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^^ So he's not allowed to go because I'm going. Wow. Tbf, I was planning on seducing him; you know, while she's watching. The girlfriend is a nutter and Brad spineless for being ordered about.


I just spent 1.5 hours curling my hair for tonight, crazy. Excited though!

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^^ So he's not allowed to go because I'm going. Wow. Tbf, I was planning on seducing him; you know, while she's watching. The girlfriend is a nutter and Brad spineless for being ordered about.


I just spent 1.5 hours curling my hair for tonight, crazy. Excited though!


Nah, can't be, I hadn't told him you were coming at that point. Perhaps the prospect that there would be females at Thorpe put her off. Or shes just a mega cunt. :nono:


PS well done on hair. Thats a mammoth amount of time. I spent equal amounts making...fuck...making three Heroclix, and the fuck was because I just remembered I was going to make a Haunt, but I've put everything away naw. Maybe tomorrowwww.


Have fun at Chateau Deveux.


Gonna try something that I've never done before on these models. Basically their claws glow (lime green) and I might try and paint the glow/lighting up-ness of it on their bodies. Be hard as steel balls though...so....we'll see.

Edited by ReZourceman
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Ok so I'm not here for long -- my headphones are fucked. Trying to listen to a TV show all I get is teh background music. It's very surreal, but goddammit it means I need to buy new headphones.


Er, on topic? Went to town and met Dan and Co. Had some drinks, went some places, danced some silly, now I'm home and eating a curry. Tomorrow is reading day! Woot!

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Todays been a mixture of massive amounts of tiredness, with a little fun added and then sprinkled with annoying amounts of frustration.


Sleep needed. Haven't slept, apart from the 20 minutes an hour before the xfactor, since thursday night.


Just walked back from Haggis' after watching X-Factor, The Descent and Murder by Numbers. Took me a good 40 minutes but I had some nice music and interesting scenery. So tired now.


Don't forget the dubbed parts of The Grudge! Seriously can't understand why they chose such horrifically English accents.

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Yesterday was an okay day I guess. Didn't really do anything during the day (I honestly don't remember what I did). Then in the evening I watched the football with Belgium finally winning a game. Then watched Inglorious Basterds with some popcorn but honestly I'm still not a fan of Tarantino.


After all the tv watching I decided to work, which I did until 3 am. Hooray.

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Last night felt so great. Meant to be going to see Micachu and The Invisible but there no tickets left, so we said our farewells to the big guy from the Invisible who was outside having a fag and sat in Rush (cheapest bar around) for an hour or so. This was like...7pm, so it was empty. Eventually went to meet old school friend and his new girlfriend at the Edinburgh Uni student union bar place, and that was nice. Meet people who knew people I knew blah blah connections fun was had. Then queued to get into the big night at the main student union and pointlessly paid 3 quid to get in, then left 10 minutes later to join another group of friends on their endeavours.


All the while dressed in shorts and a hoodie...not exactly clothes for going out clubbing. but I dealt.


Had far too much fun with this one girl on my course who appeared out of nowhere (wasn't out with us) but tumbled down the stairs and into reality in one club. I love her so much, unbeleivably hilariously dumb (but in a good way). She convinced me to dance on the "stage", but we were kicked off. But yeah. I walked home, distressingly sober. I had 5x Vodka Cokes 2x Strongbow and a lemonade vodka thing, and felt exactly the same, Damn having a big chinese before going out.


Going for an arty farty cinema trip in a min. Then have to finish fucking vis com project...it's so dire.

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So happy I finally got a vaguely decent amount of sleep. I can now at least think logically and do basic things without it seeming like the biggest amount of effort ever. But, I have no food and need to go shopping. But...I don't want to have to get dressed and shower. Effort.

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Don't forget the dubbed parts of The Grudge! Seriously can't understand why they chose such horrifically English accents.


Omg they were amazing. I love how they sound exactly like what Jack Wills models would sound like if they could talk (They can't irl as they're the undead army of Tara Palmer Tomkinson, forced into modelling overpriced polo kit.)

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Good weekend, well it staarted thursday night, so long weekend.


Went home which was some relief, had some major family troubles friday, which is not so good.


Picked up my sisters new dog - axel, as in roses, bless him, he's so cute, massive though, such a wimp too, so thats all goood.


Had to come back to sheffield today, not so good. Going to call landlord soon. Flump! :heh:

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Omg they were amazing. I love how they sound exactly like what Jack Wills models would sound like if they could talk (They can't irl as they're the undead army of Tara Palmer Tomkinson, forced into modelling overpriced polo kit.)


Jack Wills honestly makes me feel ill. But, I've got such an urge to watch the full film dubbed, just to fully experience the hilarious-ness. I can't understand why so many people told me the Japanese original was terrifying. Bits like where she tried to look shocked after finding the guy on the stairs were hilariously bad. Tell me you've got the sequel too, and that's it's got the same voice actors used when dubbing the first? I may have to buy.

