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I woke up at 7:20AM, got dressed for work at Tesco, had breakfast, went to Tesco and finished at 5PM. Came home, rang up Papa John's pizza because they owed me a free pizza (since they delivered the last one 2 and a half hours late). The guy on the phone said there was no note saying I was owed one, and that he was doing a favour giving me the last one free (which was free because it was 2 and a half hours later) and this one free.


He then said something about how it couldn't be any bigger than a medium, so yeh. Papa John's; what a load of crap.


And for the past few hours I've been doing Uni work and posting. Yoish!

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.. I read that in my mind as "my poor bloody cock".


Please continue.


That was me?...Nah, can't have been, wasn't in red.


Although, my body clock is really fucked up: Currently wake up most days at 3:30pm, and got to bed as late as possible, the day after I usually wake up half an hour later than the day before. I'm gonna try becoming totally nocturnal, how fucking badass would that be?


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That was me?...Nah, can't have been, wasn't in red.


Although, my body clock is really fucked up: Currently wake up most days at 3:30pm, and got to bed as late as possible, the day after I usually wake up half an hour later than the day before. I'm gonna try becoming totally nocturnal, how fucking badass would that be?



ah no that was platty. Browser was remembering some other post of yours that I'd added to the clipboard :P

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Ugh, this day sucks my cock so far. Its super duper mega busy at work, as we've had a mailing go out to all customers of a certain product, but only directly affects probably less than 5% of those people, cue old people ringing not understanding it, and asking how it affects everything and people not reading the letter etc etc, make ReZ mad.


But, tonight I go to my sisters and find out the super duper mega suprise.

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Back to school today and I'm already really bored and tired of it. Just too much work and they keep giving us even more and more. Pfffff.

I also want to sleep cause I'm so tired. Always tired no matter how much I sleep. D:


*moan moan*


In better news, I think my new DS game (Professor Layton and the Curious Village) got shipped, so hopefully it'll arrive this week. ^____^

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Done a bit of work, and sorted out a few things. Yay.


I've been persuaded to go to see national treasure 2 tonight. I'm going to have to be serverly drunk to enjoy it. Why do I always end up saying yes?


Juno tomorrow though, finally. I can't wait!


Noooo its good! I saw both this weekend and Juno = Amazing, and Nat Treasure = good, cos its like the first. Which was sweet.

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Noooo its good! I saw both this weekend and Juno = Amazing, and Nat Treasure = good, cos its like the first. Which was sweet.


It is? I've not seen the first becasue it looked sort of terrible, plus the cage annoys me a little. Hmm, you've made me a little more optimistic now, woo!


Though it's half-term, so they'll be a bunch of kids laughing manically during the movie. I'll give their parents an earful if they start, I hate how people can't seem to control their kids anymore. Damn parents.

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It is? I've not seen the first becasue it looked sort of terrible, plus the cage annoys me a little. Hmm, you've made me a little more optimistic now, woo!


Though it's half-term, so they'll be a bunch of kids laughing manically during the movie. I'll give their parents an earful if they start, I hate how people can't seem to control their kids anymore. Damn parents.




Hold the fecking phone! You havnt seen the first? Rent that shizzle right now man! DOOO EEEEETTT! I (and others) love the first film! I honestly think you'll like it man. Id send you a copy, but I couldnt get it there within like...well before tonight.


Dooo eeetttt!

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Hold the fecking phone! You havnt seen the first? Rent that shizzle right now man! DOOO EEEEETTT! I (and others) love the first film! I honestly think you'll like it man. Id send you a copy, but I couldnt get it there within like...well before tonight.


Dooo eeetttt!


I was about to go and rent "The Brave One", but if I can find National Treasure I'll rent that instead. It better be awesome! It's like a cheesy sort of adventure movie right? It's not overly cheesed is it? If so, I'm sure I'll need to be under the influence to enjoy it, but I'll try.


Just so I can't get moaned at for going off topic, for the past hour I've been on Pyschonauts, it's a good game and all. But half the past hour has been spent waiting for the bluddy thing to load.

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(Nah, cant be off topic if we are discussing something about your day) But I wouldnt really call it cheesy Id call it "family"ee, but in a good way (as family films do my head in usually) but yeah its totally sweet, really rather funny and the chick is super duper mega attractive, and the other guys funny and I just think its uberly awesome. Tap dat man. And you've gotta see the first before the second.

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Guest Stefkov

Woke up early today. Early as in 10. Wierd seen as though I went to bed at half 3.

I've been playing Devil May Cry and at 2 ish I'll be going to Town to put sell my HD DVD player, buy some stuff or college then put money away to pay for the DVDs I bought last night.


Just looking outside. It snowed a week ago. Now I'm not even wearing socks indoors it's that hot.

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First day off. Yay!


Played some Warhawk, browsed the web, ate a pie (twas a nice meat and potato one with mushy peas and gravy :) ), the usual. Now i'm in the mood to buy something, but i dunno what yet.


Also found out i'm off to Skegness for the day tomorrow, i've not been for years.

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I've been in bed til now, I think it's the first time since early last year I've been in before til after 12, woo.


Now just waiting for my hair to dry and munching on french fancy cake thingies ^.^


I could do with some cake actually, haven't had any in a while.



For the first time in a while I got up early at 8.50 to register classes for Uni, hopefully my selections will go to plan since I done them quickly and my timetable won't be horrible again this semestet. Had 4 and a half hours sleep and so far not very tired. Still not had breakfast though...

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I could do with some cake actually, haven't had any in a while.



For the first time in a while I got up early at 8.50 to register classes for Uni, hopefully my selections will go to plan since I done them quickly and my timetable won't be horrible again this semestet. Had 4 and a half hours sleep and so far not very tired. Still not had breakfast though...


pssh go eat -.-, or sleep at some point, silly boy :indeed:


I have like two boxes of them...I really shouldn't eat them, but they are soooo nice ^.^

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pssh go eat -.-, or sleep at some point, silly boy :indeed:


I have like two boxes of them...I really shouldn't eat them, but they are soooo nice ^.^


Ah, damn you :heh: I have toast now and after I have some chocolate oranges and minstrels that aren't gonna eat themselves.


Had do go in a spider hunt earlier, there was a big one hidding behind the TV and my began to panic so I had to catch it. And later my aunt and her fiance is coming down to help build things for the house, hopefully my cousin won't come down, I know it's bad to say but I don't like her, she isn't a good person *cough* chav *cough*


Hope your gran gets better gaggle, always a shame to hear someone goes to the hospital, your usually think the worst.

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