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I have mixed Diamond and Pearl sets, so instead of sorting them in to sets I sorted them by rarity and then by card number. Got shinies at the front, then rares, then uncommons, then commons and finally trainers/energies. Left any duplicates in the box.

Aren't the sets set out like that anyway?

TODAY! I have decided that today is a GOOD DAY. Woke up to a phone call saying I have a job interview at HMV this Friday (wooo!) and also to find out that I'd finally won an auction for Red Faction Guerilla on eBay for the price I was looking at. Victoryyyy :D


Good luck dewd. They like people who are clued up on music, so you should do well. I had an interview there and they asked me stuff about music and films. They asked me who were the big winners at the Oscars (so check that before your interview) and what popular films are coming out soon, stuff like that. Check whos in the charts at the moment etc. Appear passionate and knowledgable I guess. :)


No! Go with their company plans of "larger games focus, especially the used Market for higher profit margins".


And then act like you didn't know they were already doing that.

got my "Shawn Michaels Alarm Clock" operational, and the picture of me and Alan Fletcher as my background. pr0


I see that as a plus my friend as well. Its always good to have a fully working clock. Does it play "Sexy Boy" when it goes off (just a thought, as it is a HBK Alarm)

I see that as a plus my friend as well. Its always good to have a fully working clock. Does it play "Sexy Boy" when it goes off (just a thought, as it is a HBK Alarm)

Damn right it does. Then plays Kurt Angle's theme 30 mins later.


Sexy Boy, the Air song?


Anyway. I have applied for three jobs so far today. Did two while on the phone to my ex housemate (for forty minutes, women eh?). Go multitasking. Also arranged plans for next week and when I visit her in a few weeks. Best random quote from the conversation: "who doesn't love talking about my penis?"


Currently listening to some learn Italian podcast read by a Scottish guy...odd. But finding it hard to roll my 'r's. Plus he sais Ciao is bye, while others say its hello...


Anyway going to sit in the sun and play the DS for a bit then return for more job applying. Huzzah!


Oh and I finally replaced my Japan sig/avatar. The sig is meh but I got bored. The avatar is fucking awesome though. Saw the picture in a Japanese magazine last week and it really struck me. Wonderful photo.


I SAW A HIPPO! :grin:


I'm back from Rome! :D Got Back about 4 hours ago. :) It was awesome!


I did so much walking it's unbelivable and yet I still didn't lose any weight! Goddamn Italian Pizzas!


*shakes fist in a comical fashion*


The 5 days consisted of 45 minute sleeps, being conned, sunshine, icecream at midnight, TORRENTIAL RAIN (which was win), seeing all the sites, The Zoo, Pizza etc.


It shows I can live for 5 days without dying. :bouncy:


Back to normality now and let the Pokemon Challenge, BEGIN! :yay:

I'm re-annoyed. I believe now that where i work is victimising me and my team leader. I will explain all later, if anyone requires.


What are they doing? Redundancy is ugly business.



had a fairly good day!!

i worked from 10 till 3 then decided that since i'm well in to my overdraft anyway i may as well roll around in it ~ went charity-shopping and bought some green shoes, a white top that might go with the dress i'ma wear for a big family party in august... some jeans.... and thats it. such a nice sunny day :smile: was feeling pretty good....



...until i noticed that a couple of the more crucial buttons on my work shirt had come undone O_____O




...at least i was wearing a nice bra...?

X_____X *sigh!*


well, i forgot to mention my major gripe while driving today.


ok, so when thouse of you who drive see a car with a big L on top of it, signifying a learner driver, what do you do? if your the motorbike driver i encountered today, it turns out the answer is "drive as close as possible to the back at 40mps coming up to a set of lights." seriosuly, i was worried i was going to kill the bastard. the l plate means im going to be making mistakes, so keep back dip shit!

Got it from the Galbadia Hotel, then slammed it on my phone.

That place is still alive? I totally forgot about it.


Today I awoke at 6:30am. No idea why that happened so I trundled back into bed and woke up at a more reasonable time of 12:30pm.

I had a bit of a shock when I found a letter for me in the post box. Receiving a letter isn't strange, the fact that it was pretty much the same as those emails you get in your spam folder. The ones that ask you to provide details so that some person can get a ridiculously large amount of money out of a bank because someone has died. It worried me that I received one in the post...

Other than that I've put a few boxes in the attic and looked at tutorials online for some programs.

Dunno how it is now, I got the tracks years ago.


Just tried it now, and got a Google warning that it might harm my PC.

I did the same, then deleted the crappy google thing from infront so it was just the website and it worked. Awesome.


had a fairly good day!!

i worked from 10 till 3 then decided that since i'm well in to my overdraft anyway i may as well roll around in it ~ went charity-shopping and bought some green shoes, a white top that might go with the dress i'ma wear for a big family party in august... some jeans.... and thats it. such a nice sunny day :smile: was feeling pretty good....



...until i noticed that a couple of the more crucial buttons on my work shirt had come undone O_____O




...at least i was wearing a nice bra...?

X_____X *sigh!*


pix or it didn't happen ;)


I sorted my modules for next year,


Theory in Anthropology

Ethnography of Japan

Psychoanalysis and Anthropology

Principles of Social Investigation

General Linguistics


I finally decided on the General Linguistics module after thinking about it over the past couple days. I've pretty much already made my mind up for the third year and this will set me up perfectly for the Anthropology and Linguistic module I'm looking to take.


I'm really looking forward to next year. I plan to pretty much live in the library.


The rest of the day, I read my book. Sat in the sun. Watched a bit of tennis. Completed Prototype; starts off great, losses steam amazingly quickly.

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