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The remained of the day has been good. Was chatting to a friend on MSN and he offered me in on summer plans. Now bearing in mind last summer sucked ass because all my friends were scattered across the country it will be nice to have friends here (about 15 miles away from 'home') to do stuff with.


Thus im feeling good about the summer for once; gonna do part time work in a pub, interning as a wedding photographer but I get to choose what days I do, and now I have fun plans.


But yeah anyway he said he'd come round one night and randomly turned up tonight and has just left and woah I have to be up in six hours for work and will get woken up in about three by drunken housemates. Fun!

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My team mate quit today so now you are looking at the only member of the UK localisation team for Dragon Quest IV for the DS.


The next couple weeks are going to be intense...especially since he was full time and I'm only part time!.....AAAAAAAAAARGGGH!!!



Hire meeeee...! I'll come work with you :P

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Guest Stefkov

I was just wondering what happened to those n-e cards that was discussed aaages ago.

Other than that video uploading is such a pain I realise why I have never done it.

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Guest Stefkov
Those are the epic oldschool ones. He was talking about the new ones I think Fresh was making.

Yeah the new ones. It'd be good if they were finished. Could have a forum war with them.


I'm so cheesed off. I ordered 2 DVDs together and another DVD by itself. Two of them are big boxes and the other was a small DVD case one. They send the small one by itself and package the other two big ones together.

Yeah thanks a lot. Now £12 customs have to be payed...I am not amused.

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Well my four hour drawing class felt like a huge waste of time; didn't really manage to get anything decent done in there. Always fun.

Had a bit of a laugh with friends during lunch. Tiredness makes everything more funny for some reason.


But anyway, cause of said tiredness I decided to skip my Illustration class and come home. Found Advance Wars: Dark Conflict waiting for me. Now I'm going to nap for an hour and then get myself working for school again.

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Oh my fucking lolz! My day just got amazing and hilarious with two really heart beating moments just happening.


Kay so first I saw a possible Disgaea DS game = OMG!


And then


An argument kicked off at my work between these two women. It was amazing, cos' one is kinda old and shes freaking crazy like a weird voice and shit, and the other one is actually quite attractive. No idea who she is but yeah they were arguing over a fax or something. It got hilarious.


Yelling "You need a fucking slap" and stuff. Yes I work in a contact centre....which means loads of people on the phone to clients were around. Amazing amazing amazing.

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i'm alone in the house again... but i've almost completely run out of things to do... again...

my room is so clean now that all i can do is disinfect the carpet strand by strand... and i don't wanna do that at all (i already vacuumed with the new dyson... which was surprisingly satisfying *heh*)

so today i've been emailing people, watching jeremy kyle (which only serves to make me angry~) soon i will watch "caffeine", shop online for a mothers day present, and try to work out why i can't sign into msn.. *thinks email may have been hacked* sigh....

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I got threatened with a knife again. Got grabbed round the throat and had my iPod stolen off me. The police took so long to come to the door (5 hours) that when they did I told the woman to fuck off and shut the door. I see no sense in reporting it considering I'm in a court case at the moment because they don't think any of this is happening. I've got marks on my neck from where they grabbed me too.


I actually thought all this crap was over, but thats life. Fucking wonderful.:(

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I got threatened with a kinfe again. Got grabbed round the throat and had my iPod stolen off me. The police took so long to come to the door (5 hours) that when they did I told the woman to fuck off and shut the door. I see no sense in reporting it considering I'm in a court case at the moment because they don't think any of this is happening. I've got marks on my neck from where they grabbed me too.


I actually thought all this crap was over, but thats life. Fucking wonderful.:(


Ah shite you're kidding. Jesus sorry to hear it man.

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I r still up for Godot!


I founds it!


Okay...you wanna see the early afternoon showing of Godot, or the 7:30 one? I reckon the early one would be better, cause that leaves mucho drinking time.


