work I have to do. But maybe it'll be a nice distraction for a bit. I hope so.

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My days been quite good so far. I've had today off for two reasons, to catch up with some ICT/biology work, which is now almost done.


The second reason being i need to go to Nottingham with me mum to look round a house for my mums boss (He's a property developer) and i am playing the photographer role today. Thing is, it's in that really dodgy area where you hear about everyone being shot, so that could be fun.

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I decided to stay home from school today, and it was a great decision. =)


Was originally only going to skip my four hour model drawing class; I did some research for my composition class while I stayed home, as well as a bit of research for my contemporary art groupwork. Also got scared to death by a spider suddenly crawling over my laptop. Must've been funny to see my reaction I bet.


Since the weather is lovely today though, I decided to not go to my illustration class either. Instead, I'm sitting outside in the sun in a T-shirt, drawing for my illustration assignment. It would've been silly to go to school while I can just as well do the same work at home. ^____^


*enjoys the sun, her music and her doggie's presence*

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I decided to stay home from school today, and it was a great decision. =)


Was originally only going to skip my four hour model drawing class; I did some research for my composition class while I stayed home, as well as a bit of research for my contemporary art groupwork. Also got scared to death by a spider suddenly crawling over my laptop. Must've been funny to see my reaction I bet.


Since the weather is lovely today though, I decided to not go to my illustration class either. Instead, I'm sitting outside in the sun in a T-shirt, drawing for my illustration assignment. It would've been silly to go to school while I can just as well do the same work at home. ^____^


*enjoys the sun, her music and her doggie's presence*



That acutally sounds lovely! Totally jealous!


Today one I have taken a shower going to limp my way up to uni and coope myself up in one of the "rabbit hutches" in the library and litz through some coursework >.<

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Lay in and watched new episodes of How I Met Your Mother and Gossip Girl. Sorted my timetable out for next year (Mon-Weds in S1, Tues night and Fri morn in S2). Just about to start some work but I've noticed an insect has bitten me on the neck. Bastard.


Gotta go to town later and buy American Pie.

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