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I'm sick of useless Database Admins.

Why the fuck do i have to do YOUR job as well as mine?!




Ah yes, the joys of useless/annoying colleagues.


My colleague said something funny, as we get a lot of customers very misinformed about plans sold to them by branches. He said "We've either got a lot of lieing financial advisors, or a lot of deaf customers" Im sure its the first, they do whatever they can to sell a plan and get their commision then let us clean up their mess/lies/mis-selling complaints.


And theres one person in the back office where I work who CONSISTENTLY fucks up. Always get calls like "It says it encloses this form in the letter, but theres no form...its from X" Ugh. And "Ive received someone elses plan details the letter is from X"


Stressful day.

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Guest Jordan
Ah yes, the joys of useless/annoying colleagues.


My colleague said something funny, as we get a lot of customers very misinformed about plans sold to them by branches. He said "We've either got a lot of lieing financial advisors, or a lot of deaf customers" Im sure its the first, they do whatever they can to sell a plan and get their commision then let us clean up their mess/lies/mis-selling complaints.


And theres one person in the back office where I work who CONSISTENTLY fucks up. Always get calls like "It says it encloses this form in the letter, but theres no form...its from X" Ugh. And "Ive received someone elses plan details the letter is from X"


Stressful day.


No no, my colleagues are great. Extremely helpful always willing to give me a hand with something if i ask.


I was reffering to someone from another company whos completely useless and doesn't want to do his own job.

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No no, my colleagues are great. Extremely helpful always willing to give me a hand with something if i ask.


I was reffering to someone from another company whos completely useless and doesn't want to do his own job.


Ooooh I see. Funnily enough I have more help from other companies than my own. :blank::shakehead:blank:

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I could've sworn I made a post on here last night. Do you get a notification if your message gets deleted? Keeps happening to me. Maybe crazeee! aii!


Got rather pissed last night/day. Plucked up the guts to go talk to this girl that fancied me last year (when I had a girlfriend) and she seemed into me... aaand then her boyfriend comes in, kiss kiss, much love. But hey! I did the gutz thang. Later on I did some people watching in the club. Just felt older than everyone. I probably was... but these clubs are just full of tweens and I realised how odd that was. Well I guess it's not that odd.


Anyway, yeah, some pole-dancing occured for some reason too. That was fun :P also was a drunken guy from newcastle whom wants me to go to the cinema with him next week.


Tuesday = 8pm pub meet. Looking forward to it - mostly because this fucking hangover will be gone by then so I can start afresh! Deliberating over how to spend my essay-free day. I could prepare for the poetry seminar tomorro-- fuck that. Rewatching some sort of series it is.


After, of course, I watch the first episode of VMs3! sorry ash, but how can I resist? It makes me want to be a better person. Bring the series down Fo shizz, brud bluther.

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I had acupuncture today ;_; It was so awful =(


There was 8 needles in total which stayed on for 25 minutes (i got a short session due to it being my first - its normally around 45 minutes)


Two in my neck, almost on the inner part of my shoulders, quite close to spine. They were okay, not too sore.


One on each elbow... One on each lower arm... They were sore enough, but nothing overly panic worthy.


The worst was in between my thumb and my index finger. The needle must have went in about half an inch...... It actually made me feel pretty nauseous. My fingers also twitched which made it painful.


And the twisting of the needles.... >_>


I think having slipped discs is actually less painful :/




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After, of course, I watch the first episode of VMs3! sorry ash, but how can I resist? It makes me want to be a better person. Bring the series down Fo shizz, brud bluther.


Will do :D


My day has been okay. Planned to go to Brum with housemate but she was too hungover so just had a do-nothing kinda day really.

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Pretty meh. Lost a tenner so had to get my mum to drop me off some more money for gym. Good session though; and my mate and I are getting a gathering at the gym now - people seem to be really up for the idea.


Some mates of mine are 'training' for the marathon. 4 weeks or so away. They reckon they'll seriously be ready. Bingers and smokers and not terribly active to boot - Talk about realistic...


I'm pleased with my P.E Assesments ( got 9's and 10's). Got 3 hour assessment on Hockey and Basketball tomorrow - should be good. Then Squash in the afternoon, and on thursday. And then gym on friday, and running on tuesdays. Trying to keep active you see - I love my sport and it's been tailing off a bit recently with all the schoolwork, so will be good to get back into the habit.

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Today was a bit of a mixed bag! :) and to start of todays tale i have to venture back to yesterday evening!



Last night i was pretty down and didn't feel like i could cope with A levels anymore and at the very least give one of them up! (History)


Back to today and i had a mock psychology exam to do which i revised so much for over the weekend! The first period of the day was a psychology lesson and i was beginning to doubt myself whether i could do the exam or not and said to my teacher i didn't know anything! but once he went through the stages with me i did know the stuff so it was just my thinking that was out of whack.