Only problem is that the 2:00 PM showing is only on Wed 27th (tomorrow!), Saturday 1st, or Thursday 6th...

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Ah shite you're kidding. Jesus sorry to hear it man.


Thanks. Yeah, it sucks. I've been given some pills off the doc, because they think I'm going to either get depressed/am already etc. I've told them I'm perfectly fine, but they don't listen. I've not bothered taking any.


When I came back from being attacked, I grabbed what I thought was a paracetomal, but it was one of the pills. I turned up at college walking like I was drunk, and acting like I was stoned. It was pretty funny. My geography teacher looked a little bemused when I kept going "ssshhhhh!". :heh:


What's the story behind this?


Assulted last may (ended up with 2 broken bones in my face), gave evidence against the guy (no-one else he assulted would do it). He's told his mates to do all this stuff to me. It's been going on for 5 months now.

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I got threatened with a knife again. Got grabbed round the throat and had my iPod stolen off me. The police took so long to come to the door (5 hours) that when they did I told the woman to fuck off and shut the door. I see no sense in reporting it considering I'm in a court case at the moment because they don't think any of this is happening. I've got marks on my neck from where they grabbed me too.


I actually thought all this crap was over, but thats life. Fucking wonderful.:(

No sense? But surely the bruises and such are proof that you are being attacked? I still can't believe this shit is happening to you, but I think you're doing the right thing by standing up to the whole situation.


I founds it!


Okay...you wanna see the early afternoon showing of Godot, or the 7:30 one? I reckon the early one would be better, cause that leaves mucho drinking time.


Only problem is that the 2:00 PM showing is only on Wed 27th (tomorrow!), Saturday 1st, or Thursday 6th...

Early one = mucho smartsies. Well I can't do it tomorrow as I got uni, but Thursday the 6th would be ace!

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Thanks. Yeah, it sucks. I've been given some pills off the doc, because they think I'm going to either get depressed/am already etc. I've told them I'm perfectly fine, but they don't listen. I've not bothered taking any.


When I came back from being attacked, I grabbed what I thought was a paracetomal, but it was one of the pills. I turned up at college walking like I was drunk, and acting like I was stoned. It was pretty funny. My geography teacher looked a little bemused when I kept going "ssshhhhh!". :heh:




Assulted last may (ended up with 2 broken bones in my face), gave evidence against the guy (no-one else he assulted would do it). He's told his mates to do all this stuff to me. It's been going on for 5 months now.


Is this the guy you got sent away for 7 month?


Explain in more depth if you don't mind.

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I think msn is down, at least I can´t sign in


Hotmail has started working again for me, but no luck yet with MSN messenger.


I got threatened with a knife again. Got grabbed round the throat and had my iPod stolen off me. The police took so long to come to the door (5 hours) that when they did I told the woman to fuck off and shut the door. I see no sense in reporting it considering I'm in a court case at the moment because they don't think any of this is happening. I've got marks on my neck from where they grabbed me too.


I actually thought all this crap was over, but thats life. Fucking wonderful.:(


No point in reporting it? Of course there's a point! Eventually, someone will realise that there is a serious case of targeted crime and abuse here, and they will do something about it. Justice may be slow, but eventually it will catch up with these bastards.

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Guest Stefkov
I got threatened with a knife again. Got grabbed round the throat and had my iPod stolen off me. The police took so long to come to the door (5 hours) that when they did I told the woman to fuck off and shut the door. I see no sense in reporting it considering I'm in a court case at the moment because they don't think any of this is happening. I've got marks on my neck from where they grabbed me too.


I actually thought all this crap was over, but thats life. Fucking wonderful.:(

Take pictures of your bruising. They won't be there in a couple weeks unless they are severe so get some proof.

Do you not walk around with friends? If this is from school or whever why don't you ask to get picked up by your parents? I'm not saying to never walk on the streets again or something, just lay low for a while. Try other means of transport. Alternatively get some bodyguards.

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