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Sounds abit irratating that it is general studies.


Sex ed at college whether it be at catholic college or not makes me laugh.


I had sex ed when I was in year 6, at what 11?


I had it at 11 as well... :blank:


and then at GCSE in biology!


And i have seen the women giving birth video 8 times! 8 TIMES! 0________0


Every years since i was 11 and twice in two of the years!


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I've never had proper "sex" sex ed.


I had what they deemed sex ed in 1st year (I was 13) and it was about womens periods etc. By which point a lot of my classmates had started their period anyway. FAIL.


I never learned anything about contraception and safe sex through school. It only came into place when I was leaving. (2003) And was only given to the 5th year classes (ie 15/16 yr olds)


My day was poo. I had work, and i've hurt my knee, which has been giving me jip for the past week. ARGHHHHH. Good job I see physio on a regular basis :)

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Finished watching X-files season one lastnight/thismorning. I scraped the last of my weed crystals into one spliff and MAN that last episode was AWESOME!


Went to library, got some books for essay and to reward myself i watched toy story - at the same time as this girl I used to work with whose started texting me lots, at the other end of the country... Each time she texts me I get a massive boner. She texted me 43 times today already and it's beginning to hurt. LOL LIES OR IS IT?! I don't care.


So now I've watched one movie I need to -- NEED to watch another coupla hours of something. Frasier s1? Zoolander? City Slickers?


Theory for x-files;


The marlboro man is an alien and when he puts stuff away in that massive room he is ON A SPACESHIP.



Wrote a big essay-type-thing on how the only way to understand the universe is to find the 'centre', except that is not possible because of the Z axis of 'time'. Also a theory about how the past/present is irrelevant, and because individual particles have no "sentience" we don't notice that we are only ourselves for the tiniest of moments while they zoom around from one place to the other, and how if you scale an XYZ graph of the universe you see the universe 'expands' continuously because of the time axis, and how different dimensionsyaddahyaddah... man it was awesome. I spent literally three hours typing mind-blowing stuff (for me, anyway) only to accidentally close the txt file without saving.... Thousands and thousands of words gone!


But now the thought has seeded, I'm sure it'll come back.

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Nice! :awesome: You should Win! :D


Not that i have seen a picture! :) but i imagine you are! ^______^


I wonder when they'll come out and say "APRIL FOOL'S!"


Sod it. The damn poll has been hacked. Some lad with the name of 'motoko' has a million votes. I still have 0. :shakehead


Ah, well. Was never going to win. I was only there for the experience. It's the taking part that counts. I had a wonderful day...[/loser talk]

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Told our landlord about the Psychotings today, and she was quit shocked by it all. Heard back from her husband a few hours later and hes spoken to their landlords and shall speak to the letting agency tomorrow. So progress at least.


And my housemate gave me a very thorough (ie painful) massage but now my neck and shoulders have gone, as have the kinks.

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Sod it. The damn poll has been hacked. Some lad with the name of 'motoko' has a million votes. I still have 0. :shakehead


Ah, well. Was never going to win. I was only there for the experience. It's the taking part that counts. I had a wonderful day...[/loser talk]




Make your own thread here! :D


I'd vote for you! :grin:

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This morning someone is here to put in new laminate floor in two rooms (I pulled the old ones out myself...but that's not the point of this post) and so my cats (they're all indoor cars) needed to put them out of the way in one room.


I couldn't find one of them. I looked everywhere, got him some food and then tried with some ham. No luck. I got my sister (16) up to look after my other sister (6) and had a look outside. No luck then.


When I got back in my sister (6) was jumping around and messing about. We were tellinh her off when she just happened to jump right next to where Maximus (the cat) was hiding, so out he shot.


So now he's safely in the room with the other cats. Phew.

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Wrote a big essay-type-thing on how the only way to understand the universe is to find the 'centre', except that is not possible because of the Z axis of 'time'. Also a theory about how the past/present is irrelevant, and because individual particles have no "sentience" we don't notice that we are only ourselves for the tiniest of moments while they zoom around from one place to the other, and how if you scale an XYZ graph of the universe you see the universe 'expands' continuously because of the time axis, and how different dimensionsyaddahyaddah... man it was awesome. I spent literally three hours typing mind-blowing stuff (for me, anyway) only to accidentally close the txt file without saving.... Thousands and thousands of words gone!


But now the thought has seeded, I'm sure it'll come back.


Aw, damn, i'd pay to read something like this.

