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I finally finished the short story I was writing (9 A4 sides). It's utterly mental, but thats what makes it great.


I left by bag at home today too. I got to college and was sat in the common room talking with some mates and I just suddenly realised I was missing my bag. How dumb can you get?:p

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thanks ^^)

screw them - this wasnt the first time its happened :( but still kinda hurts.. girls are the meanest creatures alive rar


Big hug! People reallu do suck sometimes, you've just to realise they're not worth it, don't let them make you feel bad! :)

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Guest Stefkov

I hate my laptop. For some reason recently the CPU (in my gadgets mbob) constantly goes really high. Now it's in the 50s and all thats open is everything that would have been open last year and the CPUs were in the 10s.

The fan is so bleeding annoying it's constantly doing it.

Maybe I should turn it off when I don't use it...

Apart from that tonight has been entertaining.

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Seriously, they do. I'm what, 16 and a half now, and I look it, yet they asked me for an ID when seeing Alien/No Country for Old Men. I didn't have one and I got told to bugger off.


I went to the manager and he said they never allow people to buy tickets without an ID (bought mine on the internet). So, I went to the counter at the front and low and behold, I was able to buy a ticket for No Country For Old Men.


I went to the manager and told him to shove the ticket somewhere, and was allowed in. It's fucking ridiculous, when I got into the screen with my mates, there was some 12 year old sat in there!


So, I got a complimentary ticket (I missed alien), and an apology from the manager. I hate Vue!



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Apparently it has been in an armed robbery in a nearby town :o SERIOUSLY.


I laughed and then was so happy. Sorry about the caps but I felt this needed to have big letters showing my utter happiness at whats happening. Also the money has supposedly stained the car or something :S But now there is a chance of getting it back. And I'll be famous :D

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Seriously, they do. I'm what, 16 and a half now, and I look it, yet they asked me for an ID when seeing Alien/No Country for Old Men. I didn't have one and I got told to bugger off.


I went to the manager and he said they never allow people to buy tickets without an ID (bought mine on the internet). So, I went to the counter at the front and low and behold, I was able to buy a ticket for No Country For Old Men.


I went to the manager and told him to shove the ticket somewhere, and was allowed in. It's fucking ridiculous, when I got into the screen with my mates, there was some 12 year old sat in there!


So, I got a complimentary ticket (I missed alien), and an apology from the manager. I hate Vue!



I hate Vue too. After the arthouse cinema closed down, they're the only cinema in town and they're not even showing No Country For Old Men, but I just know they'll still be showing AvP2 four months from now. Tasteless wankshafts.





Apparently it has been in an armed robbery in a nearby town :o SERIOUSLY.


I laughed and then was so happy. Sorry about the caps but I felt this needed to have big letters showing my utter happiness at whats happening. Also the money has supposedly stained the car or something :S But now there is a chance of getting it back. And I'll be famous :D


Well that's a turn up. Did they catch the perps or did they just get the car?



I just ate a damn fine apple. Could really go for some chocolatey right about now. Rediscoverd the joys of reading. Woke up late, which is always a good start.

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I hate Vue too. After the arthouse cinema closed down, they're the only cinema in town and they're not even showing No Country For Old Men, but I just know they'll still be showing AvP2 four months from now. Tasteless wankshafts.


Yeah, they were only showing No Country For Old Men twice today. Whereas AVP:R was being shown all through the day. No Country For Old Men was packed though, which surely must prove to them they need to cater for people wanting to see good films more often.

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I dislike vue, but I've never been ID, that could change though. I'm starting to get irratated about how fricken expensive it is to even see a film let alone with food and such.


Today has been a nothing day which is fantastic, though it has yet to end, apprently were off for a meal at 8...-.-

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today I had a jam, then had some pizza and a real nice smoothie which my housemate made that had mango, orangem, apple, strawberry and passion fruit which was sublime. ALso just had a go on the demo of Devil May Cry 4 which is looking pretty cool. Might go into town tonight to watch a band, not sure though, money aint lookin too good.

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Guest Stefkov

I was woken by the neighbours cat who had slept in my room last night. 20 to 9 and I feel something on my chest. I open my eyes and he's staring right at me. I could have left him there but I picked him up and tried to put him down by my feet but he went on the floor and wanted to go out so I had to open the door.

It was so scary to wake up to a cats face though.

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Yeah, they were only showing No Country For Old Men twice today. Whereas AVP:R was being shown all through the day. No Country For Old Men was packed though, which surely must prove to them they need to cater for people wanting to see good films more often.


Yep, No Country For Old Men being packed, yet out of the 3 cinemas in "reasonable" distance to me (under half an hour) zero are showing it. Which as I think Ive already said has made me fucking furious. So tomorrow I (probably) am gonna see it, but go on an absolute mission to get to the nearest cinema showing it. Pisses. Me. Off.

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Had a really good day today, been working on finishing this character that I've been modelling (and I've found it very hard AND time consuming so I'm just glad to have it out of the way and not looking like crap!). Done shopping and washing, so I've done chores and got fresh air. Here's my model btw:




But just a little while ago, I realised quite how soon Bluey is moving to Japan. I'm only going to get to see her twice now before she leaves and it's going to sound silly but I already feel a little lonely. Hate it when this happens. Just gonna have to snap the hell out of it, aren't I?

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Anyway my day was kinda awesome. Had TGIs for lunch (Jack Daniels ultimate burger) at Bluewater, which as an awesome shopping centre! (And easier than I thought to get to) and bought loads of awesome things (see relevant thread) and now Ima bout to chow down to some home honey roasted cashew nuts. Wheeee.



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Man, I've been lazy today. Been playing Rainbow Six Vegas, got down to two enemies left on that terrorist mode thingum... Also ordered myself a pizza for tea (the pizza place is literally down the road...) and because i had no cash, I had to use my card, and that meant I had to have a total of a tenner... so I bought two pizzas, one for tea with some spare slices for breakfast tomorrow, then another one for dinner tomorrow :P


Did zip over the road for some tobacco and a bottle of wine - an Australian blend called "Hair of the Dog" -- how appropriate :P

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