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My day/night was awesome!:D Me, and a few other mates had a party round a friends. We watched a few movies and had a few drinks. I got drawn on with a marker, so I looked like a cat, and I was meowing at the bouncers outside the local wine bar (Like the Vegas episode of friends with Ross). They were not amused. :yay:





Today so far has involved watching more movies, and doing bugger all. Yay for the holidays!

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I hate karma, it seems to have abandoned me all together. Good or bad, not a whole heap happening right now. Been a while since I had any great high or lows. If life was a game, right now I'd be slowly grinding away fighting the same crappy, boring enemies over and over in the same low-level dungeon to get my stats up.

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Daft; seriously... your life is far too karmically good... Either you're about to get some seriously bad news, or you've been draining the good karma from MY life :(


I know...I getting a bit worried. You can have some of my good karma! Spread the love, I say!


...shame I didn't play the euro lottery thing yesterday! :heh:


Maybe he stole more than one persons karma :o



That's some seriously awesome news tho dude, i'm sure you'll enjoy it :yay:


I seem to be a karma sponge at the moment!


I remember when Halo 3 came out I got an invite to the Microsoft thing at the IMAX but hotmail sent the e-mail to my junk folder so I only noticed it a couple hours after the deadline...Yes, hotmail filters Microsoft e-mail...I was so angry...

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I hate karma, it seems to have abandoned me all together. Good or bad, not a whole heap happening right now. Been a while since I had any great high or lows. If life was a game, right now I'd be slowly grinding away fighting the same crappy, boring enemies over and over in the same low-level dungeon to get my stats up.


I know how you feel dude; that analogy fits my life perfectly at the moment as well.


Everything is just so horribly monotonous for me at the moment I'm just trying to make my way through this endless barrage of coursework hoping that once its done then suddenly things will start to pick up.


Nothing is going to change though unless I make change happen.


Although I'm far too lazy to actually bother acting on my boredom with life. For now, I'll just live off fantasies of a life I wish I had.

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Work all day. But it was average. I expected her to moan at me all day for various things but she didn't. Toward the end of the day she mentioned stuff but seemed okay about it. Gave me a 'no-no note' (simpliest way I can put it) for saying last week "I don't want to be here." I told her personal stuff was happening (waiting for Dick to be arrested but didn't say that) and felt I couldn't talk to her as she was new. She felt guilty. I won.


Also decided that I am going to quit on the 23rd, the day after No More Heroes comes out ;) Will tell her Tuesday as we have the regional manager's reacharound coming in the morning and don't want her to know before.

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Guest Stefkov

Change has happened today. All in all, my hate of imports is gradually expanding at the same rate as when the Big Bang went off.

It even went to the extent that I thought to myself I actually wouldn't really mind if that old guy died.

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Day has been quite good so far.


My Elite arrived today, set it up and it does run cooler and quieter than the Premium version of the console. Went out a little later with some mates, one of them went to work and i went out for dinner with a girl i invited. Now back at home getting ready for a night out.

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My days been ok ish.


Went into town (Mansfield) with the objective of trading a game in and buying Burnout Paradise for PS3. Went in to Gamestation saw the price and instantly walked out the shop. £50! What a rip off they've become.


In other news, my brother gave me his old laptop last week as he bought a new one. What he failed to tell me last week, that this 'deal' of him giving me his laptop involves me selling my Wii to him for £100. As you can imagine i told him where to shove the laptop he 'gave' me.

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Crap crap crap..absolutely wank, ruth was a pain at work as usual, complaining about work then complaining she didn't get enough hours, then shouting zach (her boyfriend who also works at the store) then complaining that she wanted a fag..


dear god I want to slap her...-.- I worked my arse off while she stood there chatting.


Plus I've gained weight, it wouldn't be so bad if I was small and pudgy but I'm tall and pudgy and I hate it, hate it, hate it.


that has been the results of my day. -.-

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*puts up his feet*


I'm so happy as i have a whole week where i can relax and do my own thing and the best part is




I did my history early today at about 5 this morning as i couldn't sleep. (i got about 3 hours)


It started off well yesterday with a delicious Burger and i have had a really fun and relaxing day. YAY!


