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you can do it bluey! Kick his frickin balls off!


I mean, good luck bluey :D


I'm knackered from last night, spent most of it drunk and in a woods. My favourite top has been ruined since my friend thought it would be funny to throw alcohol down it, was planning on using that since I have no other jumper at the moment. Going to be cold tommorrow :(

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Guest Stefkov

Bluey you have to improvise. That pen doesn't just have to be a pen. It can be anything you want it to be with the imagination.


I forgot to wear my glasses this morning. It was pretty exciting seeing the world blurred again.. :blank:

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My day... yesterday I fit a new car battery. It was an epic mission involving three trips to and from halfords (by foot) and about £80 in car parts and tools. Also, replacing a battery means my radio locks up, so I had to find a code online to get it working again. Finally fit it, after getting the right size socket wrench on the 3rd attempt, and I have to admit, even though I did it in the rain, £80 down and covered in oil, hearing the engine start up again almost made it all worthwhile :D

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My day... yesterday I fit a new car battery. It was an epic mission involving three trips to and from halfords (by foot) and about £80 in car parts and tools. Also, replacing a battery means my radio locks up, so I had to find a code online to get it working again. Finally fit it, after getting the right size socket wrench on the 3rd attempt, and I have to admit, even though I did it in the rain, £80 down and covered in oil, hearing the engine start up again almost made it all worthwhile :D


This is why I hate cars.


I went in Halfords the other day to find out there are like a million different types of oil. Crazy. (Doesnt need changing yet though) and my bonnett is soooo annoying to open...its a Polo so its got a stupid catch.


I bought the *last* (bar trouser/maybe new trainers that I will buy after work) bit of material I needed for my MoonKnight costume. Pics when Ive finished. :)

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Not done anything today apart from college, spent 65dollars on like four plugs for stretched ears *cries*


But it's worth it, because they are being discontinued and would cost me over double end of this year. =]


Other than that I'm not doing anything tonight, college tomorrow and out til saturday/sunday.

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No classes for me today. One got canceled, and since the other one was a boring two hour lecture (Art History), I decided to stay home. Slept in (wheee noon) and now I'm trying to work on a paper for Sociology. Want to have part of it done by tomorrow so we can read over it and change things (I have most of the texts already, I just have to take care of binding texts, introduction and conclusion etc.). Thing is I've never written a real paper before, so I'm having problems with what to write. X3

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I've been feeling disconnected all day (well, since last night). Not in the mood to socalise and I feel like if I stay in this room my housemates will think im being rude and antisocial (which I am but still...) and while I could just pretend like im studying I feel the need to go do something. So I may grab my ipod and see where the wind takes me. Finished my assignment at least, so thats a relief.


Oh and I have received some good news at least; my test results came back negative. Which is always good as I have plans for tomorrow and next Thursday.


And more goodness has just arrived; a wedding invite. Although it doesn't say "and guest" how rude :p

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The best thing happened at work this week, the mighty Phil King (the new editor for N-Revolution magazine) has moved into our offices and he sits right opposite me! It took me until today to introduce myself, and he said 'oh yeah, you're a big Nintendo fan arn't you? I'll have to give you some freelance'. It's just gutting i already have too much freelance on at the moment, i had to turn it down. I hope he offers again!

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My day is meh. Got Mario Kart for the Wii which is immense played it for a good 40 min though sister went on the treadmill and that stops out internet from working. Then going to the bus stop for Uni, I sort of slipped on a curb and really grazed my arm. It stung like a bitch but now it's calmed down, the slightest thing that touches it will make it sting, even wearing a jacket. You can see the as if it's on my arm but can't wipe it off since it's still under a layer of skin or 2.

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Look at how fucking sunny it is outside! *gleams*


Yesterday I've finally gotten round to watching Firefly. Watched the first three (four? Does teh first episode count as one or two?) episodes alone. Main thing that gets me about the show is the frontier-type music - I hate that shit. Put me off Deadwood for ages, which of course was a mistake.


Got a little pissed... Watched steve-o but I think I already said that aand... Yeah. Today I've just woken up and been invited to the pub/cinema to see a mystery film, so a bit of the hair-of-the-dog will be in order.


Killthenet: you're probably doing it anyway; but sleep THEN MISSION THE ESSAY! 36 horus = loads of time to do both!

