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man work was busy! it was like, 40 seconds between calls for the first two hours. i had two of the funniest calls ive ever had.


first one, im diagnosing this guys kids. both had stupid names, not in a "thats not english thats stupid" way but in a "you did that to be different way. after the kids were done i get to his wife, i ask him if his wife has markedly reduced urin out put, he says to his wife, "are you going wee wees less?" she was 35. i struggled to not laugh for the rest of the assessment. trying to read out a code while not laughing is a challenege.


later on, a rather lovely soudning mother calls. she had a rather lovly accent, was chatty, funny and a real pleasure to talk to. i asked if he daughter was icy cold and wet to touch (i wasnt purving, its a question i have to ask) she says. "well, in her own words, shes "sweating like a fucking lemon"" it was so funny, she was laughing while i laughed which made it worse.

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Hehe, I knewww eeet. I think you said before that they didn't have a clue what was going on. So, clearly, they sucked. You ruled. Wohoo.


Yeah but I still ended up with a crappy grade because of them. Not like it would've been much higher otherwise but yeah...


I almost got hit by a car when cycling home just now. Always fun. >.<;

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Had some lectures and then came back to the flat and chatted with a flatmate for a bit. Decided I should go into town and spend a bit on stuff, but I didn't fancy going on my own...so I just called Han. I spent the next two hours on the phone to her whilst I shopped, it actually feels like I just properly went on a shopping trip with her. Actually miss her so much!

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man work was busy! it was like, 40 seconds between calls for the first two hours. i had two of the funniest calls ive ever had.


first one, im diagnosing this guys kids. both had stupid names, not in a "thats not english thats stupid" way but in a "you did that to be different way. after the kids were done i get to his wife, i ask him if his wife has markedly reduced urin out put, he says to his wife, "are you going wee wees less?" she was 35. i struggled to not laugh for the rest of the assessment. trying to read out a code while not laughing is a challenege.


later on, a rather lovely soudning mother calls. she had a rather lovly accent, was chatty, funny and a real pleasure to talk to. i asked if he daughter was icy cold and wet to touch (i wasnt purving, its a question i have to ask) she says. "well, in her own words, shes "sweating like a fucking lemon"" it was so funny, she was laughing while i laughed which made it worse.




Molly had someone called "Miss Younghusband" today. Mental. Thats probably in breach of the data protection act...but that is fine.


Work was actually so less bad than I was expecting. I guess on time off you just build it up to be Satan, when really its nothing more than an angry Damian.

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Been a long, long day. 6.45 up and not home until 12 hours later. Great fun. Just glad it's over. Ran to HMV to pick up the new Paramore album then ran to get to my English lecture on time while also hoping I'd bump into my friend who was in hospital but she didn't come in, which is probably for the best. Had a psychology lecture, in which I excelled at the awareness tests the lecturer was showing. One of the things he was using apparently took him ages to find what was different and I got it right away. :D Smart arse am I :p


Had to then potter around for half an hour before meeting someone at the library to buy a book I need for English off of them. Seriously, this book could kill someone if you threw it them, it's that big. So got that and then had to spend two useless hours at psychology workshops going over things I already know how to do.


So yeh, been a long day. Was a nice surprise waiting for me at home. At first I went 'Crap... Mom's been buying my T-shirts again!' but once I unfolded them found out they were two Ed Hardy t-shirts, co-designed by Christian Audigier, and she got them for £60. They both retail for £100 each so fantastic bargain :D One's very colourful so perhaps I'll grace the User Image Thread once more with an image of me wearing it. Or would that be too gruesome?

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My Facebook is littered with friends being terrorised by ReZ's spherical alter-ego.


This is fucking LEGENDARY.




I'm literally terrorising this girl and she said "stop talking to me or ill delete you" lol, so as long as I leave her alone on chat, she'll keep me even though I've called her a slag on her wall.


Great I have to stop now as Gadget Show is on.

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Ouch Daft that doesn't sound nice :( sorry to hear it. I've done that a few times and it's just the feeling of annoyance at yourself more than anything else! Well, and the incessant stinging as well.


Pretty good day in all today. I had two lectures, one on Stellar Nucleosynthesis which was much more interesting than it sounds, then one on Maths for Chemistry. Then I had a test which wasn't so great.


Anyway the best news about today is, as I was walking back to my flat I get a call from a private number. Turns out this competition run by coke I texted in for, for nothing more than out of boredom, has won me a Nintendo DSi! Fucking score! Takes up to 28 days delivery but still, it's free. I'll be hunting out my ancient DS stuff now, I haven't played it in years. Particularly looking forward to some Pokémon Diamond. *UNH!* It just occurred to me I can get the Gold/Silver remakes too. This is a good day indeed.

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It was...special. :heh: Like you said, it's mostly the annoyance. It's like walking into a lamp post because you were looking at something in the sky.


Ace one with the DSi! I've never won a comp. Hopefully I'll win the lottery soon to make up for that little oversight. :D

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I scraped my car todayyyyyyyy ;_____________;


I hate having to get in and out of my parking space at the house. i'm basically doing a 270degree turn in a small space, not hitting a pebble dash wall and parking on a slope. Which I then have to attempt to reverse out of (up said slope) to get out. How the fuck I'm going to do it tomorrow I do not know.


My poor car :(

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I get asked at 3:20 if I can come in at 4... Cheeky fuckers. And there's noone wanting a drink between the times of 7:45-8:45. Then the Ginger Perv comes in and starts talking excitingly bullshit about how he got a uniform in his job. For over an hour. Here is a choice quote.


GP "I was going to be a policeman"

EEM "Why didn't you?"

GP "Because I would see dead bodies and blood and guts. I wouldn't see any dead bodies in a pub, except if someone died there"


... No shit.

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I drove properly around in my car for the first time, in the filthy orange, dusty desert bit in front of Ocean Terminal, just near my house/college.


Was easier than I expected (had already practiced the actual starting the car, but hadn't "driven around"). What was my figure of 8 doing around the various poles? Being great. Although, I hate the looking back whilst reversing, as it hurts my eyes/back, so I just didn't bother, and hoped for the best.

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