On to the exam ,two lessons later, and i couldn't concentrate on it at all as it wasn't the exam that was causing the troule but everything else. So instead of doing the exam i decided to think for a bit then have a good sleep. I woke up and there was still time left so to show it wasn't the exam that was getting me down and that i could actaully do it i wrote out one of the questions with 10 minutes to go! :D


I had my heart set on dropping History as i knew that would relieve the pressure and help me to do well in my other subjects and i discussed this at length today.


Now this evening was parents evening and what i thought was going to be a night highlighting my fail was actually a very positive evening and everyone believes that i can do well in my A Levels and what i thought was dragging me down History i was shocked to find i had got a B in my Coursework and i didn't realise the course was practically done so now it is revision which is where i shine!


So what i found out from today is i doubt myself too much and underate myself and need to gain more faith in my own ability. So i found it a really helpful and engaging parents evening!


So i think i'm going to continue with all four and try not to get into my head that i cannot do this!


To unwillingly quote the dubbed Naruto! "BELIEVE IT"


And now i am:

HAPPY AS A MELON! :grin: (or a Pear)

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Today was a bit of a mixed bag! :) and to start of todays tale i have to venture back to yesterday evening!



Last night i was pretty down and didn't feel like i could cope with A levels anymore and at the very least give one of them up! (History)


Back to today and i had a mock psychology exam to do which i revised so much for over the weekend! The first period of the day was a psychology lesson and i was beginning to doubt myself whether i could do the exam or not and said to my teacher i didn't know anything! but once he went through the stages with me i did know the stuff so it was just my thinking that was out of whack.


On to the exam ,two lessons later, and i couldn't concentrate on it at all as it wasn't the exam that was causing the troule but everything else. So instead of doing the exam i decided to think for a bit then have a good sleep. I woke up and there was still time left so to show it wasn't the exam that was getting me down and that i could actaully do it i wrote out one of the questions with 10 minutes to go! :D


I had my heart set on dropping History as i knew that would relieve the pressure and help me to do well in my other subjects and i discussed this at length today.


Now this evening was parents evening and what i thought was going to be a night highlighting my fail was actually a very positive evening and everyone believes that i can do well in my A Levels and what i thought was dragging me down History i was shocked to find i had got a B in my Coursework and i didn't realise the course was practically done so now it is revision which is where i shine!


So what i found out from today is i doubt myself too much and underate myself and need to gain more faith in my own ability. So i found it a really helpful and engaging parents evening!


So i think i'm going to continue with all four and try not to get into my head that i cannot do this!


To unwillingly quote the dubbed Naruto! "BELIEVE IT"


And now i am:

HAPPY AS A MELON! :grin: (or a Pear)




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Your happiness just escalated into unseen territory CB!


Scary in an awesome way :D


Edit: Dattebayo!!!


Haha! Thanks Raining again! :D


I've been using the Fruit analogies a lot recently.... :heh:




Hehe! :heh:


Or a Banana... :blank:


Coolness rub some of your happiness to moi please? I'm so jealous you find the bright side of everything!


*sends nightwolf some happiness* :grin:


I'm not sure how i do it either...! but being sad gets me nowhere as it proved yesterday and for part of today so i do not want to get in that situation again! :D

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Speaking of coursework, i got my biology coureswork back today. The only improvement i have to do is slap a title on water potential conversion graph and i should be getting full (or close to full) marks. Consequently may day got better.


Then got home, spotted Play has a sale on so bought me Firefly and Stargate boxset which added to the good day. Then i found out Brawl is out and importable (Yeah i'm abit slow on the news front) which i will buy later on.


Overall good day.

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Haha! Thanks Raining again! :D


I've been using the Fruit analogies a lot recently.... :heh:



Hehe! :heh:


Or a Banana... :blank:




*sends nightwolf some happiness* :grin:


I'm not sure how i do it either...! but being sad gets me nowhere as it proved yesterday and for part of today so i do not want to get in that situation again! :D


agreed, though somebody just cheered me up :)

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Hehe! Awesome! :awesome:


I love having Cereal at nightime as it makes it that much more tasty! :D


I just had my Cereal and it was Delicious! :grin:


I can't eat cereal in the morning, no idea why. To me, it's a night food. I love crunchy nut!

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my days has been ok. getting annoyed at work as i dont think my promised pay rise is going to happen. I also made the mistake of taking some home made muffins to work on monday, and today everyone who didn't get one was fussing me for one.


The result of that is that I spent 2 hours this evening making 24 muffins, I am now sick of the sight of them! I think I may have invented a new type of muffin though - apple and blackberry with a custard centre. delicious.

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