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Housing benefit fail. Landlord didn't drop it round last night, and despite telling me he'd be at his office all day apparently NOBODY is in this fabled office, so he's going to drop it off tonight.


Last night was great fun. Went from mass phailings of friends saying "yeah! Corp! Woo!" to "meh. cba to do anything. ever," so I got nightwolf and our mate jonno over, had some drinks (nightwolf polished off most of a litre of vodkat by herself), listened to some music, watched In Bruges (not very well), then housemates got back pissed about midnight, and we talked bollocks, tried to find a 24/7 booze delivery service (there's definitely one in sheff) - but failed, so we boogied to our Tape Of Epic. Housemates had red tape round their heads, and broke a large piece of chipboard wood by running through it. Silly fuckers.


This morning my head hurt lots, so I stayed in bed and I STILL haven't eaten. Folks want to go to Crystal tonight - All I know about that place is they have burlesque nights, but tonight isn't one. Oh, and they're expensive and smart, so I may just have a few drinks in town, then drink myself silly at home/spliff a movie or two.


I MISS YOU INTERNET! I miss you all.


I'm watching the departed, and cannot believe it managed to beat Little Miss Sunshine to be for best picture. It's so so average, I'm massively disappointed. Anyway, other than watching this, I've just basically spent the day watching movies. Completely relaxing. Though, I've got work for the next two days, the prospect of which is amazingly depressing.

Oscars are a sham, and even though I do love LMS, it's definitely not worthy of best picture, imo.

- Rides

- LEGO Shop

- A Comic shop (I've never been to)

- Arcades

- Sea Life

- Harry...Ram..sdons.


Whynz-aphon if ever I saw it.

Man... You're going to brighton as SUCH A TOURIST! I went to Harry Ramsden's a week ago... and it was just fish n' chips, same as anywhere else. Only three times as expensive. Try walking up Kingsway road towards the West Pier. There's a good chippie there after the thistle hotel (cross two roads, it's on the corner, near the 24 hour breakfast joint).


OR hop on a bus/train, go to portslade, and get some F'n'C from Athena B. Best chippie in town.


Comic shop - Dave's Comics, I presume, down the North Lanes? Went into that Lego shop with Flink, actually :P


I just DARE you to walk west along the seafront until you get past the King Alfred... until you get to HOVE LAGOON and witness the holiest place in the city.


Oh yes, I am homesick.

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Man... You're going to brighton as SUCH A TOURIST! I went to Harry Ramsden's a week ago... and it was just fish n' chips, same as anywhere else. Only three times as expensive. Try walking up Kingsway road towards the West Pier. There's a good chippie there after the thistle hotel (cross two roads, it's on the corner, near the 24 hour breakfast joint).


OR hop on a bus/train, go to portslade, and get some F'n'C from Athena B. Best chippie in town.


Comic shop - Dave's Comics, I presume, down the North Lanes? Went into that Lego shop with Flink, actually :P


I just DARE you to walk west along the seafront until you get past the King Alfred... until you get to HOVE LAGOON and witness the holiest place in the city.


Oh yes, I am homesick.


Aye, Daves Comics.


Epic WTF @ Harry Ramsdens. Is it really that poor? The last thyme I had it was approximately 8 years ago. Has it changed since then, cos seriously it blew my socks off. Maybe we'll avoid it I guess.


Portslade sounds far away and complicated. (Buses are complex)


Past King Alfred? What happens in this place you speak of?

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^ There's a Harry Ramsden's in the Princes Street Mall food court, at least there should still be as it has been a little while since I was last in there. I know the one you mean though, down in Leith. Was gutted when that closed as I didn't know till myself and few friends went down for something to eat.

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^ There's a Harry Ramsden's in the Princes Street Mall food court, at least there should still be as it has been a little while since I was last in there. I know the one you mean though, down in Leith. Was gutted when that closed as I didn't know till myself and few friends went down for something to eat.


Oh. I try to avoid Princes St. Mall as best as possible, it's a shithole. Though they're redoing it all. But yeah, the big Leith one is some boating museum now.

