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I didn't put myself in serious debt to be here so I could be shouted at like I've done something seriously wrong by some shit-breathed twat, all for not doing something in a certain, unimportant way.


This. Actually can't fathom how a lecturer (especially one that's been there a while) thinks talking to students like that is acceptable. Really should have just bitch-slapped the guy on the spot. Or at least thrown some form of chemical in his direction.


Speaking of serious debt. I'm constantly feeling as though I've paid go knows how much money to just constantly watch a lecturer read off a power-point, and an incredibly simply one at that. Seems like a total waste.




Had such an amazing night, and one I really needed. Spent the night decorating the flat with Emily and Daniel, and we ended up making things like a gigantic paper Christmas tree and buying god knows how many lights. Looks amazing. I really do love Emily to bits. I woke up to her screaming along to "Loving You" in the kitchen, and once she hit the high note I was in hysterics for most of the following 10 minutes.


Though, our other flatmate just stayed in his room all night. The sooner the douchebag leaves the better. He just doesn't seem at all interested in making any effort to get to know us, and then makes snide comments at any chance he gets. We took a picture of "The Flat", which just had Daniel, Emily and myself in and have stuck it up in the kitchen. I love.


Oh! We also almost burnt down the flat. We bought a Christmas candle thing and left it on whilst we nipped out for some more lights. We came back to find some tinsel had fallen literally directly next to the candle and was seconds away from setting on fire. Before we came back, we walked down the street to see the lights we had put up in the window from the outside. Imagine if we'd looked in and been like "Naww, what a lovely glow it's got. SHIT IT'S ON FIRE". Lesson learned.

Edited by Slaggis
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Guest Stefkov
Get your goat...you've pulled.

If I was put in a room with that guy, and the guy from those LG adverts on E4 the one who sings really high pitched, with a gun I wouldn't hesitate to use it. I really wouldn't.

In fact I'd laugh as I pulled the trigger.

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My day...hmm


Fairly average day at school. The school chaplain tried to rope me into helping him with his bullshit but hopefully nothing will come of it. Sorted out my personal statement and my projects for Physics and Computing.


(the computing project is a space invaders game, only instead of aliens and spaceships, it's Chico from the XFactor shooting farmyard animals with a laser that comes out of his fingertip. It's working title is "Chico Defends The Farm")


Went to a Physics lecture after school with teachers and friend. Fairly sure it was aimed at post grad students. I got about half of it, but only due to personal research / reading. My friend didn't get it at all.


New laptop arrived. It's awesome. Haven't had a chance to let it flex it's muscles yet but I'll get Dragon Age installed tomorrow and see what it's capable of. Loving it so far though.


Question: Who here believes in superstition? I don't, but I did have a bet with the universe today and the universe let me win. I kinda want to read something into it, but the scientific part of my brain is stronger than the faith part and won't let me. It's kinda like when you're playing cards, you hold it in your hand and hope it's an Ace before you actually turn it over. It makes no difference, but you do it anyway. Hmm. I can't believe I'm even considering this out loud. I'm a Scientist, it's all bullshit. But at the same time, as a scientist I want there to be a way of determining something by asking a question of the world and getting an answer. So I want to believe it, but I know I can't. I don't believe in the whole "it's a sign, I should make this decision" bullshit. I'm rambling and that probably doesn't read the way I intended it, but nevermind. I'm tired and my brain was melted earlier at the lecture.

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So much work to do, but I feel so shit today, so staying at home. Got some sort of hacking cough, a migraine and a sore throat.


Going to bed...will try and do more of my piece this afternoon...to be completed by tomorrow. Ha. Likely..

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Bahhh I hate my teeth. There was a small part in one of my teeth that seemed to have come loose, but it was still in there. But just now the piece came out and so now I have a pretty big hole in my tooth. D:

I'm in school so txted dad to call the dentist for me. I hope I can have an appointment soon cause this hole is very very uncomfortable. Plus I probably have other stuff she needs to take care of. My teeth are horrible. =(


Edit: yay, appointment tomorrow. Will have to miss some school but oh well, my health is more important. =P

Edited by Eenuh
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I'm crying, I'm weeping, I'm cooing "Hold me close", because I'm packed with sawdust and diamonds.


I've just had my final Dynamics lecture. On Chaos theory.


I'm stretched out on my grave, because I've seen it all - I've seen too much. Too many visual wonders were thrown my way. He ran a computer program modeling the Lorenz Equations, and I couldn't drag myself out the quicksand. Literally the most stunning thing I've ever seen in my life.


I'm actually kissing the lecturer's name right at this moment.


I love Chaos.

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Question: Who here believes in superstition? I don't, but I did have a bet with the universe today and the universe let me win. I kinda want to read something into it, but the scientific part of my brain is stronger than the faith part and won't let me. It's kinda like when you're playing cards, you hold it in your hand and hope it's an Ace before you actually turn it over. It makes no difference, but you do it anyway. Hmm. I can't believe I'm even considering this out loud. I'm a Scientist, it's all bullshit. But at the same time, as a scientist I want there to be a way of determining something by asking a question of the world and getting an answer. So I want to believe it, but I know I can't. I don't believe in the whole "it's a sign, I should make this decision" bullshit. I'm rambling and that probably doesn't read the way I intended it, but nevermind. I'm tired and my brain was melted earlier at the lecture.