I was trying to find new ways of sitting on my bed as watching Shows from it wasn't that great so i stuck my bean bag on top of it. Now i feel like a king! :D


I'm in a really good mood and i have i'm currrently eating a bunch of mini cakes!

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Oh my days, my day started off a bit uneventful, with vague plans of meeting one mate to go to another mate's house to get a picture of his Panasonic Q for the BISHfest, getting a few others along the way. After a few phone calls, to friend 2, my sister to get her bus pass, friend 1, my sister at work again, friend 2, friend 2 after hanging up on him for singing pokemon theme tunes at me, I eventually had a rough plan of meeting friend 1, but my sister was lacking. I was supposed to meet her near the library at 3.15 and friend 1 at 3, but I was running a bit late, stood outside for 5-10mins with friend 1 wondering where the hell she was(she didnt have her mobile with her and I wasnt sure if she was going there or home) I eventually looked inside and found her, a futile start. Walked around WHSmiths, bought a comic, some postits(BISH), found some quite literal lovemonkeys and took a picture of my face plus 3, then my face plus 3 Eoin Colfer books and got a weird look from a little girl and her mother.



Fast forward to tescos, with antics looking for soup, and trying to stealthily take pictures of staff who were a little suspect. Me and friend 1 eventually went to the park(twas a nice sunny day today) to get a picture of two ducks, 1 real duck, then to the swing park(which is more of a speed park, everything's about spinning around really fast!) and it was packed with kids and their parents and we felt mean trying to play on stuff, so we wandered around and eventually friend 2 rode down and met us on his bike.

Now this is the good part, for some reason there is a long ditch running down a part of the grass at the park, about 4 ft wide and 3-4ft deep at it's deepest point, me and friend 1(Marcamillian) joked to friend 2(Nintendave) about going round the other side(slightly higher), riding at the ditch with some proper speed and jumping it(which Marcamillian pointed out as incredibly improbable if not impossible, which was a fair point as the ditch wasn't inclined much on either side). After admitting it isn't really likely, but would be incredibly amusing, we were considering jumping over the ditch forcing Nintendave to follow us through/over it clumsily with his bike, or riding all the way round to meet us. He said he could easily do it, we said it'd be hard, laughing and speculating. Nintendave felt it a challenge, and rose to it, but then he suddenly rides off, and I realise he was still talking about the first(pretty improbably) jump. He's ridden off too far to hear/understand me if I shout, Marcamillian suggests I get my phone out, and so I do. I focus on Nintendave, with a bit of zoom in cos I couldnt see him proper on the screen, a bit of zoom out, then watch as he takes to the ditch! Following is the unbelievable result;





This made my fucking day! Was truly brilliant, Dave isn't that sort of guy who does this crazy stuff(or at least, i thought not lol) and he's got such qualities a gamer geek nerd, and it was all just purely brilliant. Excuse the cackles at the end of the vid, those are mine :red:. It cuts away a bit cos I start laughing too hard to look straight, I actually missed most of it in actual vision cos I was looking at my damn phone's screen!

After all that, me and NintenDave did some basic aikido techniques from the randori no kata, to show marc what aikido looks like and stuff, and we were waiting for the sun to go down a bit/time to pass so we could go play in the kids park. That was pretty cool too, as I said, most stuff spins you round relatively fast, such as these buckets you sit in and lean with to keep you spinning faster and faster, then one massive tyre swing in a frame with like 4 chains holding it up(so it's pretty balance, and you sit on it's flat side). After being on that for a while with the guys pushing me, and it being dark, I started feeling quite weird, like things were well surreal and I was in half a dream. After that we went to Dave's and played some old school GC stuff for an hour or two(Melee, SCII), did a few BISHes too, then came home and wrote all this. Should have done my project work tbh, final year dissertation and all, which it all depends on, but I'm sure that'll be cool, gonna hit it up tomorrow and work like a bitch. Today's been such a good non-day, it was totally worth it.

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What the fuck have I done today? I got up at nine, spent some time on here, went for a walk, watch an episode of Star Trek while cooking a Shepard's pie then listened to a few tracks of Johnny Cash. And now it past 1am. How the hell did those things keep me preoccupied until from 9am untill 1am? Did I black out or something?

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