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I don't get it... how do you know if you're the one, mob or... is there another group? I just played and enjoyed it. While cursing the other 3 players next to me and looking at their scores.


at the beggining of the round your position comes in that telly box, with more than likely saying the crowd.

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Did nothing in Kirkwall, Orkney, as usual. Went to lunch immediately after waking up/watching Desperate Housewives repeats. Rented Goblet of Fire, Order Of The Phoenix and Marley and Me. I refused to watch Marley and Me as it looks SHIT, so watched Goblet (probably should have watched Order instead). Went to see Half Blood Prince after gorging on a flabby omlette.


When I grow up I'll turn the tables.

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First, the bad news - I'm no de facto single. Balls. :blank:


As for the rest of my day, I went up to London with my family to see a production of Waiting for Godot, starring Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen, which was superb, followed by dinner at a rather nice, but unconventional Italian (not a pizza in sight!). It was excellent, and amongst the dinners was the Duchess of York and her family, all of whom had been through a considerable amount of wine. Sarah Ferguson winked at me, which was rather disturbing, but I can report that her youngest daughter, Eugenie, is much prettier in real life, and has a fantastic rack (hey, I'm a 19 year old straight guy, I notice these things!).


So, all in all, a memorable night.

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This place is really quiet. Is it because everyone has gone for the meet? I think they should all log in at the internet cafe and post, for the amusement of those who haven't gone.


Phhhf we don't need them, we can have a better time on our own! :yay:


Ahh who am i kidding :*(

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It's my friend's birthday today... A bunch of us were going to see Harry Potter again this evening, though I got this message through on Facebook this morning.


"Cancelling it cos somethings come up so DONT FUCKING COMPLAIN AND SHUT UP"



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This place is really quiet. Is it because everyone has gone for the meet? I think they should all log in at the internet cafe and post, for the amusement of those who haven't gone.




Yesterday was good, me and moogle arrived on time, the villan got lost and so we were waiting for him for over an hour! We went for pizza, the waitress was clearly trying to get me drunk - getting me two beers when I only asked for one! We then just went to a couple of pubs.


Now sat in the hostel reception waiting to be able to get into our room (we had to check out this morning and then check into a different room. We did this at 9 but didn't realise we couldn't gt into the new room until 11). Hopefully the new room will have some attractive occupants (other than myself and moogle of course :heh:) unlike last nights monstrosities!

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Should I buy this;http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Pokemon-GBA-X-5-Fire-red-Sapphire-Ruby-Emerald-Leaf-G_W0QQitemZ120445372208QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_PC_Video_Games_Video_Games_JS?hash=item1c0b1a8730&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A1683%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50


Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen, all for £25.99 with free delivery. No boxes/manuals, but that's fine. Sure it's like...3 more games than I actually want, but for that price, it seems a steal. Nothing I can ascertrain seems out of the ordinary, except that he/she has solds LOADS of sets of these. Does this look at all suspicious to anyone? Bad feedback seems just bad luck rather than the sellers own evil scheming.

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Should I buy this;http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Pokemon-GBA-X-5-Fire-red-Sapphire-Ruby-Emerald-Leaf-G_W0QQitemZ120445372208QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_PC_Video_Games_Video_Games_JS?hash=item1c0b1a8730&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A1683%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50


Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen, all for £25.99 with free delivery. No boxes/manuals, but that's fine. Sure it's like...3 more games than I actually want, but for that price, it seems a steal. Nothing I can ascertrain seems out of the ordinary, except that he/she has solds LOADS of sets of these. Does this look at all suspicious to anyone? Bad feedback seems just bad luck rather than the sellers own evil scheming.


could be fakes...

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If there have been 108 sets purchased like you say, with no bad feedback then it does seem ok. But to me, it does sound a bit fishy for someone to have so many copies of all of the games. As R_A has said, they could be fakes because that could simply be a stock photo he has of the 5 carts. Who's to say that they are all legit? He does have bad feedback citing counterfeit goods and dubious problems with the games which could suggest they aren't the real things.


As it is, his good feedback outweighs the bad by a very long way but I wouldn't be too sure myself of buying. I'd personally ask a few questions first before buying as he's not listing any info about them, other than the no box and manual.




My day... nothing spectacular. Went out for lunch and the girl that served me at the bakers gave me a cheeky smile. :) She's got awesome eyes. Too many people around to ask her out without looking like a prat so maybe on another day. Also played and completed Coraline on the Wii for a review, which has been completed. Haven't seen the film so the game was kinda lost on me although the poor telling of the story in it didn't exactly help much.

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Guest Captain Falcon
If there have been 108 sets purchased like you say, with no bad feedback then it does seem ok. But to me, it does sound a bit fishy for someone to have so many copies of all of the games. As R_A has said, they could be fakes because that could simply be a stock photo he has of the 5 carts. Who's to say that they are all legit? He does have bad feedback citing counterfeit goods and dubious problems with the games which could suggest they aren't the real things.


As it is, his good feedback outweighs the bad by a very long way but I wouldn't be too sure myself of buying. I'd personally ask a few questions first before buying as he's not listing any info about them, other than the no box and manual.


Wouldn't fakes come on a standard grey cartridge though?

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Guest Captain Falcon
This is true too.


But if even they were "fakes" would you really care if its still the same game? I know some people here are all about legitimacy and all that, but it doesnt bother me a bit if its the same game :heh:


Well if you wanted fakes, you could select a seller from China and get them all for less.

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They'll be copies, but they'll work fine. So technically it's piracy, but unless your Emasher, I'm sure you won't really care.


If you look at the stickers on the carts, they aren't quite the same as the real carts.

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Well, here's my plan for tonight.


Go out, drink, try to get laid...Pretty much like every other night ^_^


That was kinda my plan too, suppose to have a mate's Stag night, but I really can't be bothered going out. Might just give it a miss.

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The meet was awesome! Loads of people turned up and everyone got along. I would post more now but moogle and myself are sat in the cinema about to watch Bruno. I'm sure some of the others will be updating soon enough though, seeing as everyone left by 7 :(

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I have felt a bit cold today, or a bit worn down, so I've mostly been chilling out for most of today and watching the cricket on telly. I just had a bath about an hour ago which makes me feel loads better, hehe.


I've been working out quite a lot lately. My forearms have had quite a bit of work in the last two days, and I'm feeling it slightly now, but the bath has helped.


Now...what to have for tea.

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Have me ;) Erm..yeah.


Had a good day at the meet, unfortunately it kind of got tainted on the way home by some dicks behind my train seat. Then getting home people decided to annoy me and now I'm blergh. Headache I think from sun and not a lot of drinking :p


Can't really be bothered to type up about the day because I'm sure ReZ is eagerly looking forward to it!

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Well that was fucking awesome.


Well that was fucking awesome.


Oh for gods sake I just wrote a massive post. It basically said about some middle aged slightly prickish people I encountered on the train home.


But yes Ell I will report back tomorrow with specific findings. ATM I am pretty damn knackered. It was fucking awesome though. Great god damn turn out and speaking on behalf of everyone - fun had by all.

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