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Bleh what an annoying day and it's not even midday >_>


Tried to get the bus this morning to winsford, usually turns up at :40 the hour, it didn't turn up, walked over the other side of the road and the crewe bus which leaves on :10 and it said ''bus service has been cancelled/changed, please call blah blah blah'' >_>, stormed off home and called them.


Took 20minutes of holding before I got some whacky guy going no no no it's now at :05 the hour, from another road and the other bus I need for work is :40 >_> so that screws up everything, I swear if I go to get that bus tomorrow to windsford to meet my mate and it doesn't turn up..


Oh well, so I'm staying home today, go shopping in the morning, might buy some converse online today I suppose. GGRRR public transport.

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My day started very well! I was in a bus on my way too class when i noticed that the bus wasn´t moving, I look out the window and there´s a row of trucks blocking the road to protest the gas prices! (Their demand is that gas is lowered for them not everyone)

I was stuck in the middle of a high way for over an hour. Missed my first class...


Fucking protesters

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As someone who went to Iceland in October last year, I think I can accurately comment that what you experienced is indeed fate worse than death. :blank:


When you live by the best you expect the best.

An hour in a traffic jam is torture to me :Þ

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I am really pissed off. My sister's stolen my fracking DS charger for over a week. She's refused to give it to me and has gotten back up from my parents for some reason up until now, when I started demanding it back. She started trying to make me go on RPG style tasks to get it back, then told me that I'd have to get it later because she had to unpack an entire suitcase before she could find it.


I went into her room and she started to scream at me, and I noticed that she was using it to charge her own DS. Screamed at me again, I once again got shouted at by my parents, and I still don't have the DS charger.


It's funny, she thinks she can do anything she likes. Steal things from me, piss off me and all my friends when they're round at my house, and scream at me and hit me, getting off scotch free. I'm sick of it.

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I am really pissed off. My sister's stolen my fracking DS charger for over a week. She's refused to give it to me and has gotten back up from my parents for some reason up until now, when I started demanding it back. She started trying to make me go on RPG style tasks to get it back, then told me that I'd have to get it later because she had to unpack an entire suitcase before she could find it.


I went into her room and she started to scream at me, and I noticed that she was using it to charge her own DS. Screamed at me again, I once again got shouted at by my parents, and I still don't have the DS charger.


It's funny, she thinks she can do anything she likes. Steal things from me, piss off me and all my friends when they're round at my house, and scream at me and hit me, getting off scotch free. I'm sick of it.


Wait until she is out, and liberate it from her room. Simple. Once you've gotten in back, hide it, and when asked where it is, say you think it's still in her room for all you know, and you still want it back. You have a DS charger, and she looks like she's lost both/is an idiot - basically, you win.

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Strangely i had an odd dreams about DS chargers last night...


I had a sack of them or something! then someone wanted to take me to the last night of the Proms. :wtf:


I woke up confused!


That is annoying Tellyn! Is your sister younger than you?


As a younger sibling i can say that unfortunately it is the older sibling that gets the wrap if something goes wrong...


I'm not sure why! Guess you can't do the puppie dog eyes! ;) But yeah it is unfair! :(


So yeah i normally got off scotch free to! though i was a good boy! :heh:


Just a bit clumsy.



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Wait until she is out, and liberate it from her room. Simple. Once you've gotten in back, hide it, and when asked where it is, say you think it's still in her room for all you know, and you still want it back. You have a DS charger, and she looks like she's lost both/is an idiot - basically, you win.


I like that idea! I'd go with it, but she never leaves the house.


the fish wins




Strangely i had an odd dreams about DS chargers last night...


I had a sack of them or something! then someone wanted to take me to the last night of the Proms. :wtf:


I woke up confused!


That is annoying Tellyn! Is your sister younger than you?


As a younger sibling i can say that unfortunately it is the older sibling that gets the wrap if something goes wrong...


I'm not sure why! Guess you can't do the puppie dog eyes! ;) But yeah it is unfair! :(


So yeah i normally got off scotch free to! though i was a good boy! :heh:


Just a bit clumsy.




Yeah she's younger, and it's not fair. My dad just had a big go at me, saying that there's nothing they can do. WTF?! It's my property, I paid for it, and I look after it. She doesn't look after her stuff, but I still get accused of being the culprit of losing her own charger.


Once I've found out the location of her actual DS (because she's nicked some of my games too), I'll enact Operation Get-All-My-Stuff-Back and retrieve everything.

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