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That feeling dies when it becomes your life, and lasts more than two days, and doesn't pay much and etc etc etc.


My thoughts exactly. XD


When you have to do it the rest of your life its not fun :P


*wishes for days of work experience when you did little and had fun and it didn't matter that you got paid nothing*

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Yeah, still beats school which is really boring! :)


Everyone there seems to really enjoy their work and they are always busy! :D


In this job you apparently get paid quite a bit. :smile:


Mhm I suppose if you find the right job then its all good. Im just meh because mine is...meh. Preferring uni at the mo (which is better than school too).


Urgh I need to find a hot young brunette (for an assignment I assure you). Why is this so difficult? Someone like Eliza Dushku, but younger.

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I'm not happy, my umbrella exploded. (Replace the word "exploded" with "got ripped to shreds by a sudden gust of wind".)


Thats one of my two Xmas presents destroyed...:(


Oh man, something similar happened to me last year. Also got an umbrella (though for my birthday I think) and the first time I open it outside to hide from the rain, it already breaks. D:

So I never got to use it. =(


My day today has yet again been filled with studying for my Art Philosophy exam. Which is tomorrow. I don't feel like I really know enough. D:

*studies more*

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That sucks Daft! (Though the image of someones Umbrella exploding did make me laugh!)




I just got an email through saying me and a girl (one of my mates) got into Askham Bryan College for Work Experience. Woo, they've got a huge Animal centre (the part were doing the work in) a massive collection tropical animal species, mammals, fish, etc. I can't wait!

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Mhm I suppose if you find the right job then its all good. Im just meh because mine is...meh. Preferring uni at the mo (which is better than school too).


Urgh I need to find a hot young brunette (for an assignment I assure you). Why is this so difficult? Someone like Eliza Dushku, but younger.


Yeah! :)


GAME doesn't sound great... can see why you resent it. :D


I really want to go to Uni aswell everyone really enjoy their time there. i was speaking to someone today and yesterday and both of them had great fun at Uni. :grin:


Though i have no idea which courses i want to take! but just anything apart from school which is becoming boring....



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Oh man, something similar happened to me last year. Also got an umbrella (though for my birthday I think) and the first time I open it outside to hide from the rain, it already breaks. D:

So I never got to use it. =(


Wow, you didn't even get to use yours once. At least I got to use mine once.:p


After initially being REALLY pissed off I laughed because this sort of stuff always happens to me! :heh:


That sucks Daft! (Though the image of someones Umbrella exploding did make me laugh!)


Haha! Fair nuff! It was pretty comical. I'd would have laughed but my beloved umbrella broke! Oh well back to borrowing my mum's umbrella. :hehe:


Reminds me of the time I broke three squash rackets in one weeks. I swear none were my fault!!

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Three! Woah, how? I've broken one before, but that was down to the wall, not me! :p


Yeah, one was the walls fault. Another broke when I ran into the wall and somehow it got sandwiched between me and my arm and when I crashed into the wall luckily the racket gave way and not my arm!


And I shit you not the third one exploded. Seriously, I was waiting for my sister to serve and it felt like something hit my racket and it had some MASSIVE crack down the frame...and it was my good racket. Seriously I have no idea how it happened. Maybe the frame expanded at different rates with the heat of it being in use...or some crap like that! ::shrug:


I haven't played squash since because, at this rate, I can't afford it. :heh:

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today started like a repeat of yesterday, got up at 12.30, had a fry up, played mario galaxy. Then however I fancied like watching Transformers, which I don't have so I walked into town. The heavens then preceded to open and devour the whole of Bristol with bucketloads of rain, and my shoe has a hole in it and I then stood on dog shit later on......ah well.

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Exam in just over an hour... Remembered some nonsense words; BARDEMIESPECSHANS! Each letter represents a propmt word, from which I can list either further key words associated with them (i.e. A = Alliteration, which prompts consonance, assonance) or entire sentances.



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After about 3 and a half hours of sleep I went to my Art Philosophy exam, which I think I passed (but I'm never sure!). Then went to drink a hot chocolate (with whipped cream) with some friends and I bought a CD I'd been looking for for a while. Then had to wait ages for the bus (like, more than half an hour) and when it arrived it was completely full so I barely had any room to stand. D:


Some woman almost forgot her purse but I grabbed it and pushed it into the hands of someone standing close to the door, who then quickly gave it to the woman. And some other, old woman almost got her hand caught between the door or something. Eventful.


Now I'm home and I'm going to nap soon. ='3

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