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What did you think it was?


I always thought it was:


Shake it to the left (blah blah blah)

Shake it to the right (stuff)


Shake it to the front (ha ha)

Go rouuuuuuuund.


I was young, foolish, and blatantly had loads of wax in my ears, haha.


Now, I go to bed. Goodnight.

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MOVING HOUSE TOMORROW. Packed up nearly everything - all that's left is hopefully a box-worth of random stuff in the lounge, a backpack with some clothes and toiletries, a box of kitchen stuff and my bedding (to be bundled up and carried as it is :P)...


Got a bloke with a van shifting my stuff for about £15 tomorrow afternoon, but need to pick up my keys at some point. I'm basically looking at living by myself in a 5-bedroom house for about three weeks, with no internet sorted out just yet... I should probably try and sort that out, er, now... FUuuuuuck. HASSLE.


It'll be easy enough! Stop stressing dude, you'll only make yourself ill!


Weekend has been packed, got back to sheffield midday saturday, mate round at 8, went meadowhall yesterday and bought the most awesome dress with the giftcard a mate had got me for all saints.


I even got free kfc and dale got me sims 3 for my birthday :).


He's going home in a few hours, got work tomorrow, it'll be sad to have to be on my own again.

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Heh... well that was a major sleep fail. Maybe got 50 mins or so! Tried at 1am but by 2ish I was up and back on here/irc. Read through the nintendo mafia thread, then tried sleep again. Mad loud people outside at 3am 'til about 4am, then bin men came, then general traffic and weird awake-dreams. I DID have an awesome hour of thought about the universe. Lots of inconsistencies but basically I now believe in two 'Gods'; I have christened them Eda and Avem; the philantropical personifications of the two 'elements' that combined, or are combining, if you will, to form the current universe. It came a bit unstuck when trying to apply moralistic imperatives, mind you, so my new religion needs a bit of work :P


Wooo! Keys in 30 mins! Cigarette then mild panic then sorted. Off I be going.

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I really feel like shit today. I've been pretty ill over the past few weeks. My body is not accommodating to the diet which I've started. Blood sugars are very low, my meds are making me feel sick (which they hadn't prior to this) I've lost all will to eat and I'm constantly exhausted. Starting to get into a haze of monsterous migraines. I think I've had a bad headache every night for the past two weeks.


To top it all off, I feel like certain friends couldn't give a damn, and they'll just do whatever the FUCK they please.


I'm off work this week, something I'm supposed to enjoy (I mean look how beautiful the weather is) but I don't think I've ever felt this down in my entire life.

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^^Sorry to hear Raining, massive hugs.



I just got back from hospital. Basically I haven't been able to breathe properly for about 3 days, along with other symptoms and this morning I had to go to A&E.


They did an ECG, chest x ray, loads of blood tests (including one on my wrist which hurts like hell) and basically found nothing really sinister, but I have low blood oxygen. They don't really know why but because they've ruled out heart attack, lung clot etc; they've sent me home, in the hope that it'll just go away.


So that's great.

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^^Sorry to hear Raining, massive hugs.



I just got back from hospital. Basically I haven't been able to breathe properly for about 3 days, along with other symptoms and this morning I had to go to A&E.


They did an ECG, chest x ray, loads of blood tests (including one on my wrist which hurts like hell) and basically found nothing really sinister, but I have low blood oxygen. They don't really know why but because they've ruled out heart attack, lung clot etc; they've sent me home, in the hope that it'll just go away.


So that's great.


Jeez that sounds nasty... :(


*massive hugs back for molleh!*


Yeah blood samples taken from the wrist are pretty fooking painful I have to agree! (I had that once and NEVER again)


take it easy and get better soons! :smile:

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I really feel like shit today. I've been pretty ill over the past few weeks. My body is not accommodating to the diet which I've started. Blood sugars are very low, my meds are making me feel sick (which they hadn't prior to this) I've lost all will to eat and I'm constantly exhausted. Starting to get into a haze of monsterous migraines. I think I've had a bad headache every night for the past two weeks.


To top it all off, I feel like certain friends couldn't give a damn, and they'll just do whatever the FUCK they please.


I'm off work this week, something I'm supposed to enjoy (I mean look how beautiful the weather is) but I don't think I've ever felt this down in my entire life.


^^Sorry to hear Raining, massive hugs.



I just got back from hospital. Basically I haven't been able to breathe properly for about 3 days, along with other symptoms and this morning I had to go to A&E.


They did an ECG, chest x ray, loads of blood tests (including one on my wrist which hurts like hell) and basically found nothing really sinister, but I have low blood oxygen. They don't really know why but because they've ruled out heart attack, lung clot etc; they've sent me home, in the hope that it'll just go away.


So that's great.


Megaphailz. Hope you are both feeling better ASAIHPPSTYABTYNHS!!!!!!!