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Last night was dreadful. Went to a pub to see a band my friends sort-of-boyfriend plays in and it was way too loud to talk and too empty to dance and the music was too dreadful to be bearable. And as last night's desi, alcohol couldn't soothe the situation either.


Oh also some chick started shouting outside the place "LEATHER JACKET GUY, LEATHER JACKET GUY" I didn't even realise it was after me and my friend turns around and says "his name is Jonny" "OH! JONNAAAYY COME AND TALK TO ME, YOU'RE FIT! WHAT IS YOUR NAAAMMME JONNAAAAY?" She was quite hot actually so I'd be flattered if she wasn't so epicly intoxicated. But as I was sober as a mouse I just walked away cause I couldn't be bothered and wanted nothing more than bed and a cup of tea. Haha first bit of random female attention I've had in months that... great.

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I've accomplished more this weekend than I initially set out to do so that's good. Done 4 reviews; 2 today and 2 yesterday. Will make a start on a 5th later this evening and finish it whenever. It's on Madden 10 so no doubt it'll prove rather boring to write up. Other than that, I've watched some That Mitchell and Webb Look and listened to music. Haven't started or done any of the philosophy work that I need to do for Thursday but I have Wednesday off so it'll all get done then.


Not really looking forward to tomorrow. Have Uni from 11 till 5 which isn't great. Looking forward to Thursday though, while also being nervy about it at the same time, but I'll see how it goes. At least I have something to look forward to then to help me get through tomorrow. Well, hopefully something to look forward to.

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but honestly I'm still not a fan of Tarantino.




Anywho. Woke up and found out about the death so went to see if my mother was alright, she really liked him. Then umm a usual Sunday. Filled out some forms from work but I can't quite finish any of them (for a variety of reasons). Did some doodling. I have an idea in my head I want to storyboard but run out of printer ink and too lazy to manually draw a load of boxes :p


Also learned 35 Italian words this weekend as I'm back on the Italian. Okay three of those were 'un computer', 'un bar' and 'un film' but still, the rest are new :p And it could be my corrupt mind but I've just noticed in my reference list I have, in this order, "the girl, the week, the hole, the (girl) friend" (la ragazza, la settimana, la buca, l'amica - proud Razz?). Always the way isn't it?


Need to back up my ipod before I take it to the apple store to be buried tomorrow. Faaaaaff. Food first I think.

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Can't say I liked it too much no, at least not as much as other people seem to. It was okay/good, but nothing amazing. But again, I'm not a fan of Tarantino and his style so maybe that's why.




Today has consisted of more work work work. Taking a break now by playing Professor Layton, yay. Though after that it's time for more work. =P

Mom will finally be coming home from Spain tonight. Lucky her got to enjoy the lovely warm weather there for a week and of course I'm jealous of that fact haha.

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I seriously wish i didn't get trashed last night.


So far today, i've been ill 5 times within 8 hours (3 of them within 1 and a 1/2 hours). I've only just mastered on how to keep food down (believe me, breakfast didn't wish to remain).


Anyway, enough of this i think. Rest of the weekend has been ok, nothing special to be fair. Got a pool match tonight, away at probably one of the worst pubs for atmosphere. And also they don't clean the taps properly, so the beer tastes rank.

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Also learned 35 Italian words this weekend as I'm back on the Italian. Okay three of those were 'un computer', 'un bar' and 'un film' but still, the rest are new :p And it could be my corrupt mind but I've just noticed in my reference list I have, in this order, "the girl, the week, the hole, the (girl) friend" (la ragazza, la settimana, la buca, l'amica - proud Razz?). Always the way isn't it?


Need to back up my ipod before I take it to the apple store to be buried tomorrow. Faaaaaff. Food first I think.


I love how the word for hole you learnt is even feminine as to opposed to the more commonly used masculine equivalent (il buco. They both mean the same thing we just tend to use the latter). You filthy bastard.


Hurry up and learn more so I can abuse you in Italian on msn.

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Man, I had the worst night last night. Some kind of crappy chest cold made it incredibly hard to breathe if I tried to lie down and go to sleep. Eventually got about 3 hours sleep after 6:30am. On the plus side I went to lunch with family today - pizza and ice cream always improves any situation.

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Last night I apparently slept — or, more accurately, didn't sleep — in a backpacker hostel with a brood of dragons. At least that's the only reasonable explanation for the guttural grunts and snorts that rattled the moon-rimmed Velux above my bunk all bloody night. That brings the count to roughly 6 of the last 72 hours spent sleeping.


Oh, I was at my aunt's wedding during the day, hence the lack of personal sleeping room. It was pretty good as family wedding's go; I deftly deflected the obligatory slew of awkward questions from people I don't really know and sampled a piece of a traditional Czech wedding cake, a far superior concoction to your average slab of English wedding cake that's so heavy you could brain a cow with it.

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