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Nearly ran over some stupid woman driving home from work today. She thought it would be a good idea to run along a main road with a 60 limit with no pavement or grass verge, when everyone is coming home from work. So I go over the brow of a hill and she's right there, wasn't even close to the edge either, at least a foot into the road. I slam on my brakes and just about managed to squeeze between her and a Land Rover on the other side of the road. I look in the mirror and has the audacity to flip me off, bitch!


Otherwise, pretty standard day. Work was boring as usual, must have checked Facebook about 20 times.... Also, just looking on my iTunes and I've listened to Hollywood Undead 532 times in the last 10 days... obsessed much!

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Otherwise, pretty standard day. Work was boring as usual, must have checked Facebook about 20 times.... Also, just looking on my iTunes and I've listened to Hollywood Undead 532 times in the last 10 days... obsessed much!


Awesome stuff :D... unfortunately I cannot listen to Hollywood Undead with earphones (have to listen to it blasting out!) and therefore cannot listen to it at home (my dad would have a fit - greg too) so therefore can only listen to them in the car while im driving!... alone... *sigh* - its worth it though :D

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Nearly ran over some stupid woman driving home from work today. She thought it would be a good idea to run along a main road with a 60 limit with no pavement or grass verge, when everyone is coming home from work. So I go over the brow of a hill and she's right there, wasn't even close to the edge either, at least a foot into the road. I slam on my brakes and just about managed to squeeze between her and a Land Rover on the other side of the road. I look in the mirror and has the audacity to flip me off, bitch!


Otherwise, pretty standard day. Work was boring as usual, must have checked Facebook about 20 times.... Also, just looking on my iTunes and I've listened to Hollywood Undead 532 times in the last 10 days... obsessed much!


Are you sure you weren't driving on the wrong side again.....

Oh man this is never gonna get old.

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@ Tellyn - No I don't have a US Wii but I've just been emailed by someone from TellTale Games stating that it'd be a copy specific to the region of console I had. So that's a PAL copy. Really nice of them to send a copy so looking forward to playing Tales of Monkey Island even though I have never played the original games.


As for what happened with the rest of my day.... nothing. Have come up with an idea for some artwork I'm going to do but as I thought about it more and more, I don't know whether to do it as some form of drawing/chalk drawing in my sketchbook or something bigger. ::shrug: I'll start small and if I like it, I'll go bigger.

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Today has been mostly:


Bed - how I met your mother - food - bed - how I met your mother - thinking - bed - thinking - computer - facebook - confusion.


Yeah, well exciting.


I know all about the confusion wolfy, spent all day at work not being able to concentrate, just thinking about feelings that I don't really want to be feeling.


Gah, why can't things ever just be simple?!

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my wrist is bollllox. Going to the dr, gonna see if she'll give me some decent painkillers (aka not this non-steriodal-anti-inflammatory stuff they all have been palming off on me)


then I'm going to the dentist next week to get my teeth looked at. My jaw makes a horrendous crack when i open it (has done for aggges) so its probably unaligned. Gah. Will probably have to pay privately to get it sorted asap. Not going on a waiting list, no way, im getting severe migraines because of it ;__; It's all caused from grinding, which is also trashing my fillings! gah >_<


I don't think I've been like "healthy" or pain free for years. That's kinda sad really.


*complains somemore*

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my wrist is bollllox. Going to the dr, gonna see if she'll give me some decent painkillers (aka not this non-steriodal-anti-inflammatory stuff they all have been palming off on me)


then I'm going to the dentist next week to get my teeth looked at. My jaw makes a horrendous crack when i open it (has done for aggges) so its probably unaligned. Gah. Will probably have to pay privately to get it sorted asap. Not going on a waiting list, no way, im getting severe migraines because of it ;__; It's all caused from grinding, which is also trashing my fillings! gah >_<


I don't think I've been like "healthy" or pain free for years. That's kinda sad really.


*complains somemore*

Awk boo, that all sounds total rubbish. Hope things stop feeling so shitty for you soooon! *forumy hugs*

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