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Day 1 begins of un-employment. Just made the call to the J/C to begin my claim which begins from today (13th). Pretty shite to be fair, going from £280 p/w to £50 or so p/w.


Got to see an advisor next Monday, so have a week to kill and get documents in order ready to present to the advisor to prove my claim is legit. Just have to hope that work pay-up the money owed to me in 2 days.


With that out of the way now, just have to clean up my room and give a nice young lady a call.

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Bah. Sore back, sore legs and a splitting headache. Yeh, not feeling great. Been like this for a few days now and doesn't seem to be letting up. Probably nothing major so I'll leave it be for now unless it gets any worse.


Went out for a sandwich and that's about it. Wasn't the sandwich I wanted but I really wasn't fussy. Just needed something to eat. Waiting to hear from a few places I've applied for jobs too with one of the places being like a short walk from my house so they really have no excuse for not getting back to me about the job even if I don't get it. Also going through my wardrobe and taking out stuff I don't wear anymore. Noticed I have a ridiculous amount of T-shirts. Like about 30 or something and I have 5 pairs of trousers to mix and match with them. Very strange.

Edited by Ganepark32
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So I change my surname to distance myself from my unwanted fuckwit of a sibling and he's using the same surname now on Facebook >_> I know its not really anything but its still fucking annoyed me. I want rid of him. Every part of him from every aspect of my life.


Also noticed all the CVs I have been sending out had "manager" spelt wrong under my references. Not my day :p


But I've rejigged my CV so its more geared toward employment history (standard one is geared toward skills) so will print those off and whore it around London shops over the weekend. Filling in this bursary application slowly. And I think the high point of my day will be new Entourage later. How sad :heh:


Actually...this bursary thing is asking how much I earned according to my p60 for 08/09 (would I even recieve one if I was unemployed in April?), think it would be fine to just add up the P45s from the three jobs I worked during that tax year? Although my pay for Game seems a bit high, so would "total pay to date" mean the whole two years I was there?

Edited by Ashley
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Blah, £100 into my overdraft. Not too bad I suppose, at least my only outgoing is feeding myself now.


I'm approximately £1,497 into mine... :D:D:D:D This is a time of desolation that I feel quite honoured to be experiencing. I suppose I need to feel wrecked and shitted with life before I enter my mind-cocoon and evolve into a metadult, or sorts.


Job Centre... man. Signed on last week, still no money. Called today, tehy told me to call back. Twice. No money! But I got stacks of food so I'm good :D Lots of walks and... well today I failed to remember to bring my CV to the library so I've excused myself the rest of the day on that front. Pub later, and the gracious nightwolf has offered to buy me a couple of drinks, woop. Dan Dare said "naah don't wanna go" then I told him "btw that chick you dig who was too busy for coffee today? Yeah she said she might be going" so now he's all "oh snap, I might be going too!"



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Don't blame me! Blame my friend and sister! (They got me on it, and I shat on their scores within ten minutes)


Its fucking annoying though...obsessive. Like that damned typing game that Eenuh demolishes everyone at. I can't stop playing it either.


I'm trying to beat this chick at work. As soon as I've beaten her I'll stop playing it. I can't have a 50 year old beating me though.

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Job Centre... man. Signed on last week, still no money. Called today, tehy told me to call back. Twice. No money! But I got stacks of food so I'm good :D Lots of walks and... well today I failed to remember to bring my CV to the library so I've excused myself the rest of the day on that front. Pub later, and the gracious nightwolf has offered to buy me a couple of drinks, woop. Dan Dare said "naah don't wanna go" then I told him "btw that chick you dig who was too busy for coffee today? Yeah she said she might be going" so now he's all "oh snap, I might be going too!"




Oh yeah, go me being the nice friend to you an all! Dan what a shocking surprise, I'll be shocked if reggie comes from home JUST for the women....haha.

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Don't blame me! Blame my friend and sister! (They got me on it, and I shat on their scores within ten minutes)


Its fucking annoying though...obsessive. Like that damned typing game that Eenuh demolishes everyone at. I can't stop playing it either.


I'm trying to beat this chick at work. As soon as I've beaten her I'll stop playing it. I can't have a 50 year old beating me though.


Well dont worry, ive smashed your top score now

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Spent the day attempting to fit as many clothes into my bags for the flight tomorrow as humanly possible. Now I'm just freaking out about either not having enough money or forgetting something reeeaally important tomorrow morning. Eurgh, the sooner we're actually there the better. I hate the waiting now, considering it's so close.

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Oh yeah, go me being the nice friend to you an all! Dan what a shocking surprise, I'll be shocked if reggie comes from home JUST for the women....haha.


You mean you don't know Reggie is already on the train?


I miiiiight pop down. Yup.

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todays been okay, my ema bonus came in so i have a bit of cash. also booked my theory test for the 4th august. then to pass first time so i can book my pratical as i wont have money to learn come september when i go to uni. the rest of the day was spent playing halo 3 and 1 vs 100 on the xbox but no prizes where given out so that was annoying.

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Blah, £100 into my overdraft. Not too bad I suppose, at least my only outgoing is feeding myself now.

I've been hovering at that mark for a long while now. I'd dip to about -300 then what I'd earned would go in and I'd be back at that mark. Now though I've somehow managed, once my money is put away, to get below that. And then only a few more days of work and I should be free as a canary.

Played games today. It was pretty fun.

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Been up for two days straight, and as a result I have just fallen asleep similar to how Sims do when their Tiredness bar reaches zero and they collapse, except I was sitting in my chair at the time. But I think that's a sign to get some sleep, and so I shall.


Also, been convincing a girl I thought I was over that another guy likes her. My stomach is still tugging at the thought of it, though. Why do I put myself in those positions?

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