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Also just got back from the hospital. Had a pre-assessment for my wisdom teeth removal. She said I had a nice steady heartbeat. Also she held my hands to check the circulation, but then she told me to rest them. So I rested my left hand on my left leg. But she was sat and my right so when she checked my pulse in my wrist her hand was resting on my penis. it was quite uncomfortable for a while. I'm sure she checked that pulse for longer than she did anywhere else.


And I had to wee in a bottle this morning.

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Not that happy. Last Remnant arrived today and the text is too small. There doesn't seem to be a patch to correct it like Banjo Kazooie had...




That sucks :( at least you should have Tales of Vesperia soon though, the text is plenty big in that Imo plus you get three different fonts to choose from, if Last Remnant is basically unplayable because of the text size, I'd say return it...

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Awww I'm sorry to hear that Raining and Molly. Hope you two feel better soon. *big hugs to both of you*


I'm a bit annoyed at the moment. My laptop had been messing up for a while already, not giving me any internet connection in my room. I figured it was due to the distance to the router being quite big (even though it actually worked before), but today my laptop doesn't even want to connect while I'm sitting downstairs... wait I just checked and it works in the living room, but nowhere else. =/


Also annoyed because I might have gotten a yeast infection from prolonged antibiotics use. Hooray. =(


Anyway, we might make cake tonight so hopefully that'll cheer me up a bit heh.

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You've probably done it, but maybe restart the router? Internet is probably just being a bit crappy for a few days.


Also, bad luck for the yeast. :(


Today, I woke up randomly at half 5, and popped to the loo, and went straight back to sleep. I didn't really need the loo, so something must have woken me, but I don't know what.


Although, I was having a dream about football, and when I woke up the dream was still carrying on in my head. The only thing I could compare it to is if you're watching a band play music on telly, you turn over the channel, so you watch something else but the music still plays.


Didn't receive any post today about jobs or my results on assignments. :( And am now watching Wimbledon on tellly.

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Awww I'm sorry to hear that Raining and Molly. Hope you two feel better soon. *big hugs to both of you*


I'm a bit annoyed at the moment. My laptop had been messing up for a while already, not giving me any internet connection in my room. I figured it was due to the distance to the router being quite big (even though it actually worked before), but today my laptop doesn't even want to connect while I'm sitting downstairs... wait I just checked and it works in the living room, but nowhere else. =/


Also annoyed because I might have gotten a yeast infection from prolonged antibiotics use. Hooray. =(


Anyway, we might make cake tonight so hopefully that'll cheer me up a bit heh.


*big hugs to Innnne*


Seems like us girls are having a rubbish time of it lately. I BLAME THIS PLACE it must be cursed! No other explanation haha :heh:

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You've probably done it, but maybe restart the router? Internet is probably just being a bit crappy for a few days.


Also, bad luck for the yeast. :(


Today, I woke up randomly at half 5, and popped to the loo, and went straight back to sleep. I didn't really need the loo, so something must have woken me, but I don't know what.


Although, I was having a dream about football, and when I woke up the dream was still carrying on in my head. The only thing I could compare it to is if you're watching a band play music on telly, you turn over the channel, so you watch something else but the music still plays.


Didn't receive any post today about jobs or my results on assignments. :( And am now watching Wimbledon on tellly.


Yeah did restart the router many times. It's weird, I have a connection when in the living room, but as soon as I turn the corner into the kitchen the signal is gone. Same with going upstairs, no signal there either. =/

Strangely enough other laptops do get a connection (I'm on my mom's laptop now in the kitchen), so it has something to do with my laptop but I have no clue what. Oh well.

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*big hugs to Innnne*


Seems like us girls are having a rubbish time of it lately. I BLAME THIS PLACE it must be cursed! No other explanation haha :heh:


There must be one who is ok. I'll try to think.


Edit! What about that random Sarah person who posts sometimes? She has the heart in her name. I bet she's ok!

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*big hugs to Innnne*


Seems like us girls are having a rubbish time of it lately. I BLAME THIS PLACE it must be cursed! No other explanation haha :heh:


Hahah yes! It must be N-E doing this to us! I demand some form of apology or something to make it up to us girls. =P

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Yeah did restart the router many times. It's weird, I have a connection when in the living room, but as soon as I turn the corner into the kitchen the signal is gone. Same with going upstairs, no signal there either. =/

Strangely enough other laptops do get a connection (I'm on my mom's laptop now in the kitchen), so it has something to do with my laptop but I have no clue what. Oh well.


Hmm, the wireless on your MaccyMacMac is just being a bit funny, I expect. Give it a few days and I bet it'll be back to normal.


Just had a chat on MSN with a friend (Caz) who I haven't spoken to for a while. It was niiiice. And now...I'm still watching the tennis.

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I reversed into a wall and dented my mum's car whilst she is on holiday! Urgh, apparently I have to get a new door now, my mate's dad was going to pop the dent out and re-spray it, but its just too bad.


She actually didn't seem too mad, just as long as I pay for it... D:

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