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Spent a night with my friend watching hot fuzz and taking the pee out of her saying she wants to "tap" a ginger acquaintance of mine. She wasn't happy, so I kept asking her how big her ex's penis was (since hes my friend) :p


Then we played caaraaaaaaaaaaaaaazy taxi on the dreamcast! That game is so awesome but she beat me :(


I miss Coolness :(

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Spent a night with my friend watching hot fuzz and taking the pee out of her saying she wants to "tap" a ginger acquaintance of mine. She wasn't happy, so I kept asking her how big her ex's penis was (since hes my friend) :p


Then we played caaraaaaaaaaaaaaaazy taxi on the dreamcast! That game is so awesome but she beat me :(


I miss Coolness :(


Where is The Bears?

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Had a great night out last night at the Way Out club met lots of nice TVs and TSs and got lots of compliments on my outfit (as usual), will definitely be going out there again.


Only downside, I wore new shoes without wearing them in first and ended up with loads of blisters on my feet, and one of the guys who works in the 24 hour off licence at the end of my road saw me all dolled up before i could get in to my cab on the way there, no big deal though.

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I went to the zoo today, so lots of fun was had, even though it was cold and rainy. Seeing animals just makes me go wheee, especially when there's baby animals involved. ^_____^


And also got to buy Daft Punk's Alive 2007 today. Yay!

And ate at Pizza Hut, which I hadn't done in years. Yum to garlic bread. =D

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Some things that happened today:


My outdoor cat got lost in the garden of the house behind us. We live on the hill, and we have decking so it's quite a hight for her now. She's around 80% blind and 80% deaf, so I had to go round to get her. Bless her (she's 16, so we don't think she'll be with us much longer).


And my sister (also 16) decided to run away (down lanes). We got her back after an hour.

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I miss Coolness :(


I've missed you to! :heart: :awesome:


Where is The Bears?


I'm still Here!!! :grin: haven't been online recently as i've had a busy past few days. :)


Here are my past few days:


Friday: Got up early to get on the train to go to London to help the homeless which was from 7:45-4:00pm then i got home got changed went out to my friends house and had a night of madness (playing guitar hero 3) and a lovely dinner! :D


Then on Saturday i was revising in the morning and sorting out my work experience then went to my friends house (lols were had :heh:) and stayed the night and got back about half an hour ago! :grin:


and tomorrow i have a friend coming to my house (hopefully :heh:) kind of never said when he was to appear at my residence....

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Guest Stefkov

Today I got up late again and watched some football.

I've got a lot of work to do this week, I'll be cracking on with that, then a new years resolution will commence.

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I'm feeling very agitated today, which resulted in me not studying the amount of hours I intended to study. I guess I just need a bit of a break from all the studying from the past week. Damn History and its insanely large book... But tomorrow I'll have to start again, I won't get there otherwise.

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Work was...meh. Not as quiet as I hoped. And Ive come down with the flu and its moved from sore throat to runny nose and watery eyes. This thing better be out of my system come Thursday (my day off). Mom insisted I wasn't home alone on new years eve so im at hers but everyone is going out so it makes no difference, other than here I have Dick pestering me every five minutes with PC problems the cumf.


Going to try and self-indulge tonight. The Format's 'B-Sides & Rareties' and lots of episodes of Chuck. 2008 is going to be my year, but not my new year.

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Yesterday: Got up nicely early (1pm), and played SvR08 and GHIII. Later, my brother's mate came round. During which, we had a nice 3-player on skate., followed by a Domino's Pizza. Then I finished off the day by watching SIX episodes of Bleach.


Today: Got up even earlier than yesterday (10am), played SvR08 and GHIII again from 11:30am - 7:30pm. Longest gaming session EVAR!


-EDIT- Just discovered that I could've watched Princess Mononoke on C4 earlier! FUCKIT! :angry:


Now I'm in a mood...

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Yesterday is probably best described as varied, getting better as time went by.


A mate tells me the night before he needs to come round early the next morning to discuss an incident that has taken place over the last week or so, and came to a climax the night before. I get up at 8 to accommodate for his arrival at 9. We talk for maybe 2 and a half hours, which he thinks has sorted everything, but it really hasn't. He didn't apologise about any of it, or even mention some of the things he has said, as well as shift blame to the 3rd party involved.


Anyway, the rest of the day was spent doing, joy of joys, maths papers, and talking to said 3rd party on the phone, slowly realising that there is still an issue. A mate came round at 6ish, we played PGR3 for a while (4 hasn't turned up), then went to a party at about 8, where we drank and were merry. :D


Midnight came and went, we kept partying (basement + dimmer switch + smoke machine = good dance room), and I did the usual texting of people wishing them happy new year, along with 60 million other people, so only one of them sent. I got called by, of all people, the aforementioned 3rd party, and we stood outside in the cold talking to her for about an hour, which was memorable, to say the least...


Me and my mate left about 3am, and slowly made are way back to mine via town with some old friends from the year group above who left last year, and we got back to mine, at "stuff", including meat load, sausage rolls, and noodles, watched some Seinfeld, and went to bed at around 4.


And now I am bloody tired, and yet I need to do more maths work.


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Yesterday was great, but today I'm feeling kinda poopy. Probably cause of the huge pile of school work and studying hanging above my head at the moment.

Actually wanted to start on my huge painting for Composition today but I found out the paper I have is too small (needs to be a bit bigger than 100 x 65 cm). =(


So I've been studying more Art Philosophy (which still doesn't make any sense to me at all) and I'll probably film part of my Flash movie tonight (clay animation).

Also hoping I'll feel a bit less poopy soon. D:

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A late start for me today: 1:10pm. My lateness meant that I bought the last Daily Mirror from the shop.

Played GHIII and SvR08 AGAIN! Then watched the Villa-Spurs game...


Currently receiving a headache from my brother playing teh drums right next to moi...

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Spent until 11am in bed yesterday recovering from a hangover after the huge new years party.


Decided to get up eventually, seen my mate off who stayed over and then went out to clear my head. Came home had some food and then went back out to the pub, only had a few pints though. Now back at home ready for bed and my final day off of the holiday period before work on Thursday then off on the weekend again.

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