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Stoppit, you're doing it on purpose now.


Bad? I'm waaaay past bad. Think Michael Jackson in Bad multiplied by Superbad, add a few kilos of baghdad, take off a few pounds of dhag and BAM you're almost halfway there


Can't sleep otherwise I'll miss the deadline.

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What? Where?!


It was a shop called Playtime in th Merrion Centre. It wasn't a dedicated import store, but there were import games for sale there.


Today me and Jordan are going to a butterfly garden :D

I've also played DJ max portable 2 all morning.

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Guest Jordan

For those who care, yes i'm still alive.


Alot of shit going on, as in... doing stuff. Thanks for the birthday stuff yesterday, i'll get onto that later today.

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Stoppit, you're doing it on purpose now.


Bad? I'm waaaay past bad. Think Michael Jackson in Bad multiplied by Superbad, add a few kilos of baghdad, take off a few pounds of dhag and BAM you're almost halfway there


Can't sleep otherwise I'll miss the deadline.


Hhhaha that is totally what i do just stay up not the best idea for deadlines etc but it seems to get me by!


ATM my day consists of some unknown person ringing me and waking me up about five mi minutes ago and now k am still in bedbeith my covers on surfing n Europe on my touch iPod. Good times!

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Ok, Saturday was not a great night for me. Ricky was in the pub at the same time as me and Linzi, he thought it would be nice to apologize to me by getting me a pint and shaking my hand, which i wasn't expecting as i hadn't really done anything except stand up for her. I had the pint, and 20 minutes later i wasn't feeling too good, Linzi found out from Ricky that he had spiked my drink with some stuff, sleeping pills were included, next thing i knew i was on the benches outside head in my lap, then i woke up on Sunday morning in my bed. I heard from my mate Steve that i passed out and they took me home in the back of his car. Next time i see that Ricky, well i'll kill him.


Sunday, most of the day i was at the club doing cash count and helping repair a few things, still not feeling 100% after the night before. Met up with Steve and Rob who asked how i was, i told them then they told me that it was Linzi and Rickys idea to get me out the picture for a while. So immediatly i stormed over to her house and nearly broke the door down with all the knocking. I asked her about Saturday night and she told me Ricky had spiked my drink but she had nothing to do with it because apparantly, she was trying to stop him from doing it. I half believe her, and half don't because of the events from Friday night.


So there we go, weekend i would rather forget. And i am still feeling a little groggy today, wish i never came into work now.


And i got invited to a party from my ex this Saturday, should be a great night hopefully.

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Im moving house later. Halls beckon.


And speaking to the police and agencies and blargh. And I have an essay to finish and can't be bothered to apply for mitigating circumstances because its only little faffy things. But I shall march on, nothing is really happening til about 7pm.

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This is getting tiresome... It´s like everything is starting to be ridiculously expensive over here :(

Just found out that the cheapest place for me to buy video games sells new games at a whopping 7800 ISK (53 pounds) and ticket price to the cinema is now 1000 ISK (6,82 pounds) god damn the economy.

I´m thinking about becoming a monk this year :hmm:

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Sweet. Just finished my post it note animation of Halo, someone with a Needler killing someone. Took me all morning and its like 2 seconds long. Maybe Ill record and YouTube it later. Shame its not in colour. And they're stickmen.


Oh well. Only 2 and a half hours left. WOOT! Then Ill continue my epic ramp/Ghost/thing/themed map on Foundry.

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The station, 200m from where I live, is now a suicide hotspot, and the site of another murder yesterday in my village...and this is Surrey! I feel very safe...


Uh-oh, if all goes well exam-wise, I'm going to Surrey next year. :hmm:

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Oof, first day is over!


First two hours were a laugh. We were normally supposed to do a presentation on our video we have to make, so I made a powerpoint and everything, and then the teacher goes "just tell me in short what you want to do". So one minute talk and my storyboard I simply had to put online. So sat there for almost two hours doing nothing. =P


Graphic design I got to show my idea for a poster, which was good. But the presentation for the brochure, I didn't even get to do anything (me and a friend never got a turn) since we ran out of time (and we had stayed 15 minutes longer already). Oh well. Guess I'll either mail something to the teacher or wait until next week.


Now nap, then more work and Heroes!

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Woo you got through the first day back at school Eenuh! :yay:


Though seems luck was on your side not having to present in class! :)


Anway today, I Woke up late! (always a bad sign) which means i had to do revision right up into the afternoon(just now) which i did not enjoy!


Apart from that it's been great! :D all though mostly work filled, it's great not having to go to school (dreads next Tuesday :/)


The best part of my day is finding out my T-Shirt made by Eenuh is on it's way! :grin:


Ooh and getting Pop up Pirate as a suprise!

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I have a trip coming up for sociology. It's optional and I have chosen to give it a miss considering I the last one was terrible, and I'm missing important lessons if I go. I tell my teacher this, and she lectures me infront of the class saying "Well, you're going to fail the subject, you might aswell not be in college if you have an attitude like that". I told her "I'm really sorry Miss, but I don't care about this subject as much as my others. I'm not carrying this on, I'm at a pass level at the moment so therefore I see no need to waste my time being lectured when I could be doing more important work thats going to help me get on my uni course".


She then told me to get out the room! I flipped (I really need to control my voicebox, I get myself into so much trouble), told her to "Fuck off Miss, you're totally contradicting yourself by sending me out the room - I'm not going to be forced to do anything, especially by a condescending bitch such as yourself".


I used those exact words! It was beyond awesome, I've hated her for so long, as have the rest of my year. Everyone was laughing at how peeved she looked. It was brill.


I was in the right, right? Apart from the being a little rude, I did have a point didn't I?

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I seriously doubt that.


Twas a joke =]


Seriously, I can't believe you did that Haggis. seems a bit harsh that you belittled your teacher in front of the class like that. Although you did say she was annoying so maybe she did really deserve it. Maybe you should try and sayit in a nicer way next time or just walk out =]

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