Assuming you actually mean "who here is superstitious", I'm not - I strongly believe that anyone who is is a victim of their own gullibility, and could do with some lessons in critical thinking.


Fairly average day at school. The school chaplain tried to rope me into helping him with his bullshit but hopefully nothing will come of it.


Ah that reminds me of my school days... Every morning in registration with our tutor we would have a "thought for the day" to do (the government's stupid "daily act of worship"). Being a 'Christian Foundation' school, the thought consisted of a wordy bit and a prayer. My tutor got us to read it in pairs, and, as standard when my turn came, I'd read the 'thought' and the other person would read the prayer. Of course, the person I normally did it with was ill/late, so I did it with another guy - a Muslim guy. He, like me, took issue with having to read a prayer, and my tutor took his side. I protested and refused, and was told to grow up.


My response of "grow up? I'm not the one who wants to mumble to a non-existent invisible 'other father' to try and somehow get him to make my day a bit easier," may not have been entirely diplomatic, but I told her I refused to do something so humiliating. My tutor found this deeply insulting, and when I suggested she now knew how I felt, I was kicked told to go to my head of house. This lead to me almost being excluded for "insulting a member of staff", and it was only avoided when my parents threatened to sue the school for (a) forcefully imposing their religious beliefs onto me, and as such breaching my basic human rights, (b) repeatedly telling me I was stupid for not believing in something for which there was no evidence (and as such incurring the same breach of rights), and © being a bunch of fucking loonies. This lead to the Head stepping in and suggesting that perhaps students who don't wish to read the prayer for personal reasons wouldn't have to, and that the school would in future consider the views of those with different views to Christianity when it came to such matters in future.

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I think I might cry :(


Having to write this stupid essay for my MA on the relevance of neutrality for humanitarian organisations and it's just awful! I really want to do well on this MA and so far it seems like I'm just too stupid to actually understand/write anything intelligent.


I swear I just read and read, yet nothing seems to stay in my mind. Anyone got any tips on how to do this. Perhaps it's my note-taking methods? Or more likely the fact that I'm just a dumbass.


/sigh :( I need cuddles :(

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Aww pooki, I know how that whole 'I'm reading but why the hell am I not understanding?'


Started work today, was pretty good, nice good (half price, drinks free), quite day, nice staff, manager on duty was nice etc.


Rushed home in traffic to get to my meeting with my new landlord - ended up late. Tired and annoyed.


Get home, house is a mess even though my stupid fucking housemate and my supposedly best friend has been in all day with her boyfriend - lucky fucking you, but you can't even be bothered to pick up your shit when you drop it on the floor.


I've gone from being ok about this house and ignoring it to be livid, this place is a shed. -.-


So yeah most of my day was pretty good! Job seems abit boring, but hey its money :)

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Felt like shit, but went into college for the end bit where the guy talked about our upcoming "Extended Essay", that we do over christmas. 3,000 words, not bad.


I was considering doing Tracey Emin cause I know about her, like her work, and can talk about her, but he said not to do someone you've studied before. Not really sure why, other than perhaps people might get bored of the person and not right a good essay r something?

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Jhuuuummm procrastinated this morning. Did a self-portrayed in the afternoon. Went to my home town to do Christmas shopping and failed. Did buy a new bookcase though which I was desperately in need of though. So spent all night putting it together, alphabetising and doing some other things that needed to be sorted in my room. So now one half is clean. The other half can be done on the weekend.


Hmm. Someone I know has updated their facebook status to announce his girlfriend's water has just broke. Surely there's more important things to be doing...

Edited by Ashley
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Bahhh I hate my teeth. There was a small part in one of my teeth that seemed to have come loose, but it was still in there. But just now the piece came out and so now I have a pretty big hole in my tooth. D:

I'm in school so txted dad to call the dentist for me. I hope I can have an appointment soon cause this hole is very very uncomfortable. Plus I probably have other stuff she needs to take care of. My teeth are horrible. =(


Edit: yay, appointment tomorrow. Will have to miss some school but oh well, my health is more important. =P


That happened to my tooth a few weeks back, it was on the back left wisdom tooth - which is being removed anyway, so didn't matter too much. Was quite sharp initially though, cut my tongue :(

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Just this second managed to finish an essay I desperately needed to get done, so I'm completely elated right now. With the amount of essays still needed to be completed, the feelings going to wear off far to quickly. Anyway, settling into a night of Will & Grace/Cake. :)

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Soo sick :( I've only got a cold but it rages on my weakened immune system and my lungs always seem to take a hammering and struggle to recover.. (had a chest infection for 6 months once yick)


Supposed to be getting my second swine flu vaccination tomorrow, dunno if that will be happening. Spoke to a nurse today and she said usually its okay unless you've got a raging temp or on antibiotics, but then i'm a whole other case with my immune deficiencies.


rang up the doc to check and she's ringing me back tomorrow. Meanwhile imma finish up coughing my lungs out.


Damn family members that don't even make an attempt to prevent transmitting their germs!!! =( Ironically my dad moaned and moaned about it, went to the doc and got meds and everything. Made a big dramatic deal every time he coughed yet couldn't be DAMN ARSED covering his mouth. Fucks sake.

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My left ear is blocked. Has been since I went to the end of college today, and has got worse. I'm just holding my hand against my head now. I need to go to bed.


Did some of my project, but won't finish it by tomorrow afternoon at all. No possibility. *cries into a bowl of milk, then gives it to his many cats*

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