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Guest bluey

my day was unexpectedly immense...



i'm so tired.

luckily i had a set of bookmarks (as trainees we're given these laminated bookmarks with the lesson structures for each type of lesson on them in really simple terms~) in the bottom of my bag... and thats all i needed!! i improvised the rest entirely...

my first student was a complete noob (like me! ...i even told her that to help her to relax~) taking an OPPT (oral placement / promotion test) to decide which level of class she should start out in. she was more nervous than me... which was kinda helpful tbh.

the second student was a low-level middle aged lady... i had a bit of trouble with this lesson because she just didnt understand a lot of it... but once i got into the swing of things and realized that i'd have to incorporate sign language to a certain extent we got along fine with "listen and repeat" type work... and the lesson was about "what we did today" so i got to tell her how lost i got on the way to kawaguchi.

the THIRD student of the day was a much higher-level 19 year old girl who had a reeeally tough time saying "arranged marriages" ... ("arrange-ed marrigst") but had a lilo and stitch charm on her bag ~ so we got along VERY well.

the rest of the day was .... uneventful. i cut out some shapes for the kid's room display board... aaaaand then i sat around for a while... 3 hours to be precise. (all the time thinking "wow... i'm getting paid about £15 an hour for this..." ~ a thought which kept me rather entertained...)


all in all i think i was fairly justified in worrying so much beforehand... it's tough work - harder than even i thought it would be... but i'm kinda glad i got SO thrown in at the deep end today ~ i feel much more confident about tomorrow... and that's what it's all about, eh?

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Apparently, it looks like I'm one of the 5 people up for head boy after people voted today. I'm shitting myself, on one hand I'd love to be, but then on the other I'd rather not. The again, I might not be so there's no point in thinking about it until we find out I suppose.:) - I said I didn't paticularly want to be voted for; so obviously half the year voted for me. :p


Other than that it was a pretty average day, my bitch of a tutor gave me a lecture for skipping PSHE (to do coursework!) so I have to go and see the head tomorrow. Jeez, they really need to get their priorites fixed. I miss one lesson to do coursework (a pointless lesson at that) and have to see the head and get a stupid lecture infron of my tutor, whilst certain people I know get away with missing lessons all the time by lying about where they were.



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On the bus on the way home there's this lass in year 11 that's always talking about sex and stuff. She's a laugh and has a joke. But today she laid down on one of the long seat that runs along the side of the bus. And one of my mates from sixth form was sat in front of her. He pulled his trousers down and rubbed his bare arse in her face. She ran off of the bus and then came back on asking people for water. I think she wanted to wash her face. She went really white and looked as if she was about to throw up and was about to cry. She took it really well though considering.

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On the bus on the way home there's this lass in year 11 that's always talking about sex and stuff. She's a laugh and has a joke. But today she laid down on one of the long seat that runs along the side of the bus. And one of my mates from sixth form was sat in front of her. He pulled his trousers down and rubbed his bare arse in her face. She ran off of the bus and then came back on asking people for water. I think she wanted to wash her face. She went really white and looked as if she was about to throw up and was about to cry. She took it really well though considering.


Who was the guy that did it?

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Well my day was pretty good. Worked a bit on my paper through most of the day. Also got to play a bit of Smash, after something like, a week of no games.

Went running in the evening, which went pretty well. I was able to run for longer periods, though I did get a leg cramp and pain in my side (not the typical pain either). >.<;


So now I'm all tired and ready to go to bed, only to realize I have an assignment for Psychology I need to hand in tomorrow. And I have yet to start on it at 23:41... great. =(

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Went running in the evening, which went pretty well. I was able to run for longer periods, though I did get a leg cramp and pain in my side (not the typical pain either). >.<;


Do you mean like a stitch pain? I get that too often :X The worst thing one time was when I got a crap int he muscle at the bottom of the foot ON the treadmill!!! needless to say I was shot out the back like a tennis ball!


@bluey: Genki drinks likeeeee



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Do you mean like a stitch pain? I get that too often :X The worst thing one time was when I got a crap int he muscle at the bottom of the foot ON the treadmill!!! needless to say I was shot out the back like a tennis ball!


Well the leg cramp was more like a burning kind of pain in the calf muscle on my right leg. It'll probably hurt a lot tomorrow. =/

The side pain I often get during running, but then it usually stops once I walk a bit. This time though it just kept hurting, even after walking for a while. But ah well, I didn't drop dead or anything. =P


Just finished my assignment, whoo! He said it would take two hours for one page, but I did two pages in one hour. Now just have to hope it's good enough. =P


Time for some X-files before sleep (yes it's late but I need something to relax to). =D

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I was thinking about joining the French Foreign Legion after I finished Uni (Don't ask) until I saw the minimum initial service was 5 years. Thats a lot of time. 2 years would have been perfect.


Oh well, it was probably a stupid idea anyway.

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I have had a great day! I went to my friends house LAst Night over to today and it was mainly spent playing BRAWWWWWWWWWL!!!!! :grin:


Which is Awesome! I LOVE IT :awesome: in between that we attempted Ikaruga and started watching Parika but he was falling asleep by then so we went to sleep and woke up the next morning and played more




It takes hours of your life away but it's worth it :D


Mario Kart tomrrow! :yay: (hopefully)

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